Federación Nativa de Madre de Dios
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The Federación Nativa de Madre de Dios (FENAMAD) (Native Federation of the department of Madre de Dios) arises in 1982, to make to respect the rights to his territories, his culture, his socioeconomic development and the healthy life of the different peoples. It is a multiethnic organization that is working as a whole so that the Peruvian society understands his villages and respects his rights, as now it has happening on behalf of international entities, that they have begun to understand the contribution of the indigenous peoples to the culture and world environment. In 1996 there received the International Award Bartolomé de las Casas granted by the Prince of Asturias in Spain, in recognition to his permanent defense of the rights of the peoples indigenous to Madre de Dios.
The FENAMAD is provided with the sub-organization, COHARYIMA, in order that the problems of the CCNN of the Part Discharge And a half of the basin of the river Madre de Dios should be attended, solved opportunely and so that there should be a better and permanent coordination with the FENAMAD and Native Communities belonging to the Indigenous People Harakmbut. The COHARYIMA was created in 1993 as expression of a level of intermediate organization between the communities Harakmbut and the FENAMAD.