International rankings of Finland
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The following are links to international rankings of Finland, including previous years when available.
Please note that this is a helper page for Finland, which is to accommodate a maximum of three years per survey to keep the article size from growing oversized.
Organisation | Survey | Year | Ranking |
A.T. Kearney / Foreign Policy |
Globalization Index | 2004 2005 2006 |
Rank 5 out of 62 countries Rank 10 out of 62 countries Rank 13 out of 62 countries |
Columbia University / Yale University |
Environmental Sustainability Index | 2001 2002 2005 |
Rank 1 out of 122 countries Rank 1 out of 142 countries Rank 1 out of 146 countries |
Heritage Foundation / The Wall Street Journal |
Index of Economic Freedom | 2006 | Rank 12 out of 157 countries |
IMD International | World Competitiveness Yearbook | 2004 2006 |
Rank 8 out of 60 economies (countries and regions) Rank 10 out of 61 economies |
NationMaster | Technological Achievement | 2001 | Rank 1 out of 68 countries |
OECD, PISA | Programme for International Student Assessment |
2000 2003 |
Rank 1 of 43 countries in reading performance. Out of 41 countries: rank 2 in mathematics, rank 1 in reading literatucy, rank 1 in science (tied with Japan), rank 2 in problem solving |
Reporters Without Borders | World Press Freedom Ranking | 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
Rank 1 out of 139 countries (tied with Iceland, Netherlands and Norway) Rank 1 out of 166 countries (tied with Iceland, Netherlands and Norway) Rank 1 out of 167 countries (tied with Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia and Switzerland) Rank 1 out of 167 countries (tied with Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland) Rank 1 out of 168 countries (tied with Iceland, Ireland and Netherlands) |
Save the Children | State of the World’s Mothers | 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
Rank 8 out of 106 countries Rank 4 out of 94 countries Rank 9 out of 105 countries Rank 5 out of 117 countries Rank 2 out of 119 countries (tied with Denmark) Rank 3 out of 109 countries Rank 2 out of 125 countries (tied with Denmark) |
Transparency International | Corruption Perceptions Index | 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
Rank 2 out of 85 countries Rank 2 out of 99 countries Rank 1 out of 91 countries Rank 1 out of 102 countries Rank 1 out of 133 countries Rank 1 out of 146 countries Rank 2 out of 158 countries (tied with New Zealand) Rank 1 out of 163 countries (tied with Iceland and New Zealand) |
UNDP | Human Development Index | 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
Rank 10 out of 162 countries Rank 10 out of 173 countries Rank 14 out of 175 countries Rank 13 out of 177 countries Rank 13 out of 177 countries Rank 11 out of 177 countries |
World Economic Forum | Global Competitiveness Report | 2005–2006 2006–2007 |
Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking – Rank 1 out of 117 countries Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking – Rank 2 out of 125 countries | | World Democracy Audit | 2006 | Rank 1 out of 150 countries |