Horus-Maat Lodge
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The foundation of the Horus/Maat Lodge took place on the new Moon of April 26, 1979, at Oz Farm near Cincinnati, Ohio, during a gathering of Soror Nema and the members of the Grove of the Star & Serpent. The goal was to form a loose constellation of Thelemic Mages devoted to spreading the powerful evolutionary energies of the Double Current 93/696, as free as possible from the type of authoritarian hierarchy that is so common in occult organizations.
Self-initiation was encouraged, as it was realized that all initiation is essentially individual, personal, sometimes random, mysterious, and impossible to categorize or define for others. The Lodge sought to make freely available a Way of Magick that the founders have found to be more effective than any other contemporary system or non-system. The symbol of the Horus/Maat Lodge is a red triangle pointed downwards, marked with a black feather of flame in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic style.
Those with a very wide range of backgrounds have been drawn to form a link with the Horus/Maat Lodge. Out of the chaos of magick, wicca, tantra, alchemy, science, taoism, art, voudon, yoga, shamanism, astrology, politics, religion, surrealism, history, physics, psychology, and hermetic philosophy the Lodge believes that the multitude of selves we all carry within us can be joined in a more universal Self.
A fair number joined the Lodge in the first few years, when various gatherings such as the Warrior Lord Working and the Convocation of the Magi took place. On the Outer, the HML then entered a latent period that ended when Frater Aion took all the original Lodge writings and created a new and expanding website for the Lodge at www.horusmaat.com. [1] The Internet has now provided a means of communication to connect a very remarkable and international variety of people from diverse areas and traditions. Over the years the Lodge has made both loose and formal connections with such groups as the Bate Cabal, Q.B.L.H., O.A.I., the Order ov Chaos, various branches of O.T.O., covens, and even more secretive cells. Many practitioners are solitary, or else work with a few close friends.
In practical terms, the Lodge exists largely in cyberspace in the form of the HML mailing list [2], wherein the Lodge has gathered to share insight and play. In the original outline of Lodge structure, it was proposed both active (RHK) and inactive (HPK) members, which has proven eerily prophetic of the number of silent lurkers thereon. The only rule imposed on the list is Mutual Respect, which essentially has meant a requirement which prohibits flaming.
Distributed group magical activities have also assumed importance in the Lodge, in particular the Eleven Star Working and gathering on the astral plane in the Moonbase Temple.
[edit] See also
- Holy Guardian Angel
- Maat Magick
[edit] References
- Free Encyclopedia of Thelema. Horus/Maat Lodge. Retrieved April 18, 2006.
- Karr, Don (2006). Approaching the Kabbalah of Maat: Altered Trees and the Procession of the Æons
- Nema (1995). Maat Magick: A Guide to Self-Initiation. Weiser Books. ISBN 0-87728-827-5
- Oroboros, Shade. Horus/Maat Lodge FAQ. Retrieved April 14, 2005.