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JovBlackheart can refer to the following:
[edit] Wikipedia users
[edit] Forum users
- JWSiegel, Octobutt-Numb-A-Thon enthusiast- The Zone, Ain't It Cool News
- JovBlackheart, Oblivion General & Community Discussion contributer- TES Forums
- JovBlackheart (2003-2004), Holocron Dealer & Rebel- SWG Forums
[edit] MMORPG players
[edit] Overview
Jov Blackheart is my online alias. You may know me from the Elder Scrolls forums or Star Wars: Galaxies, but probably not.
I'm currently a full-time student studying networking & computer technology, having earned the A+ and Network+ certifications, with plans to get the MCP and possibly CCNA. However, I'm at a transition point in my life right now, and am considering futures ranging from attending film school to fighting in the IDF.
My interests include watching & making films, computers, the Internet, forums, non-linear games, MMORPGs, the great outdoors, and women (a deprived pleasure).
My major Wiki contributions are to the The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion page, the Wookiee page, and the Buoyant Armigers page, which is a coalition of Urban Dead players from the TES Forums, on the Urban Dead Wiki.
Wikipedia pages I started:
[edit] What do you aspire to be?
At first it was: “A scientist”
And then it was: An AI programmer
After that it was: A game designer
Then I settled for: A computer tech guy
While presently considering: A filmmaker
The Rule of Thumb: My work to be my hobby.
Problem with The Rule of Thumb: I need a healthy hobby.
[edit] If I had three wishes
1) To have the ultimate pocket-PC/limited time-controlling device, which remains unaffected (by the time travel), and conveniently located on my person. I can operate it merely by thought. On it, I will view & manage three life 'save files': One Long-term save (Months/Years/+), 1 Long to Short term save (Days/Weeks/Months/Year or Less), and a 'quicksave' (Weeks/Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds), with the option of starting over (New Game). Also, I can easily get the absolute true answer to any question, and have it graph out any statistic with perfect accuracy. It has the full functionality of any regular PC, is optimally tiny, lightweight, & comfortable to use & carry. It has practically unlimited storage, can meet all time's system & compatibility requirements, has perfect-quality visual & audio output, and faultlessly impenetrable system security, so nobody can see/hear anything on it unless I desire them to. It also employs microscopic machines to instantly upgrade & repair the device (& themselves) either by themselves, or under my command. :D
2) Shape shifting. To assume the abilities & likeness of any one person, animal, or thing- without limit.
3) Mastery of my body. I'd love to have the strength, agility, and endurance necessary to do all the amazing martial arts maneuvers like successive flips and wall-running, and have monk-like abilities, like being able to stop my heart & suppress pain. I'd constantly hop around and free-run city streets.
[edit] Pet peeves
- Having wet socks
- Being asked questions w/ plainly obvious or common sense answers
- Inconsideration, including:
People that think only of themselves
Groups of people walking slowly in front of me
Line cutters
Loud people
Selfish people that constantly expect others to share
- Stupid bossy people & attention whores
- People that are afraid to show weakness
- The smell of calcium supplements
- Overly crunchy snow
- Friction from chalk-like powder on my hands (Produces an effect similar to nails scratching a chalkboard in me)
- When people think I'm younger then I am (It can practically ruin my day sometimes)
- Passive-aggressiveness & people who say "sorry" too much (although I'm occasionally guilty of both, but working on it)
- When people say they'll be your friend, or they love you, but don't really mean it
- Melodrama
- Barking dogs, and the owners that let them
- Raisins when mixed in with oatmeal or bread (though I like raisins by themselves and in Raisin Bran)
[edit] My (pre-release) Oblivion characters
First/Warrior/Good Character:
- Name: Jov Musashi
- Age: 21
- Sex: Male
- Race: Redguard
- Height: 6'0"
- Weight: 186
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Class: Swordsman
- Specialization: Combat
- Preferred Weapon/s: Claymores, preferably Daedric or Elven
- Preferred Armor/s: Elven & chainmail
- Birthsign: The Lady
- House Location: Cheydinhal player home
- Horse: Black horse
- Purpose: Role-playing through Oblivion for the first time.
