Template:Infobox Dam
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Infobox Dam |
Warning this page is experimental, has not been tested, and was modified by a novice template coder
[edit] Usage
Copy and paste the template below:
{{Infobox_Dam |dam_name= |image= |caption= |official_name= |crosses= |reservoir= |locale= |maint= |length= |height= |width= |began= |open= |closed= |cost= |reservoir_capacity= |reservoir_catchment= |reservoir_surface= |bridge_carries= |bridge_width= |bridge_clearance= |bridge_traffic= |bridge_toll= |bridge_id= |map_cue= |map_image= |map_text= |map_width= |coordinates= {{coor dms|50|01|01|N|90|01|01|W|region:US_type:landmark}} |lat= |long= |extra= }}
[edit] Parameter descriptions
- dam_name= Name of dam
- image= Filename of image of the dam
- image_size= override default 250px (avoid using)
- caption= Text for caption beneath image
- official_name= Official name
- crosses= Body of river or stream below dam
- reservoir= Name of upstream body of water, if different than "crosses"
- locale= General area where located (San Francisco, Indiana-Kentucky State Line)
- maint= Maintaining Entity (California Department of Transportation)
- length= Length of dam, w/ metric conversions
- height= Height of bridge, w/ metric conversions
- width= Width at base of dam, w/ metric conversions
- began= Date construction began
- open= Opening date
- closed= Closing date
- cost=
- reservoir_capacity = Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres
- reservoir_catchment = Area of catchment for reservoir
- reservoir_surface = Surface area (top water level) of reservoir
- bridge_carries= If Dam is also a bridge: traffic type and route number (e.g. "2 lanes of US Route 1", "foot traffic"). Required to display other bridge_ values
- bridge_width= width of bridge surface
- bridge_clearance= Vertical Clearance for traffic on top of the bridge, if obstructed
- bridge_traffic= Average Daily Traffic value
- bridge_toll= Price of the toll (if a toll bridge)
- bridge_id= National Bridge ID#, if available
- map_cue=
- map_image= Filename of map image of dam
- map_text= Caption beneath map image of dam
- map_width= Map width in a standard value (pixels, for example)
- coordinates= Latitude and longitude in {{coor}} format
(use either coordinates= or lat= long=)
- lat= Latitude long= Longitude
- extras= free form, spans both columns, use sparingly