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The Chino High School Chapter is affiliated with California Association FHA-HERO.
#Why Belong to FHA-HERO
The goal of FHA-HERO is to help assume their roles in society through home economics careers and technology education in the areas of personal growth, family life, career preparation, and community involvement.
The purposes of FHA-HERO are as follows: To provide opportunities for self development and preparation for family and community living and for employment.
To strengthen the family as the basic unit of society.
To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve worldwide brother-hood.
To institute programs promoting greater understanding between youth and adults
To become aware of the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society.
To develop interest in home economics careers and technology and related occupations.
The eight sides of the California FHA-HERO emblem symbolize the eight purposes of the organization. The name of the organization, California organization FHA-HERO, appears around the border and center of in the center of the emblem. The rays extending to and from the center suggest the interaction of FHA-HERO activities has in assisting members to develop personal, leadership, citizenship, and career skills for the future. When wearing the official emblem on the California jacket, members should observe the following guidelines:
The emblems should be worn on the left hip pocket.
The emblem should not be worn in combination with other school or organization emblems or seals.
The name of the school should not be combined with this emblem when wearing it on apparel.
Several scholarships are awarded annually to graduating seniors who are FHA-HERO members and who plan to pursue advanced studies or training in the field of home economics careers and technology and related occupations at one of the following :
1. An accredited four-year college or university,
2. A community college prior to transferring to a college or university,
3. A public or private advance occupational training institution.
4. In addition, leadership scholarships are annually awarded to state officers who meet the established criteria.
Why Belong to FHA-HERO?
FHA-HERO provides for members:
An opportunity to be a member of the second largest secondary career-technical student organization
Leadership and personal growth experiences at the chapter, regional, state, and national levels of the organization
Recognition for projects, skills , and achievement through competitive recognition events, leadership and career development activities, and community service
Scholarships for graduating seniors who pal to major in a Home Economics Careers and Technology related program during their post-secondary training
An opportunity to participate in business and industry job-shadow internships
A unique way to work cooperatively with other students to plan, direct, and conduct activities for students
Development of citizen skills as region, state officers have personal contact with state legislators
Awards and scholarships for Competitive Recognition Event participants
An opportunity to meet new people, to travel, and to combine fun with learning and responsibilities
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