- Play-style: RP sleeping. Will avoid killing at all costs (could break quests), and will never steal. Jov is helpful and friendly, but doesn't go out of his way to be so. Prefers to run or ride everywhere, never uses Fast Travel.
- Appearance: Jov is of average height, has a muscular/medium build, dark hair pulled back into a short ponytail, dark brown eyes, little facial hair, & a somewhat fair complexion.
Back-story: Named after the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi, Jov is one of Cyrodiil's most naturally talented swordsmen. As he was passing through the Imperial City, Jov stopped for a drink at a Tavern. A drunk local admired his blade & challenged him to a duel for it. Never one to dismiss a challenge, Jov accepted & disarmed the man with ease. Humiliated by his quick defeat, the drunk assaulted Jov when he turned his back to leave. In a defensive reaction, Jov swung his blade around, incidentally severing three fingers on the man's upraised left hand. Being an outsider, Jov has been placed in a holding cell until a proper investigation can be conducted.
Preferred Attributes: |
Starting Attributes: |
Major skills & starting levels: |
- STR: 50
- INT: 30
- WIL: 40 (+10 Birthsign)
- AGI: 40
- SPD: 45 (+5 PA)
- END: 65 (+5 PA, +10 Birthsign)
- PER: 30
- LCK: 50
- 1. Blade (STR): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 2. Block (END): 30
- 3. Light Armor (SPD): 30 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 4. Armorer (END): 30
- 5. Alteration (WIL): 25
- 6. Restoration (WIL): 25
- 7. Athletics (SPD): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
Guilds: Arena Grand Champion, Blades Member
Second/Stealth/Neutral Character:
- Name: Jho'vauna
- Age: 27
- Sex: Female
- Race: Khajiit
- Height: 5'4"
- Weight: 115
- Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Class: Assassin
- Specialization: Stealth
- Preferred Weapon/s: Claws, and fine poisoned longbows
- Preferred Armor/s: Glass and hooded robes
- Birthsign: The Thief
- House Location: Small hideout in the Imperial City slums
- Horse: Nightmare
- Purpose: Second play as a female & using stealth
- Play-style: RP sleeping. Will only kill those assigned to her, steals everything/anything. Never Fast Travels.
- Plan: 1) Rise through the ranks in the Thieves Guild. 2) Join & become master of Dark Brotherhood.
- Appearance: Beautiful, with green eyes, fine light-tan fur, slim but highly toned & muscular. She's perpetually concealed in dark hooded robes & armor.
