Freeze frame shot
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A freeze frame shot is used when one shot is printed in a single frame several times, in order to make an interesting illusion of a still photograph. Hong Kong director John Woo also makes extensive use of freeze frames shots, usually to gain a better focus on to a character's facial expression or emotion at a critical scene.
Freeze Frame is also a drama medium term used in which, during a live performance, the actors/actresses will freeze at a particualar, pre-meditated time, to enhance a particlular scene, or to show an important moment in the play/production. The image can then be further enhanced by spoken word, in which each character tells their personal thoughts regarding the situation, giving the audience further insight into the meaning, plot or hidden story of the play/production/scene. This is known as thought tracking, another Drama Medium. Freeze Frame, Spoken Word, and Thought Tracking are used as Drama Medium in GCSE Drama, as well as Key Stage Three Drama, in schools in England and Wales which follow Government curriculum.-- 23:50, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
A very memorable Freeze Frame is the end of François Truffaut's 400 Blows a New Wave Film which revolutionized film afterwards.