From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey, everyone. This is my user page. I really have nothing to put here for now. I'll get around to it later.
Check out some of the edits I made before creating a user account.
Was messing around with Hercules when I got this error message:
00- #c 5/0
- -- CMDSBSYS (#C) L=01 BSP1 05.221 20.19 --
All rights released to all text |
I agree to release all rights, unless otherwise stated, to all my text contributions to the English Wikipedia, enabling anyone to use them for any purpose. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under free use terms, please check the Multi-licensing guide. |
All rights released to all images |
I agree to release all rights, unless otherwise stated, to all my image contributions to the English Wikipedia, enabling anyone to use them for any purpose. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under free use terms, please check the Multi-licensing guide. |
sql |
This user uses SQL queries to locate car keys. |
wob |
This user is a soldier in The War on Blogs. |