Food First
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Food First, also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, USA. Founded in 1975 by Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph Collins, it describes itsef as a "people's think tank and education-for-action center".[1]
Food First supports a "bottom-up" approach to solving world hunger, asserting the ability of all countries to feed their own people if they focus on agriculture for subsistence rather than for export.
Food First strongly opposes the policies of free market institutions such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund. As of 2004, it is active in the campaign against the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.
The organisation also opposes U.S. trade rules with the African nation of Nigeria. It claims that the current state of trade is crippling the Nigerian economy and that the trade rules "legalise the exploitation of Nigeria's natural resources".
[edit] Notes
- ^ 2001 Progress Report, Food First News and Views, Winter 2002, Volume 25, Number 84. Accessed online 21 September 2006. The specific self-description comes from "About Food First" in that issue; see page footer for alternative name; Oakland address is on same page.