Talk:Justice League Unlimited
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[edit] Extended plot synopses
Can we please refrain from inserting complete recaps of everything that happens in an episode? I know it's fun to show off what you know, but keep in mind the purpose of an encyclopedia. It isn't to tell everybody what happens so they don't have to watch the show, or in case they miss an episode. That's what fan sites or episode-guide sites are for. The purpose of this article is to document what the show is is about, and describe each episode so people know which one is which. That just takes a sentence or two, like people have been doing for most of the series. Tverbeek 17:44, 11 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit] JLU Roster
The list was too long, so I started a new article. Characters Appearing in Justice League Unlimited
- Apparently, someone moved it back. It's waaaaay too long, I say we remove it and link to the characters page. --Gillespee 03:00, 28 November 2005 (UTC)
What's the big deal about a long artice, forstcobainssake??! actually it's a good thing, it makes the article more intersting, it looks incomplete by not havin the characters. I definitively don't like it this linked way!!--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 20:31, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
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...Soooo...I think i'll be bringing back the list soon--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 20:53, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Robin
I don't get it. The producers say they want to have sidekicks but they have Supergirl on there?
- Supergirl's relatively important to the Cadmus storyline. Robin isn't. Doesn't explain why Nightwing isn't involved, though. He's not a sidekick, he's a solo hero that used to be a sidekick.
The reason for no Robin should be obvious... but they won't give us Nightwing, either, because essentially he's just an inferior Batman. In the Batman animated series they could tell some great stories about the two of them, but in a Justice League cartoon where Batman is one of a host of characters, Nightwing is just redundant.
- Not that I'm an expert or anything, but this is at least partially to do with the so-called "Bat-embargo" put in place by WB that won't allow any other Bat-Character (Alfred, Nightwing, or Ras al Ghul) to appear in JLU. Something about confusing continuities or something. No one really understands their logic, so don't bother trying. I would like to point out, however, that if Nightwing is simply an "inferior Batman" I would place Green Arrow, Huntress, and Wildcat in that same categoryas well. Sure, they have personality differences, but that's about it. Wasn't Huntress even Batman's daughter pre-Crisis? Sounds like an inferior specimen to me . . .
Shouldn't Drake have been turned into "Joker Junior" by now anyway? That should hav ehappened long ago but was overlooked long before the Bat-Embargo began. Between that and that horribly stupid "Terry is Bruce's son" plot(is Timm taking ideas from Joe Quesada now?), I don't believe Bruce Timm is in full control of his faculties anymore.
- Possibly, but that wouldn't necessarily occur in the JLU, and given the lack of new B:TAS episodes of late, well, it's understandable why it's not been shown. Oh, and Epilogue was great. Darquis 07:22, 6 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Order of Episodes
Is there a reason why the order of the episodes is not in cronilogical order? Jeff3000 July 5, 2005 03:40 (UTC)
- I assume that since no one has replied, noone will mind if I put them in cronological order. -- Jeff3000 July 7, 2005 06:10 (UTC)
Just as a note -- there is often a conflict between 'air dates' and 'episode numbers'. For example, in Season One, we saw the Injustice Gang under the command of the Amazon Arisa in the episode 'Fury' talking about how much better a leader she is than Luthor; this was BEFORE we got to see Luthor form the Gang in 'Injustice For All'.
[edit] Season 5?