Back-story: Jho’vauna is an independent and highly skilled thief. The victim of a slaver raid in the Elsweyr wastelands at the young age of seven, Jho’vauna had to witness the vicious murder of her mother & two older brothers when they resisted. She was transported to Vvandenfell, Morrowind and sold to be the single hand for a moderately successful crop farmer. Her new "master" turned out to be highly abusive, overworking her while feeding her negligently, beating and eventually molesting her. Five years later, Jho’vauna had become prodigiously strong of body from toiling in the field for so many years, and strong of will from so much hardship. When the farmer came to her again at night, she strangled him to death in his slumber in retaliation. Stealing some proper clothes, and packing gold and dry rations into a sack, she fled southwest from the province. Over a month later, Jho’vauna was found, collapsed and on the brink of death, in a ditch by patrolling Imperial soldiers, in Cyrodiil -some 500 miles away- fur stained with blood and grime, slave collar still hanging from her starved flesh. After spending a few days in a local hospital she showed remarkable recovery & was transferred to The Uriel Septim Imperial Orphanage in Cyrodiil. Of course, Jho’vauna could not revert to a life of laughter and games among children; she had already suffered enough for several lifetimes. Being antisocial and a Khajiit, Jho’vauna became an easy target for the others to tease on the playground. In the passing weeks she developed immense anger towards the happy children, whose lives had been comprised of naught but sweets, feathered beds, sunshine and games, at least in comparison. The more they bothered her- the worse it got, until, at 15, she attacked one of the bullies, clawing out his eyes and mauling his face beyond any recovery possible through modern medicine or magic. Fleeing once again, she lived out the next 12 years in the streets and shadows of the capital, as a pick-pocket and thief. She grew to be a strikingly beautiful woman, but remained modest, dressing in an exceedingly conservative manner, covering herself in hooded cloaks and thick leather. Seemingly, her skills as a thief grew in proportion to her striking beauty, thus Jho’vauna made a hobby out of breaking into the Emperor's personal library & reading until early in the morning, often "checking out" a few tomes until her next visit. It was on one of these returning trips into the library when she was ambushed by a platoon of royal guards, and thrown into the dungeon prison. Leaving her to wonder by whom they had been tipped off, and why she had been considered important enough to have sent nearly thirty of the Emperor's most elite guardsman to capture…
Preferred Attributes: |
Starting Attributes: |
Major skills & starting levels: |
- STR: 30
- INT: 40
- WIL: 30
- AGI: 65 (+5 PA, +10 Birthsign)
- SPD: 55 (+5 PA, +10 Birthsign)
- END: 40
- PER: 40
- LCK: 60 (+10 Birthsign)
- 1. Hand to Hand (STR): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 2. Marksman (AGI): 30
- 3. Sneak (AGI): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 4. Security (AGI): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 5. Light Armor (SPD): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 6. Acrobatics (SPD): 40 (+15 Racial bonus)
- 7. Alchemy (INT): 25 (+5 Racial bonus)
Guilds: Thieves’ Guild Gray Fox, Dark Brotherhood Listener
Third/Mage/Evil character:
- Name: J. Uragorick
- Age: 53
- Sex: Male
- Race: Breton
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 145
- Alignment: Chaotic-Evil
- Class: Necromage
- Specialization: Magic
- Preferred Weapon/s: Vicious bound axes & magic staves
- Preferred Armor/s: Summoned armor, black/dark robes and hoods
- Birthsign: The Atronach
- House Location: Isolated beds in the Mages Guild basements, the Arch Mage quarters, and finally Frostcrag Spire
- Horse: Travels magically or on foot.
- Purpose: Mage character to become uber powerful with, and be a Vampire.
- Play-style: RP sleeping. Does anything he wants, with a high prejudice to cause as much suffering as possible.
- Plan: 1) Rise to head the Mages Guild. 2) Become fascinated & skilled in necromancy. 3) Complete MQ as mage. 4) Become a vampire. 5) Enjoy being evil & near-uber powerful.
- Appearance: Although only 53, Uragorick looks as though he could be in his seventies. His hair is thin & solid grey; his eyes black and blinding, his posture crumpled and frail appearing, his skin is ghostly white. Dresses in naught but dark hooded robes.
Back-story: Uragorick is a doctor & mage of exceptional talent. He came to Cyrodiil to do advanced study at her superior Imperial University. He will rise quickly through the Mages Guild's ranks, but in the process continually become more aware of his age & failing health. His obsession with his inevitable death evolves into an ugly taste for Necromancy, which he begins openly practicing, while conducting illegal & quite immoral experiments in private. His perverse interest in death & fantasy of evading it climaxes when he discovers Cyrodiil's vampire underworld, and joins their ranks eternally. Uragorick is spending the night in the Imperial jail for suspicious loitering in the Imperial cemetery after dark.
