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Litocranius walleri
A gaezelle with very long legs and a long neck which itstands on its hind legs to feed from trees on the African savannah.
The gerenuk lives for 10-12 years
Physical Description
A reddish-brown coat, darker back, and white around the eyes and belly. The legsand neck are very long, and the head small. the tail is short and black-tipped, and the ears are long and thin. Only males have stout, rigged horns that curve forwards at the tip.
Gerenuk live in deserts or dry savannahs ranging from the horn of Africa to Tanzania.
Gerenukfeed on leaves and young shoots, particulary high in bushes and trees.
Gerenuk are solitary, or live in small single-sex groups of 10 indeviduals. they are active durring the day, standing on their hind legs to reach high vegetation. mature males are teritorial and mark their teritory with urine and scent secrations.
Gerenuk are at low risk of endangerment
gerenuk in samali means "giraffe necked" or "giraffe gazelle" in swahili
By Austin Prenevost