Has the show been canceled or run it's course? Does anyone know if there is a fifth season in the works? -Armaced 05:46, 24 July 2005 (UTC)
Yes, a fifth season is in the works. It will feature the Legion of Doom as the primary adversaries. Their HQ is the old Superfriends Legion of Doom HQ. Details were announced at the San Diego Comic Con, along with a clip. Here is a link to the panel:
[edit] Info on Season 5
anyone wants to add it to the page go for it -sirevil
Ok will do The Fish 17:02, 2 September 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Bat Embargo
How many places do you have to have the exact same information Tman? If the information is on the bat-embargo page, it's not necessary to have the whole thing here too.--Gillespee 17:38, 21 December 2005 (UTC)
having fun?--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 22:29, 21 December 2005 (UTC)
It is call an introduction, that's why i didn't wrote the complete article here, newby. normally all pages with related topics do the same, you can surf around a little an prove if for yourself. noboby is going to go to the bat embargo article if they don't know al least a little. By the way are you following me? i believe we mat on a different discusion page and you have become personal and you are just harassing me . please, i'd really appreciate if stop doing it.--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 22:41, 21 December 2005 (UTC)
You need to calm down. I'm not stalking you. Check out the history, I've been puttering around the Justice League pages for some time now. I'm not chasing you around, we just have overlapping interests in Wikipedia. I just don't see needing two paragraphs on the Bat-embargo in the JLU thread when the actual Bat-embargo thread is only 11. Would anyone else care to weigh in on this? --Gillespee 05:35, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
I've tried to find the middle ground between us and have added more information than I had put in while shortening your two paragraphs. Can we agree on this middle ground?--Gillespee 05:43, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
ok, if you add a couple of lines im happy, haha. but don't thik this is my invention, it's a very common practice to have the introduction paragraphs of a pege after the link, so that the link can capture a little of the readers interest.--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 19:46, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
Again, I'm not trying to contend that there should be no introduction. But a two paragraph introduction to an article that is only 11 seems a little much for me. I appreciate your efforts, and I'm as cheesed off about the bat-embargo as anyone, I'm just trying to keep the wiki looking good.--Gillespee 03:36, 24 December 2005 (UTC)
are you not pissed because of no chances of seeing the joker, the scarecrow, the riddler, aquaman, black manta with his nama, or even the spark of chance of seing again the penguin, catwoman, scarface and the rest???????!!!!!--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 09:48, 24 December 2005 (UTC) do you even watch the show???!!!!
Besides, do you read the wikipedia guides or just pretend to know? the article i not even big enough to be a big section of an article, the can go like 25k with no proble? do you have sand down there or what? and the removal of the list of characters wich i tell you in advance i'm bringing back is not so bright either. wikipedia is against big prose articles, they say it is piont less to remove lists, pics or tabbles!!! and the JLU characters are mostly lists. you need a lot to learn kiddo. somebody did this to you on a real big article and you believe you are a good editor just because you are repeating the operation but the sad thing is that you are doing it without analizing the situation before. and you don't thank me for the lesson its free. next time don't mess with the master--T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 10:00, 24 December 2005 (UTC) In other words keep it 2-3 paragraphs long with flashy names, and we are cool. --T-man, the Wise Scarecrow 10:18, 24 December 2005 (UTC)
YES! I hate the bat-embargo. I miss the characters, don't get me wrong, I DO. But this is an encylopedia not your own personal sounding board for things you don't like about the world, if that's what you're looking for, go get your own website. Again, I'm not worried in the least bit about the lengths of the articles - I'm worried about redundancy. Copying 2 of the eleven paragraphs from your Bat-Embargo article verbatim is not a good way is simply repeating. It's unecessary when there's a link write there, since there is no consensus, I still think this is a better way to do it.--Gillespee 05:35, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
Oh, and could you please knock-off the insults? It's pretty unprofessional.--Gillespee 05:39, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Merger of The Bat-Embargo
