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[edit] My Interests
[edit] Gaming (Favorites)
All time: Chrono Trigger -- Has my vote for best RPG for the SNES, even above Final Fantasy VI.
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy -- Single-player was rather lack-luster, but the multiplayer has undying appeal and is incredibly unique.
Neverwinter Nights -- Flawed, but the communities that it created are amazing.
- City of Arabel [1] - Incredible roleplaying server. Quite possibly the most addicting experience I've ever had.
Half-Life -- Best single-player experience in an FPS ever.
Morrowind -- Does not just emulate another world; it IS another world. That's how huge this game is.
[edit] Webcomics
I read a number of webcomics with regularity.
Penny Arcade [2] -- Edgy (low controversy, high vulgarity), witty, gaming related, little continuity. News posts are insightful, if often condescending and harsh.
- Favorite character: Frank -- Introducing "Frank", Frank Returns, Going Down, A Humorous Anecdote, On The Periphery Of Valor
- Most like: Mr. Period We're Here to Help, The Bad Boys of Punctuation, Mr. Period Returns
PvP [3] -- Mostly clean (relative to webcomics), often warm, strong continuity. Occasional amusing news post or rant.
VG Cats [6] -- Quirky, strongly gaming-related.
- Favorite strips: S'all right? S'all right., Dead & Loving It, Skittles, Ozzy
Sinfest [7] -- Edgy (high controversy, moderate vulgarity), witty, natural flowing, and just as often delves into commentary as humor. Moderate continuity (with some isolated, separate, sometimes fanta sequences). I recommend reading these in bunches rather than as they update; singular comics may leave you feeling a little unsatisfied. Due to the lack of traditional punchlines, each individual comic has less... impact, for lack of a better word; that is NOT a negative indicator on the strip's quality.
Perry Bible Fellowship [10] -- The Far Side on crack, is probably the best way I can describe this comic. Surreal, clever, and often darkly humorous. Zero continuity. Oh, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible... or fellowship... or "Perry" for that matter... go figure.
- Favorite strip: Gigaknight®