From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] About me
Yo. Name's Jason. However, a shortened form of my name isn't quite what I'm named after (see below). I'm a 24-year-old resident of Lynnwood, WA, and a University of Missouri-Rolla graduate. I'm a big fan of video games, Homestar Runner, Gargoyles, and Harry Potter.
[edit] About Wikipedia projects
- Occasional gnome work and fact addition, where I feel it's relevant, mostly on video game-related articles.
- Donkey Kong's animal buddies - wrote it, monitor it.
[edit] About other projects
- I am a sysop on the Homestar Runner Wiki, under just the name "Jay".
- I have created an RPG Maker game entitled Jay's Journey. It's a parody of RPGs like Final Fantasy, full of drama and excitement and talking kitties! (See, that's what my name is based on!)
That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates! Or something...