International Year of the Potato
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The International Year of the Potato (2008) has been declared by United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/191, adopted 22 December 2005. It is one of many International observances declared for specific days, months and years. The resolution gave responsibility to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for leading observance of the Year, in collaboration with governments, the UN Development Programme, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research centres, and relevant private organizations.
The resolution noted "that the potato is a staple food in the diet of the world's population; desired "to focus world attention on the role that the potato can play in providing food security and alleviating poverty of the population. The corresponding resolution adopted by FAO's own governing Conference on 25 November 2005, affirmed "the need to revive public awareness of the relationship that exists between poverty, food security, malnutrition and the potential contribution of the potato to defeating hunger."
It is hoped that International Year designation will do for the potato what the International Year of Rice (2004) did for that food staple, namely, inspire exhibits, educational programs, films, publications and greater public awareness of multi-national efforts on behalf of our food resources.