Intialy Online
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Intialy Online is a game started in mid-2005 by GM_Typhoon (also known as master_link) with the program Game Maker and soc2 (Simple Online Communication V. 2) by Mark Overmars.
Intialy Online Sucks
[edit] Current Features + Features to come.
List of features:
- Minimap
- Fully online movement
- Friend list
- Items/equipment
- RPG system, complete with stats etc. (str,agi,int,vit,dex)
- Working battle system
- Customizable characters
- items that show up on your character
- Multiple maps to explore
- A shop to buy and sell items
- Fully working chat system
- Interactive NPC's
- 24/7 server
- 6 Different classes, each with 2 class advancements
- Abilities
- Season events
[edit] External links
The Intialy Online Forums
Official Intialy Online Website
The Game Maker Forums topic