Preferred Attributes: |
Starting Attributes: |
Major skills & starting levels: |
- STR: 40
- INT: 55 (+5 PA)
- WIL: 55 (+15 PA)
- AGI: 30
- SPD: 30
- END: 30
- PER: 40
- LCK: 50
- 1. Illusion: 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 2. Destruction (WIL): 30
- 3. Restoration (WIL): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 4. Alteration (WIL): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 5. Mysticism (INT): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 6. Conjuration (INT): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 7. Alchemy (INT): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
Guilds: Mages Guild Arch Mage, Vampire Clan Master
Fun Character:
- Name: Glubbenny J. Glackwater II
- Age: 40
- Sex: Male
- Race: Imperial
- Height: 5'9"
- Weight: 239
- Alignment: Chaotic-Good
- Class: Entreprena
- Specialization: Stealth
- Preferred Weapon/s: Bow, for hunting, Hands, for slapping
- Preferred Armor/s: N/A, extravagant clothing and jewels
- Birthsign: The Thief
- House Location: A coastal manor in Anvil & a small, but nice apartment in the Capital
- Horse: A lovely white horse.
- Purpose: Comic relief character to play with at any time to have fun with.
- Play-style: He does anything within alignment. Non-combatant, Stays within the cities & their outskirts, but may visit others.
- Appearance: A fat but charming civilian. Light blond hair, blue eyes, soft pale skin, wears extravagant clothing.
Back-story: Son of the well known survivor of an unfortunate sea voyage. Artist, lover, and saint, Glubbenny flourishes in all things Nuevo & exquisite. He loves gourmet foods, fine sherry, the company of young women and men. Glubbenny lives in the small port town of Anvil, but owns an apartment in the Capital, where he spends most of his time. It is Glubbenny's utmost goal in life to gain a monopoly on the Capital's import/export trade & become her most powerful businessman. Glubbenny is having an adventure spending a week in the Imperial jail for making an inappropriate sexual gesture towards the Emperor during a recent parade.
Preferred Attributes: |
Starting Attributes: |
Major skills & starting levels: |
- STR: 40
- INT: 55 (+5 PA)
- WIL: 30
- AGI: 40 (+10 Birthsign)
- SPD: 50 (+10 Birthsign)
- END: 40
- PER: 65 (+5 PA)
- LCK: 50 (+10 Birthsign)
- 1. Speechcraft (PER): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 2. Mercantile (PER): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 3. Illusion (PER): 25
- 4. Sneak (AGI): 30
- 5. Security (AGI): 30
- 6. Alchemy (INT): 25
- 7. Conjuration (INT): 25
Guilds: Low ranking member of the local Fighters Guilds, Mages Guilds & Thieves’ Guilds.
Fourth/Best-of-all-worlds character:
- Name: Jov Blackheart
- Age: 22
- Sex: Male
- Race: Nord
- Height: 6'3"
- Weight: 226
- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Class: Avatar
- Specialization: Combat
- Preferred Weapon/s: Heavy battle axes & war bows
- Preferred Armor/s: The heaviest and strongest armor he can find
- Birthsign: The Warrior
- House Location: Jov lives alone in his camp in the mountains outside Bruma.
- Horse: A black haired warhorse.
- Purpose: Beating the bloody [censored] out of Cyrodiilians.
- Play-style: RP sleeping. Prefers to hike or ride his magnificent horse, and won't ever use Fast Travel. With Jov, the ends always justify the means.
- Appearance: Jov is tall, burly, well tanned, and has the long, dirty hair of a madman. His hair is dark brown, as are his eyes. With his rough, rugged appearance, Jov easily intimidates.