I have listed The Bat-Embargo for merger with this page. The info on the Bat-Embargo does not require a seperate page, as the issue can be reduced into one or two paragraphs in the JLU page, be reducing a lot of the extra verbiage and the POV commentary. Vote to merge. Dyslexic agnostic 04:26, 27 December 2005 (UTC)
Do Don't merge it wouldn't fit. Or whatever u like but don't erase it, please. I worked my ass with that article and now is full of quotes to back whatever I wrote...Ok, I created all that bat-embargo research, but what is the verbiage there?? I know I'm the most hated dude on the wikipedia ever, somethig i said not true?? everybody is telling me to quote but, do you remember Mr Burns sideburns thing against Don Mattingly on the Simpson?? I feel just like that!! The article must be like 25% quotes for St. Cobain's sake!!! and I already wrote links to every page you can read to confirm everything i said. What else do you want me to do???????!!!!! -- (I't is also worth noticing that the person who started this proposal doesn't have better credibility than myself, he has become my own personal "Cape Fear" like stalker harassing me wherever I go...Well at least, he shouldn't have more cred...but he does)T for Trouble-maker 04:46, 27 December 2005 (UTC)
- I vote dont't merge, and the disscusion should be here, since all people who worked on this page did it here. It's not fear to us. Specially since I'm the creator and I think nobody has good faith in my person (not like i don't kinda deserve it for my authoritarian tone) The others have no idea of what's going one. They even took out of there the List of JLU characters because the page was "too big". Making it bigger with prose doesn't make sense. Since from what I understand of wikipedia policy, the most common problem with big articles too much prose, I Dunno, but to me, t'd make more sense to merge the characters list first, since lists are not a problem when it comes to sizing an article.--T for Trouble-maker 21:26, 29 December 2005 (UTC)
I vote yes. Two good paragraphs (obviously longer than what we've got in the article now) should be able to sum it up well enough to have people understand what's going on.--Gillespee 17:08, 27 December 2005 (UTC)
Yes, by all means, merge it and tighten it up. At the end of the day the situation isn't complicated enough to warrant anything more than a couple of paragraphs, as Gillespee has said. --khaosworks (talk • contribs) 07:39, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- OK, I've merged and redirected The Bat-Embargo, still needs to be cleaned up though. Dyslexic agnostic 16:16, 4 January 2006 (UTC)
- I shrunk it a fair amount. It now stands at two paragraphs plus a line or two about the Aqua-embargo. I'm almost thinking it's too short now. Maybe we should throw something back in about the Joker and Ras or maybe throw something in about the Bat-Family such as Batgirl (who apparently was slated to somehow appear in Double Date until the Embargo kicked in. But I didn't see a need for a paragraph detailing every characters dissapearance (cough, cough Hugo Strange) or endless quotes from the creators. Feel free to add to it and let me know what you think.--Gillespee 07:34, 8 January 2006 (UTC)
- I took my own advice and added in lines about the Joker and Ra's, leaning heavily on T-Man's originals. As it stands, I think this looks pretty good. Comments?--Gillespee 18:54, 8 January 2006 (UTC)
I find this quite unfear, the merge proposal came from this page and was done without hearing people from the bat-embargo page. besides, all four of us have history that don't aloud us to trust each others good faith. specially since the propposal came from someone that is following me everywhere and don't even know when Harley Queen and Bane were created [1]. I might be very, very wrong about this, but I'm not sure about Khaos experteece* (sorry about the spelling) either; some of his comments had lead me to that conclution, although I hope I'm wrong... I know, a good editor isn't necesarely the biggest fan of its content... but we'd also need people passionated about the topic and the details to keep this even. I remind you this is an encyclopedia, not a dictionary, we have to provide certain level of detail here. You are right, here a couple of paragraphs are more than enough... but the idea of a "subarticle" makes sense to me. If you check the history of the bat-embargo article, you can learn that several users contributed to that article fixing details. It's just not fear, this decitions seems unilateral. you are UK and the bat embargo's ireland you are just doing whateveryou want with info you don't even care about- T-man (from this computer, I forgot my password)-- 00:42, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
- Only one person on the Bat-Embargo talk page voted to keep it. I don't know T-man, it looks to me like there was an honest consensus. But just because I believe that does not mean I want you to disappear from Wikipedia or anything like that. Start posting again soon.--Gillespee 05:23, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
- Several people contributed to that page. And dyslexic admited he doesn't watch JLU at all in my talk page. The proposal was a joke since the begining.
