Talk:Jeff Britting
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It should probably not be a surprise to anyone that Wikipedia administrators saw fit to remove an accomplished composer, artist, producer, etc. such as Mr. Britting, likely due to his association with Miss Rand - long vilified by all post-modernist and marxists the world over. The fact that Wikipedia was founded by a "Rand-fan" is, I suppose, unimportant. The reason for Mr. Britting's apparent removal was that he was not "notable". Perhaps you should tell that to the New York Times, or C-Span, or the Ayn Rand Institute, or perhaps AMPAS itself, who nominated Mr. Britting's film for an Oscar in the "best documentary" category.
Well, I was sadly not party to the supposed debate that took place before the entry was removed. I promise to participate this time, and if necessary, I will sufficiently elongate the article and references to curtail any suggestions that Mr. Britting is not "Notable", by whatever half-rational standard used by the "masses" at Wikipedia.
Incidentally, while Wikipedia is a disastrous mix of misinformation, disinformation, slander, innuendo and just plain lies, I do like the idea of seeing at least a few heros among the ruins of what could be a genuine encyclopedia had Wikipedia's founder upheld a modicum of the philosophy that supposedly inspired him to create this mess.