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Scientific classification | ||||||||||
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Finches are passerine birds, often seed-eating, found chiefly in the northern hemisphere and Africa. One subfamily is endemic to the Neotropics. The name Fringillidae comes from the Latin word "fringilla", meaning chaffinch, a member of this family that is common in Europe. The taxonomic structure of the true finch family, Fringillidae, is somewhat disputed, with some including the Hawaiian honeycreepers as another subfamily (Drepanidinae) and/or uniting the cardueline and fringilline finches as tribes (Carduelini and Fringillini) in one subfamily; the euphonious finches were thought to be tanagers due to general similarity in appearance and mode of life until their real affinities were realized[citation needed]; the buntings and American sparrows were formerly considered another subfamily (Emberizinae). Przewalski's "Rosefinch" (Urocynchramus pylzowi) is now classified as a distinct, monotypic family with no particularly close relatives[citation needed].
"Classic" or true finches are small to moderately large and have strong, stubby beaks, which in some species can be quite large. All have 12 tail feathers and 9 primaries. They have a bouncing flight, alternating bouts of flapping with gliding on closed wings, and most sing well. Their nests are basket-shaped and built in trees.
There are many birds in other families which are often called finches. These include many species in the very similar-looking Estrildids or waxbill family, which occur in the Old World tropics and Australia. Several groups of the Emberizidae family (buntings and American sparrows) are also named as finches, including the Darwin's finches of the Galapagos islands, which provided evidence of Darwin's theory of evolution.
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[edit] Systematics
The systematics of the cardueline finches are contentious. The layout presented here follows the molecular studies of Marten & Johnson (1986) and Arnaiz-Villena et al. (1998, 2001), and takes into account the traditional splitting of the genus Carduelis. The exact position of several genera in the cardueline sequence is tentative.
[edit] Family Fringillidae
- Subfamily Fringillinae - Fringilline finches; contains only four species, which feed their young on insects rather than seeds.
- Genus Fringilla - Bramblings and chaffinches
- Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
- Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla teydea)
- Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)
- Genus Fringilla - Bramblings and chaffinches
- Subfamily Carduelinae - Cardueline finches; a much larger group that contains several genera which feed their young on seeds.
- Genus Eophona - Oriental grosbeaks
- Genus Mycerobas - Mycerobas Grosbeaks
- Genus Pinicola - Pine grosbeak
- Genus Pyrrhula - Bullfinches
- Genus Leucosticte - Mountain finches
- Genus N.N. - Dark-breasted Rosefinch, "Carpodacus" nipalensis (possibly belongs into Fringillinae)
- Genus Carpodacus - Rosefinches (may be 2 or 3 genera; probably includes Haematospiza and possibly also Uragus)
- Genus Haematospiza - Scarlet Finch
- Genus Uragus - Streaked rosefinches
- Genus Serinus sensu lato - Canaries, seedeaters, serins and African siskins
- (Sub)Genus Serinus sensu stricto - European Serin and relatives.
- (Sub)Genus Crithagra - Afrotropical Canaries, Seedeaters, Citrils etc.
- Genus Carduelis sensu lato
- (Sub)Genus Carduelis sensu stricto - Linnets, goldfinches, twite and cardueline siskins.
- (Sub)Genus Chloris - greenfinches and desert finch
- (Sub)Genus Acanthis - redpolls
- (Sub)Genus Loxia - Crossbills
- Genus Rhodopechys - Trumpeter Finch and relatives
- Genus Coccothraustes - Hawfinch, Evening Grosbeak
- Genus Pyrrhoplectes - Gold-naped Finch
- Genus Chaunoproctus - Bonin Grosbeak (extinct)
- Genus Callacanthis - Spectacled Finch
- Genus Neospiza - Sao Tomé Grosbeak
- Genus Linurgus - Oriole Finch
- Genus Rhynchostruthus - Golden-winged Grosbeak
- Subfamily Euphoniinae - Euphonious finches; endemic to the Neotropics; formerly treated in Thraupidae.
- Genus Euphonia, the euphonias
- Genus Chlorophonia, the chlorophonias
[edit] References
- Arnaiz-Villena, A.; Álvarez-Tejado, M.; Ruiz-del-Valle, V.; García-de-la-Torre, C.; Varela, P.; Recio, M. J.; Ferre. S. & Martínez-Laso, J. (1998): Phylogeny and rapid Northern and Southern Hemisphere speciation of goldfinches during the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 54(9): 1031–1041. DOI:10.1007/s000180050230 PDF fulltext. Erratum, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 55(1): 148. DOI:10.1007/s000180050280 PDF fulltext
- Arnaiz-Villena, A.; Guillén, J.; Ruiz-del-Valle, V.; Lowy, E.; Zamora, J.; Varela, P.; Stefani, D. & Allende, L. M. (2001): Phylogeography of crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, and rosefinches. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 58: 1159–1166. PDF fulltext
- Clement, Peter; Harris, Alan & Davis, John (1993): Finches and Sparrows: an identification guide. Christopher Helm, London. ISBN 0-7136-8017-2
- Marten, Jill A. & Johnson, Ned K. (1986): Genetic relationships of North American cardueline finches. Condor 88(4): 409-420. PDF fulltext
- Ryan, P.G., Wright, D., Oatley, G., Wakeling, J., Cohen, C., Nowell, T.L., Bowie, R.C.K., Ward, V. & Crowe, T.M. 2004. Systematics of Serinus canaries and the status of Cape and Yellow-crowned Canaries inferred from mtDNA and morphology. Ostrich 75:288-294.
[edit] External links
- Information on keeping finches as pets (including husbandry, breeding, pictures, video, and song sound clips).
- Finch Info & Pictures Information and pictures about various types of finches.
- Finch videos on the Internet Bird Collection