Besides the cadmus saga was very hard to follow in detail. the article might help viewers that don't download the episodes to watch over and over those episodes to get that kind of details. Hugo Strange appeared almost fourteen years ago, it might be tough to recognize dr. moon and not everybody read Batman Adventures (khaos thought this was moot since it ended a couple years ago, but he seems to forgot or ignore that roxy rocket, the second scarecrow looks, etrigan, harley's origin and the hollyday stories firt appeared on that kind of line of comics 3 to 4 years before the respective animated debuts... not very observant from his part); so as you can see, the observations in that article served those other purposes as well. You were right about the excesive quoutes, I put those there so that chaos didn't go over asking me for them. I agree we must save words, but not facts. No matter how trivial, here is the space to share them, the only problem is that we have to ve very careful about how to do it, because they are trivia.
Once again I remind you, this was proposed by someone that doesn't even watcht or know anything about the league and you are fell in his game.--T for Trouble-maker 07:22, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Clean up?
What else needs to be done for the clean-up? The article has been tagged since January 4. I'm certainly willing to help with whatever people think needs to be done.
Or are we just waiting until the AfD finishes to see if we'll be adding the information again?--Gillespee 07:30, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
It's been more than a week and no one has commented, I'll assume that means the clean-up tag can be removed. It was originally tagged the first time the Bat-embargo was merged in, and that section has long been dealt with.
-Dr. Polaris: you gonna watch your hands?
-Flash/Luthor: No..."because I'm evil"!
There!! did I said it first??!!!! haha. :D --T-man... ""worst vandal ever"" 01:50, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] What's with this?:
Dwayne McDuffie has gone on the record as saying that we will never see the golden shield on the back of Superman's cape and the issue of where Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker fits into continuity rarely comes up. Supergirl received a redesign because they said that the white-T design was "too 90s". The new design is described as being based on the new Supergirl from the Loeb/Churchill series with DCAU Supergirl's face and DCAU Black Canary's hair.
Yeah, and Aquaman won't be seen again. However Flash's uniform is red and there are actually 2 presidents Bush in the Unites States, none of them with brains. Therefore esquimos make their houses out of ice.--T-man... ""worst vandal ever"" 08:02, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
- Huh?--Gillespee 15:01, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
What I ment is that the above stuff from the article doesn't make sense.
Dwayne McDuffie has gone on the record as saying that we will never see the golden shield on the back of Superman's cape
Could have something to do with:
Supergirl received a redesign because they said that the white-T design was "too 90s". The new design is described as being based on the new Supergirl from the Loeb/Churchill series with DCAU Supergirl's face and DCAU Black Canary's hair.
But the connection with this is almost none:
Dwayne McDuffie has gone on the record as saying the issue of where Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker fits into continuity rarely comes up.
If those things are indeed conected we'd have to rephrace. Or you'd have to explain it to me :P--T-man... ""worst vandal ever"" 04:56, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
- No, I agree, there's no connection there. I guess the only thing is that Dwanye said them?--Gillespee 05:24, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Aquaman as key member
What's this about Aquaman being a key member? As far as I can remember he was only in one episode between Initiation and Wake the Dead, Ultimen. As Ultimen was an homage to Superfriends, I believe Aquaman was in this episode more because of his importance in Superfriends than the fact that he was taking Shayera's spot. I've never seen any quotes from any creators to say that they were moving in the direction of Aquaman over Shayera. This seems to be mroe fan speculation than verifiable fact to me (especially since Aquaman did appear in Wake the Dead. I removed the passages, but I'd be willing to see them back in if whoever added it can verify it.--Gillespee 17:50, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
- I still see little proof that Aquaman, even informally, took Shayera's place on the team. The closest to verification I have heard is that he sat in her chair (which in my mind hardly counts as verification of such.) I'm going to mark it as needing a citation in hopes of resolving this without argument.--Gillespee 05:05, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] minor det
I added Aquaman's mention back on the JLA characters' sec. That helps making some difference between the JL and JLU and their main rost. Flash was also absent for season one.
[edit] Trivia removal
Removed the following:
- In the original Justice League series, the Javelin was heavily damaged, but never destroyed until it was blown up during the Thangarian invasion. By contrast, the Javelin shuttles in Justice League Unlimited are destroyed with regular frequency, starting with an entire armada of them in "The Return".
