Talk:Jack Van Impe
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[edit] Van Impe's Theology
I have a lot more information that could be added to this article, particularly in regard to Van Impe's peculiar version of apocalyptic theology. Unfortunately, my time will be limited for the next couple months. I would recommend someone add information about his theology, as that is truly the most interesting thing about Van Impe. If no one does, I will at a later date. - Jersyko talk 17:48, Jun 4, 2005 (UTC)
- I can't believe I just wasted a half hour of my life writing about this man. Anyway, a lot of the information for this section came from a book review (see the link) from a fundamentalist church that is highly critical of JVI, so there could be some neutrality issues... Also, you may want to change the end of the paragraph, I think I got a little carried away. I don't think JVI thinks all fundamentalists are heretics.- Pbasu 18:02, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
- Well guys, all of this is would probably have to go unsourced, but here's basically what he believes from watching his show over the years...
- Van Impe interprets the Bible very literally. He believes that pretty much all Biblical prophecy is unfulfilled and that all the prophecy will be fulfilled soon.
- He believes adamantly that the antichrist will arise out of the European Union and that he will form a 7-year peace treaty with Israel which he will break 3 1/2 years into the treaty (he derives this opinion from Daniel 7-9). He also believes (from Ezekiel 38-39) that Russia will form an alliance with Arab states for a massive invasion of Israel sometime in the near future. It's safe to say that these aren't exactly "mainstream" Christian views.
- His predictions have changed over time. I remember before 2000 he believed that the Y2K situation would cause Armageddon. He even made a video called "2000: Time Bomb."
Clinevol98 03:24, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Audio
Do we want any audio of this quack? I have a 1970s era album of him preaching about the evils of rock and roll. ALKIVAR™ 10:31, 1 October 2005 (UTC)
I think maybe you could have found a worse audio clip to play (insert sarcasm here). I think you should get a clip that reflects his true feelings on salvation or church unity, something besides him railing against rock and roll. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jaguarjlr (talk • contribs) .
[edit] History
A specific section on the history of the show itself would be helpful to readers. Any show thats been on as long as this must have some sort of story behind it beyond the basic facts of his life. How has it been funded all these years? Who is that wacky announcer guy? How has their message evolved over time? What are some examples of how the current week's news headlines have been "proof" that the world's end is imminent? Why does his 70 year old wife look like she is in her 40s? Is this asking too much? :)
- Good suggestions. There is, as far as i can tell, a dearth of good information on Van Impe on the internet. I contacted his organization a few months ago requesting information for this article, but I didn't receive a response. I would be ecstatic, for reasons I truly don't understand, if Wikipedia becomes the world's best source of information for all things Van Impe. - Jersyko talk 04:09, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
- Van Impe has snubbed me as well. I sent him an e-mail slamming his idea of a "Russian/Iranian" invasion of Israel that occurs sometime around a pre-tribulation rapture. All I used were a handful of Wikipedia articles showing him how Gog, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and Rosh do not signify modern-day nations. If he really believed in his theories, he would have responded. I even went through their stupid e-mail spam filter due to the "large amount of spam JVIM receives." I am a Christian, but I think this guy is gravely mistaken in his end times theology. Clinevol98 23:25, 8 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Famous quote
I hope that this could be added somewhere to this Wikipedia article:
- Nineteen-hundred seventy-four is the year that they are planning for sex on the streets in every major city from coast to coast. And get ready for a shock! The music that they are planning to use to crumble the morals of America is this rotten, filthy, dirty, lewd, lascivious junk called rock'n'roll.
I don't know if this is already included in the sound sample. I think the words are from a 70's radio program, and at least one artist has made a song out of them. See: Pizzaman - Sex on the streets
[edit] Doctorate
I just saw the beginning of his show, and the intro calls him 'Dr. Jack Van Impe' - the wiki entry and anything I could find in a quint Internet search just mentions him 'graduating from bible college'. Anyone know where exactly he earned this supposed Doctorate degree???
- I believe he has several honorary doctorates; but not an earned one. - Jersyko talk 06:28, 4 December 2005 (UTC)
Note that Rexella is also referred to as "Dr.". LCGillies 5 January 2006
It really is amazing that you people don't see what he is trying to tell everyone. Satan has you strung like puppets and you don't even know it. Everything he has talked about is true, your minds are clouded with the culture that is around us today. So keep thinking the way you are now and I bet you will have a change of heart when the Good Lord comes. JSparks 2 March 2006
- Perhaps you should reexamine who is a "puppet" in this case. - Jersyko·talk 03:31, 3 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Roman Catholicism
What precisely is meant by "his acceptance of Roman Catholicism and especially Pope John Paul II"? Has he converted to Roman Catholicism? Or does it just mean that he accepts Roman Catholicism as a legitimate form of Christianity, without being the one he himself adheres to? Angr/talk 22:24, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
Angr, the latter is correct. He is not a Catholic. He's a Protestant minister.Politician818 00:17, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
- I saw his show once where he mentioned Catholicism. He seemed to indicate that the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification means the RCC is now in line with Protestantism or is at least moving in that direction. I should mention that was not precisely how he said it. To people of his ilk "Protestantism" is simply "Christianity" or "Biblical Christianity" so he likely just said Catholicism is becoming more "Biblical." I don't think it's quite accurate to say he accepts Catholicism as Catholicism, he accepts it as a denomination that is evolving toward what he sees as acceptable for Christianity. I've seen other Fundamentalist or Evangelicals take this position, that Catholicism deserves sympathy as it's "on the road" to "becoming truly Christian", and although they mean well in saying it I personally find it highly offensive.--T. Anthony 07:25, 15 September 2006 (UTC)
- Do you have a source for that? I imagine you're probably right. The problem with all things Van Impe, of course, is that his show is probably the best source of information on him, but I pity the person who would want to sit through it enough to find it. · j e r s y k o talk · 13:18, 15 September 2006 (UTC)
- You're right I have no source. Oh well.--T. Anthony 01:37, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Second Coming of Jesus
Dr. Van Impe has never given a specific date for Jesus' return. He has always stated that only the Father knows the specific time of Jesus' return. Dr. Van Impe has theorized that Jesus will return no later than 2018, but he has never given a specific date. Please cite a source saying that he has. Hunter, how are your personal feelings on Van Impe relevant to this discussion? His show is an infomercial, and stations that air him usually state beforehand that his views don't necessarily represent their views.Politician818 00:16, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
According to the local broadcaster of Dr. Van Impe's show in Indianapolis, WHMB-TV, they do not carry it as paid-programming. It is worth noting this channel is mostly Christian programming. Regardless, it appears that his show is not always broadcasted as an infomercial, but also as regular programming.--Patrick80639 17:58, 4 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Not a Fundamentalist?
Can someone please give documentation showing that Dr. Van Impe is not a fundamentalist anymore? He certainly respects the Roman Catholic Church, but he unquestionably holds a literal interpretation of the Bible. Whoever wrote that he is no longer a fundamentalist doesn't really grasp what a fundamentalist is.Politician818 00:30, 13 June 2006 (UTC)