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Ghadeer is a common Arabic first name meaning fresh spring or brook of water. It is derived from the stream 'ghadeer-khum'
This is in reference to the day of Ghadeer, where the Apostle Mohammad was returning from his first and final Hajj (pilgrimage) and along with him were more than five thousand pilgrims from all over Arabia and possibly beyond. The Apostle, Mohammad then stopped everyone at a pond, called Ghadeer where he asked everyone to remove their saddles and pile them up to make a pulpit. That is when the Archangel Gabriel brought the verse of the Qur'an from God saying: "Oh you the Apostle, convey (to the people) that which has been revealed to you, fo if you do not, you have not delivered His message (at all), and God will protect you from the people.." Then the Apostle asked the throng of people, "O people, have I more authority over you then you have over yoursleves?" the people answered, "Yes, O Aposlte of God." Then the Apostle said, "Of whomksoever I have authority over, this Ali has authority over. O God, befriend those who befriend Ali, and deceive he who deceives Ali." Then the Archaangel Gabrel again returned with a verse from God, "Today I perfected for you your religion and have completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam (submission to God) as your religion." God says in the Qur'aan, "When I take away a sign, I replace it with a similar or a better sign." The Aposlte of God is the best sign , and when God took him away he placed Ali as the successor and as the similar sign.
[1] Ibn-e Jareer Tabary writes in his book "walaayet" a tradtion from Zaid bin Arqam
[2] Hafidz Abu Na'eem Asfahanie writes in "Maa anzala minal-Quraan fee Alliyin" from companion Abu sa'eed Al-Khadarie
[3] Khateeb Baghdaadee writes in his history book, how Hadzrat Omar greeted Sayad-enaa Ali on the day of Ghadeer, in Ghadeer-e Khum.
{All three references are also mentioned in "Tafseer-e Namoonah 3rd volume in the tafseer of Al maa'idah} and other tafseer books.
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