Fritz Lange
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Fritz Lange (23 November 1898 in Berlin; † 16 September 1981 Ebenda) was a Minister for national education of the GDR.
For a long time the Siemens upper six-form high school Berlin Charlottenburg and 1912-1917 the Präparandenanstalt and the teacher seminar in Neuruppin visited 1904-1912. 1917-1918 he was a soldier in the First World War. 1919 he took the teacher examination and was to 1924 people school teachers in Berlin Neukölln. It joined 1919 the USPD and 1920 the KPD and was 1921-1924 in the realm line of the communist group of children. 1924 it became from the school service to dismiss and was 1925-1928 leading functionary of the red front fighter federation as well as 1925-1933 district-ordered of Berlin Neukölln and city delegates of Berlin. It was 1927-1933 editor in the department of agitation and propaganda of the central committee of the KPD and 1930-1932 in the realm line of the combat federation against fascism.
In 1933 he was arrested and came into the KZ sun castle, afterwards he lived until 1942 as a worker and commercial employees. Since 1935 it was actively in the illegal resistance, among other things in the group Bernhard Bästlein and Wilhelm Guddorf and co-editor of the illegal newspaper “the internal front”. In 1942 he was arrested and condemned 1943 from the people's court to five years penintentiary. Until 1945 it was in detention, among other things in the penintentiary Brandenburg Görden.
Between 1945-1948 he was mayor of Brandenburg. Afterwards he was director/conductor of the head department of the centers control commission of the German economic commission and 1949-1954 of the centers commission for national control. 1950-1958 he was a delegate of the people chamber and candidate of the central committee of the SED. 1954 it became as a successor of Elizabeth Zaisser Minister for national education. After criticism on the Vth Party Congress of the SED it was replaced from its functions. 1960-1961 he worked in German Institut for military history in potsdam. For a long time 1955 were distinguished with the patriotic earnings/service medal.