Holos the Healer
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Saint Holos was a Caucasian female of Armenian descent born in Armenia. She was later relocated to a newly established small village which was populated by Armenian immigrants in the Republic of Iran (Persia) called Peria, because of the 1915 genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks in her motherland, Armenia.
She had a normal life as a child and later as a teenager in Peria where she spent most of her life. (Besides the early years when she lived in Armenia)
When she got older , she discovered that she could go into altered states of consciousness (Trance) where she was able to communicate with Angels.
She was the "medicine-women" of her village and provided herbal cures and remedies to her fellow villagers free of charge. Her only reward was to see their pains go away and see the smiles on their faces once again.
As with most people of that age , especially of the female population , she did not have a formal education and as such she could not read nor write .
All of her knowledge about healing people came from communicating with Angels . When she did not know what to do and how to cure her patients , she would go into a trance state where she would learn what to do from "Angels of the Lord" .
In cases where no other option was available , she could cure the sick by praying for them . She could also perform this service from distance in cases where she could not go to the patient and / or the patient could not come to her.
It is said by many of the villagers that when she was at an age where she could not be of assistance to the villagers , she was picked up by to "Angels" who took her to a "cloud" (Possibly an Unidentified Flying Object (U.F.O.)?) where she ascended to the heavens and to The Almighty Lord Jehovah where his mighty kingdom resides . . No pictures or paintings of Saint Holos are known to exist.