Joaquim Manuel de Macedo
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Joaquim Manuel de Macedo (Born in Itaboraí, June 24, 1820 — Death: Rio de Janeiro, April 11, 1882) - (1820-1882) is an author from Rio de Janeiro. He was a prolific writer of urban Brazil in the nineteenth century.
Graduated in Medicine, in 1844, in Rio De Janeiro, and in the same year debuted in literature with the publication of that it would become his best known romance, “the Moreninha”, which brought him immediate fame and richness . Besides being a doctor, Macedo was also a journalist, professor of Corografia and História of Brazil in the College Peter II, and founding partner, secretary and orator of the Historical Institute and Geographic Brazilian, since 1845. In 1849, he established, with Gonçalves Dias and Araújo Port-Glad, the magazine “Guanabara”, that the Nebula” - considered by critics published great part of its poem-romance “as one of the best ones of the Romanticism. It was member of the Managing Advice of the Public Instruction of the Cut (1866). He abandoned the medicine and he created one strong linking with then Emperor Dom Pedro II and the Brazilian Imperial Family, coming to be teacher of the children of the Princess Isabel. Dr. Macedo also acted decisively in the politics, having being in the Liberal Party, serving it with loyalty and firmness of principles, as they prove it its parliamentary speeches, as stories of the time. During its militancy politics he was provincial member of the house of representatives (1850, 1853, 1854-59) and general member of the house of representatives (1864-1868 and 1873-1881). In his late years of life he suffered of mental problems, dying little before completing 62 years.
[edit] Incomplete bibliography
- A Moreninha (1844) ("The Brunnette")
- O Moço Loiro (1845)("The Blond Boy")
- Os Dois Amores (1848). ("Two Loves")
- As Vítimas-Algozes (1869) "(" Killer-Victms")
- As Mulheres de Mantilha (1871) ("Women in Shalls")
"A Moreninha" (1844) "O Moço Loiro" (1844) "Os Dois Amores" (1848) "Rosa" (1849) "O Forasteiro" (1855) "Rio do Quarto" (1869) "A Luneta Mágica" (1869) "As Mulheres de Mantilha" (1870-71). "Vicentina" (1853) "A carteira do meu tio" (1855) "Os romances da semana"( 1861)
[editar] Plays: "O Cego" (1845) "Cobé" (1849) "Lusbela" (1863).
[editar] Comedies: "O Fantasma Branco" (1856) "O Primo da Califórnia" (1858) "Luxo e Vaidade" (1860) "A Torre em Concurso" (1863) "Cincinato Quebra-Louças" (1873)
[editar] Poetry: "A Nebulosa" (1857)