Talk:Film theory
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agree with JButler, film style and film theory are separate categories, not sure how to fix this problem. Article also has no signs of drawing attention to the intense debates that have existed in film theory, the academic founding of film studies (as a result of film theories significance and acceptance into the academies?), and more recent developments in film theory, ie David Bordwell's classical Hollywood cinema, formalist and cognitive film theories (possibly separate articles that can be linked to this page?).
--Jwmcglone 15:32, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Elements of style in a movie
(Note : this suggestion has also been posted on Film theory. Actually, I don't know where this request fits best).
It would be cool to provide an (almost) exhaustive list of what can be discussed in a movie, as well as examples of typical movies of such styles. Example :
- Rythm : alternance of quiet and active times (or whatever :-). Example of a movie with a remarkable rythm : The big sleep
- Field depth : See main article field depth. Example of a movie with low field depth : whatever. Example of notable field depth effects : whatever
Thanks. King mike 07:41, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
This is the thrust of what I'd like to accomplish with a new website I just set up -, if anybody is interested in participating. HamillianActor 00:15, 19 June 2006 (UTC) GAGA IS THE BEST