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Herkenhoff is a surname. Its origin seems to be nowadays boarder area between Germany and the Netherlands. That's why there are various ways to tell the meaning of the name. It could be explained though Dutch, German or dialectic words. The second part of the name surely means "yard". The first part could mean Herke [a goddess], Herken [german dialect of "little lord"] or even "herkennen" [Dutch: "to get to know"].
[edit] Geographic spreading of this family name
There is a town near Osnabrueck in Germany, where many Herkenhoff families have their roots. It's called Hagen a.T.W.. In the 19th century many families emigrated to Brazil, so there can be found quite a lot Herkenhoff families as well.
[edit] Famous persons
- Herkenhoff, Paulo, Museum of Modern Art.
- Herkenhoff, Ulrich, Panfluteplayer e.g. The Lord of the Rings.
- Herkenhoff, Regina, Brazilian Chronicle writer.
[edit] External links
- http://www.herkenhoff.com - Familypage with international links [e.g. herkenhoff.nl]
- http://www.herkenhoff.net - computer company from Ibbenbueren-Laggenbeck
- http://www.art-of-pan.de - Ulrich Herkenhoff [ Panfluteplayer ]
- http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/About/People/KenHerkenhoff/ Ken Herkenhoff, Geologist