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The title should be changed to 'Herzliya' with 1 'Y'. I don't know how to do that...
Why? Road-signs in Israel read 'Herzliyya'. I know it looks funny, but still...
- the correct transliteration of the hebrew הרצליה is 'Herzliyyāh' or 'Hertsliyyāh' (altho the latter isnt used, given the fact that 'Herzl' was a european spelling converted into hebrew). there are two 'Y's because the hebrew letter 'Yud' contains a dagesh -- in other words, it's doubled. hebrew pronunciation reflects this. the macron over the 'A' reflects a qamats (vowel indicator) and the final 'Heh', together representing a long vowel. this system of transliteration (with slight modifications made for simplicity) is commonly accepted amongst Semitic linguists and academics with respect to Hebrew, and resembles the one used to transliterate Arabic.
- regarding street signs: israel is notorious for lack of consistency. i have seen signs that read 'herzlia', 'hertzliya', 'herzliya', 'herzliyya', and 'herzliyyah'. it's commonly been advocated that israeli civil servants agree upon a single transliteration system, but so far it's pretty much been up to each individual's discretion.
[edit] Sister City
I think Herzliyya has some sister cities, is anybody know which? and maybe can add to the article.-- 13:57, 30 March 2006 (UTC)