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Im nursnig student and student activist dreaming about life abroad and growing rich. Born and raised in zagreb, Croatia. By confession I consider my self as an Adventist. Im interested in too many things from economy, medicine, religion to local and world policy. I am against any kind of violence becouse violence brings only violence, hate brings hate, only love can bring love, respect can bring respect and peace can bring peace. I belive that peace, equality and social justice are the highest acivment of modern society. I belive that if this world keeps going as it does now, soon we will not be able to turn back. As jezus said, satan is the "lord of this world", and i think that both Bush and bin laden are antichrists. They both want war, and the war they are waging i belive is their own, and not our. I think that only way for world to become a better place 2 be is for preople to become true christians. Love 2 everybodey:)