- Back-story: Jov has become the nefarious mountain man of the north; he'll take lip from no-one, and has little room for mercy. He despises all weakness- be it in man, woman, & child. His past is a common mystery, but there are rumors of tragedy & bloodshed. He hunts for his meat & gathers his herbs, but travels into the capital for her exclusive spice trade. On his last trip through, he became irritated by a pestilent local Wood Elf & smashed his face in. Jov probably won't be seeing life outside bars for a few months to come now…
Preferred Attributes: |
Starting Attributes: |
Major skills & starting levels: |
- STR: 60 (+10 Birthsign)
- INT: 30
- WIL: 30
- AGI: 40
- SPD: 40
- END: 65 (+5 PA, +10 Birthsign)
- PER: 30
- LCK: 55 (+5 PA)
- 1. Blunt (STR): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 2. Athletics (SPD): 30
- 3. Heavy Armor (END): 40 (+10 Racial bonus)
- 4. Armorer (END): 35 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 5. Alchemy (INT): 25
- 6. Restoration (WIL): 30 (+5 Racial bonus)
- 7. Destruction (WIL): 25
Guilds: Fighters Guild Master
[edit] Favorite films
Favorite Genres:
Science Fiction, Horror, Drama, War
Favorite Directors:
- Paul Thomas Anderson: Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love
- Wes Anderson: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Royal Tenenbaums
- Darren Aronofsky: Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain
- James Cameron: Aliens, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Larry Clark: Kids, Bully, Another Day in Paradise
- Francis Ford Coppola: Apocalypse Now, Bram Stoker's Dracula
- David Fincher: Alien 3, The Game, Fight Club
- Terry Gilliam: Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Twelve Monkeys
- Peter Jackson: Bad Taste, LOTR Trilogy
- Jim Jarmusch: Broken Flowers, Coffee and Cigarettes
- Jean-Pierre Jeunet: Delicatessen, The City of Lost Children, Alien: Resurrection, Amelie
- Spike Jonze: Being John Malkovich, Adaptation
- Harmony Korine: Gummo, Julien Donkey-Boy
- Stanley Kubrick: The Paths of Glory, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket
- Akira Kurosawa: Seven Samurai, Ran
- Richard Linklater: A Scanner Darkly, Tape, Waking Life
- George Lucas: THX-1138, Original Star Wars Trilogy
- David Lynch: Mulholland Dr, Blue Velvet
- Hayao Miyazaki: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Winds, Princess Mononoke
- Brian De Palma: Scarface, Casualties of War
- Sam Raimi: The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness
- Robert Rodriguez: El Mariachi, Desperado, Sin City
- Eli Roth: Cabin Fever, Hostel
- Martin Scorsese: Taxi Driver, The Departed
- Ridley Scott: Alien, Blade Runner, Matchstick Men
- Kevin Smith: Clerks, Mallrats, Vulgar, Chasing Amy
- Oliver Stone: U-Turn, Born of the forth of July, Platoon, Salvador
- Quentin Tarantino: Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill
Favorite Screenwriters:
- Charlie Kaufman: Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
- Quentin Tarantino: True Romance, Natural Born Killers
More favorite films by misc directors:
300, Akira, American Beauty, Black Snake Moan, Children of Men, Chirpy, Dancer in the Dark, Death and the Maiden, Fargo, Fahrenheit 451, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, First Blood, Five Easy Pieces, Fulltime Killer, Garden State, Groundhog Day, House of Sand and Fog, I Heart Huckabees, Interview with the Vampire, Knocked Up, Labyrinth, Little Miss Sunshine, Man on the Moon, May, Mystic River, Napoleon Dynamite, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Office Space, Pan's Labyrinth, Rocky, Shadow of a Vampire, Sling Blade, Smokin' Aces, Solaris (original), Soylent Green, Super Size Me, The Assassination of Richard Nixon, The Big Lebowski, The Crossing Guard, The Exorcist, The Fly (1986), The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Jacket, The NeverEnding Story, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake), The Thing (remake), Vanilla Sky
[edit] Favorite bands
Though I generally prefer silence, when I listen to music, I enjoy these bands the most:
- Radiohead
- Granddaddy
- Jack Johnson
- Bjork
- Pink Floyd
- Air
- Nirvana
- Moby
- The Cranberries
- Bach
Thanks for reading!