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[edit] The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux.
Last update: 16.07.2003.
I moved this article here in the wikipedia because it's very interesting and it's deprecated today in your original site [1], so here we can turn on the actualization activity with all community colaboration.
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One of the biggest difficulties in migrating from Windows to Linux is the lack of knowledge about comparable software. Newbies usually search for Linux analogs of Windows software, and advanced Linux-users cannot answer their questions since they often don't know too much about Windows :). This list of Linux equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software is based on our own experience and on the information obtained from the visitors of this page (thanks!).
This table is not static since new application names can be added to both left and the right sides. Also, the right column for a particular class of applications may not be filled immediately. In future, we plan to migrate this table to the PHP/MySQL engine, so visitors could add the program themselves, vote for analogs, add comments, etc.
If you want to add a program to the table, send mail to with the name of the program, the OS, the description (the purpose of the program, etc), and a link to the official site of the program (if you know it). All comments, remarks, corrections, offers and bugreports are welcome - send them to
1) By default all Linux programs in this table are free as in freedom. (Definitions of Free Software: FSF: and Debian: Proprietary software for Linux is marked with the sign [Prop]. Non-free software (open source or relatively free, but have certain restrictive limits) is marked with the sign [NF].
2) If there is nothing in the field of the table, except "???" - the authors of the table do not know what to place there.
3) If the sign (???) stands after the name of the program - the authors of the table are not sure about this program.
The important ideological difference between Windows and Linux:
The majority of the Windows programs are made on principle "all-in-one" (each developer adds everything to his or her product). In the same way, this principle is called the "Windows-way". The ideology of UNIX/Linux - one component or one program must execute only one task, but execute it well. ("UNIX-way"). The programs under Linux can be thought of as being like the LEGO building blocks. (for instance, if there is a program for spell checking, it can be used with the text editor or email client; or if there is the powerful command-line program for files downloading, it is simple to write the graphic interface (Front-end) for it, etc).
This principle is very important and it is necessary to know it while searching for analogs of Windows-programs in Linux :).
You can read more about it in the book "Linux and the Unix Philosophy": There is a chapter in the book that specifically addresses philosophical differences between Windows and Linux.
Attention! There may be many mistakes and bugs in the table!! ("report about the bugs"
For those who interested more in Windows-software:
1) The "Windows" row in this table is not main. That's why it does not contains _absolutely_ all of existing software - only the best and popular programs.
2) Many of the Linux programs can be run on Windows - with CygWin and other Linux emulators.
Places where you can get Linux software:
<a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> - Two biggest portals. You can find everything you want!!
<a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> - I like these catalogs.<a href="">
</a><a href=""> / Linux</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> - other catalogs.
Programs / packages / libraries search systems: <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a>
Programs and games for Windows, that can be run under Wine/WineX:
1) <a href="">The official catalog of Windows apps, running under Wine.</a> (from Codeweavers). There are already more than 1000 applications in the database, so the catalog is structured and has a navigation system.
2) The official list of Windows games, that can be run under WineX (fromTransgaming). This is a <a href="">search form</a>, and this is a <a href="">full list of games</a> (very big!).
The Sections:
1) <a href="#1">Networking.</a>
2) <a href="#2">Work with files.</a>
3) <a href="#3">Desktop / System software.</a>
4) Multimedia:
4.1) <a href="#41">Audio / CD</a>.
4.2) <a href="#42">Graphics</a>.
4.3) <a href="#43">Video and other</a>.
5) <a href="#5"> Office/business.</a>
6) <a href="#6">Games.</a>
7) <a href="#7">Programming and development.</a>
8) <a href="#8">Server software.</a>
9) <a href="#9">Scientific and special programs.</a>
10) <a href="#10">Emulators.</a>
11) <a href="#11">Other / Humour :).</a>