Hermsprong or Man as he is not
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Hermsprong or Man as he is not is the 1796 Philosophical novel by Robert Bage.
It is the main work for which he is remembered and was his last novel.
[edit] Plot introduction
Although regarded as radical at the time, the novel is somewhat disjointed. The first section of the novel is a wit novel with a strong philosophical content. However, it then turns to a sentimental novel form and follows a romance.
[edit] Plot summary
The philosophical challenge of the novel is that it concerns an American who has been raised entirely by American Indians, without either formal education or religion. With only nature to teach him, he sees through the hypocrisy of society and English manners. It is notable for pursuing the theme of the noble savage and, in particular, nativism. When the novel exchanges social satire for a love story, however, it loses any power to debunk educational and classist abuses.