Category talk:Fourth-generation Pokémon
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[edit] Sprites
Densus 21:53, 26 September 2006 (UTC)
porygon baby, yanma evo, lickitung evo, murkrow evo, two eevee evos, aipom evo, tangela evo, magmar evo, nosepass evo, misdreavus evo, gligar evo (not Dorapion as it already has a pre evo of its own), Manaphy and Lucario pre evos, that's unexpected... plus something that looks like a manlier Gardevoir.
I can see a Magneton evo there too... --Burai 20:20, 28 September 2006 (UTC)
ya i can also see a what looks like rydon evo. Darknobody25 14:07, 28 september 2006 (UTC)
One looks awfully like a Castform and another like a starship-shaped Togetic.
[edit] All Names revealed!
All the names have been revealed at, shouldn't all the articles be edited? The Phantomad 17:19, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
We should wait until an offical source confirms these findings. doesn't count. PDL 02:48, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
Yet..every name Serebii released had been confirmed official? Rofl. User:Plateface 19.18, 16 March 2007 (EST)