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LAst time I checked Utada Hikaru and Ayumi Hamasaki (and prolly everyone else u listed) are J-Pop.
--RE the above:
Firstly, some people define J-Pop rather loosely, in a way that it could even *encompass* J-Urban entirely. If you're one of those people, then well, you're correct by that definition, but that doesn't stop those artists from also being considered J-Urban. =p
I'd agree to argue the Ayumi bit, but it's undeniable that Utada, BoA, and the like have a lot of R&B feel to their music, so that much I wouldn't debate. Ayumi though...heck, maybe a handful of her songs might fit one of these genres. Other than that, I'd sooner categorize most of her work as either dance or rock. I would appreciate an explanation as to what makes her considered J-Urban.
For that matter... anyone want to explain why Otsuka Ai is on the list? From what I've heard of her, I'd consider her pretty much anything BUT J-Urban. >_>
--CnEY?! 20:42, 26 January 2007 (UTC)