Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.
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Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N. (Important - Steal Creamy Refrigerated Edibles - Avoid Meltdown/Cannon And Nap-time Not Occurring Normally) are episodes 102/2 of Codename: Kids Next Door. They premiered December 6, 2002.
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[edit] Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M.
[edit] Plot
Some kids are waiting eagerly for the ice cream truck to come by so they can buy some ice cream, but it goes right past them, ignoring them. As it goes up the mountain, the KND attack it and take control of it. Apparently the KND are tired of the ice cream men driving by when kids want ice cream. Numbuh 1 demands that the ice cream man tell them something, but we don't know yet. Meanwhile, however, some other ice cream trucks chase the KND in their ice cream trucks and try taking it down with a bunch of ice cream-themed weapons. The KND manage to take out the other ice cream trucks.
Numbuh 1 again asks the ice cream man to tell the password that disables the defense system to their factory. He tells them it's FROSTY. The KND get away using a giant mosquito-shaped flying machine called the MOSQUITTOH (Massively Oversized Sooper Quick Undercover Icy Treat Transport On Helio-jets). Meanwhile, the ice cream men who gave them the password goes into another ice cream truck, a long one that resembles a limousine. The Delightful Children From Down The Lane are in there and ask him if he gave them the password. He says he did... and they all laugh wickedly.
Numbuh 1 says the reason the ice cream men don't serve ice cream to kids and lock all the soft serve away in a factory is so they can make a super-big ice cream party with no kids. The KND go towards the factory in the mosquito-like ship. They transmit the password and land. All of the KND (minus Numbuh 2) drill holes in the roof of one of the buildings. Numbuh 3 is shivering because it's really cold. They find the soft serve. The MOSQUITTOH starts sucking out the soft serve. The KND are about to leave (strangely, Numbuh 3 is gone).
The Delightfuls appear and tell them they fell into a trap. The ice cream the KND were sucking out is actually a living ice cream monster that will destroy them. The KND run from the ice cream, but it's too fast. Numbuh 3, meanwhile, finds a thermostat. Since she's really cold, she raises the heat up all the way (to ELEVENTY BILLION DEGREES!!!). This causes the ice cream to melt just before it Numbuh 1, much to the Delightfuls' fury when they discover and demand to know who puts a heater in an ice cream factory.
The melted ice cream carries them all away and they start eating it. The ice cream sweeps through downtown. The kids from the beginning are swept up in it also, and they all decide to have an ice cream party. The stream of ice cream carries them into the sunset as they all chant, "Party! Ice cream party!"
[edit] Notes
- Team episode
- Villains: The Lesser Ice Cream Men and the Delightful Children From Down The Lane
- KND technology used: MOSQUITTOH, Drill Chairs, FINDIT
- Villains technology used: The Ice Cream Men's Trucks, Ice Cream Weaponry, Ice Cream Monster
[edit] Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.
[edit] Plot
The episode begins in the Kids Next Door treehouse with Numbuh One telling the others that he's undertaking a dangerous mission to infiltrate an "adult torture facility" for kids, an amusement park called Hap-Hap-Happyland. After Numbuh One goes with his mother (it's her voice heard in the episode), the other Kids Next Door want to just sleep the day away.
Back-to-back attacks by Count Spankulot, the Proper Patrol, and the Delightful Children from Down the Lane are frustrating, but they fail to rouse Numbuhs Two, Three, and Five from their lethargy.
Numbuh Four cries out, "We're the Kids Next Door!" and says that if Numbuh One was there, they'd be optimizing their defenses now. Numbuh Five half-heartedly replies they'd probably be building a cannon that shoots clams, which inspires Numbuh Four to get them to work on it, appointing himself "temporary Numbuh One's not here leader."
While Numbuh One spends time at the amusement park (poked at all times by a lion-headed mascot who keeps on going, "Who's a happy boy? Who's a happy boy? Who's a happy boy?"), Numbuh Four rises bright and early to get Two, Three, and Five to work on building a clam cannon. But they didn't sleep well (apparently because Numbuh Four was bugging them all night), and the device they do put together is anything but sturdy. In the process of barking orders, Numbuh Four puts on a pair of sunglasses, a bald cap, and dresses just like Numbuh One, appointing himself "permanent temporary team leader of the Kids Next Four!"
Just as the clam cannon is completed, the Delightful Children from Down the Lane return in their drill machine to finish the KND operatives off. The half-sleeping operatives and Numbuh Four put up no defense as the Delightful Children snatch them and prepare to launch them to Pluto in their own clam cannon. (In their previous encounter, the DCFDTL withdrew because they heard the curfew alert, Father's warning to them to return home).
After the Delightful Children pull the outboard motor which lights the cannon's fuse, the cannon explodes, sending the Delightful Children away from the treehouse just before Numbuh One returns, saying it's good to be home. Numbuh Two, Three, and Five rouse themselves when they hear his voice. Numbuh One surveys the wrecked clam cannon and says it's just the weapon they need, but the design's all wrong. Numbuh One says that if they work through the night, they can have the cannon ready by morning. Numbuhs Two, Three, and Five leap to get busy, but Numbuh Four rises from the clam cannon rubble and complains, "Work, work, work! Can't anybody get any rest around here?" Numbuh One asks, "What's his problem?" Numbuh Five shrugs "I don't know" in response.
[edit] Notes
- Numbuhs 1 and 4 episode
- Villains: Count Spankulot, the Proper Patrol and the Delightful Children From Down The Lane
- KND technology used: C.L.A.M.M.A.H.
- Villains technology used: Properization Rays (Proper Patrol), drill machine (DCFDTL)
Preceded by Operation: C.A.K.E.D. |
Codename: Kids Next Door episode Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N. |
Succeeded by Operation: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H./Operation: T.E.E.T.H. |
Operatives - Villains - Allies - Families - Locations - Episodes - Vocal Operatives
Film: Operation: Z.E.R.O.
Comics: Operation: A.I.R.P.L.A.N.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Operation: T.R.I.K.E.
Games: Operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Trading Card Game