It was destroyed, not damaged, in Justice League episode 208, the second part of Maid of Honor. Simnel 01:05, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
- Removed the comment about Nightwing in "Grudge Match" being based on the "How Long Is Forever" Teen Titans appearance. We never get a front-on view of Nightwing, but it is clear from the back that the design (in particular, the head) is the design seen in The New Batman Adventures, which predates Titans considerably. If anything, most folks find the Titans Nightwing design to be eerily similar to the TNBA version, not the other way around. - Alex Weitzman
[edit] "Some fans" -- Bat-Embargo
Cut this... "Some fans have started petitions in an effort to reverse this restriction, or at least to convince Warner Bros. to allow the inclusion of Batman's archenemies the Scarecrow and the Riddler in the Legion of Doom, as they were members of the original Legion. In contrast, some fans feel one of Justice League Unlimited 's strengths is their showcasting more obscure characters in general such as allowing an opportunity for other characters' rogues galleries to take attention such as The Flash's."
Not to put too fine a point on it, but who cares what 'some fans' think? This is supposed to be an encyclopedic article. And a petition to allow character usage in a show which has ended is hardly worth mentioning. Simnel 12:46, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sad to see this show go.
Any chance it will come back on another network maybe? Ashay8 20:36, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- No. There's a new movie in the works, but any future animation is going to be with Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes by a different team of animators led by a producer of the series (not Timm). --Happylobster 16:54, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
you ever heard of Boomerang? TV channel owned by Cartoon Network. Recently Justice League with the big 7 were featured on it. So it might go there or not. Brian Boru is awesome 17:00, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Unnfinished
I doubt the STORY's over,the series maybe....
There is a chance that the JLU of the future will be portrayed in a new series from DCAU!!!!
Many loose end have to be tied up:
- What happened to Galatea and the Ultimen.
- Did the Legion of doom get captured.
- We dont know much of Aquagirls origins and why Aquaman went missing.
- We dont know what happened to Milo's splicers:the warthog,the wolfmen and Tygrus
[edit] Animated Series Batman (character) sandbox
Batman: The Animated Series/Animated Series Batman (character)
During the creation of of that "late" article I always stated that it was a draft or unproject. It took weeks until Bennon cleverly figured out what I was trying to do was a sandbox (which I didn't know how to do until now). Now everyone can edit it with no time pressure and talk about what to do with the info when i's finally finished. I coul'd have created the sandbox in my own talk page, but I don't want anyone to assume I "OWN" the project. Feel free to erase, add and source stuff to improve it.--T-man, the wise 22:34, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
- I redirected this page to to go Batman: The Animated Series. It's naming violates just about every rule there is. What a strange thing for T-man to do. Dyslexic agnostic 06:14, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] JLU/Teen Titans
Is it even worth mentioning the possible conflict between Nightwing (B:TAS universe, shared with JLU) and Robin (Teen Titans) when A) it's never definitively shown which Robin appears on TT (although I agree it's Dick Grayson) and B) There would, by necessity, need to be a gap in time frames for Kid Flash and Speedy to age to be adults on JLU? Darquis 07:25, 6 July 2006 (UTC)
- As I understand it, Teen Titans is not part of the main DC animated universe. - LeonWhite 03:33, 30 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Cancellation
Is there any furhter information on the cancellation of the series? The brief mention in the article doesn't mention any reasons.
- Nothing definitive, but a Wizard Magazine article speculated that both JLU and Teen Titans were cancelled purely for monetary reasons; enough episodes of both have been produced for Warner Bros. to offer for syndication if they so desire, and they apparently decided it was unnecessary to spend money on further seasons. Odd, since it's now been confirmed that DC and Warner Bros. now intend to produce a straight-to-DVD JL animated film, as well as a similar film or films in a more adult-oriented vein for Teen Titans--though such projects are rumored to be in jeopardy due to the lukewarm public reception given to Superman: Braniac Attacks. Of course, since most of this is rumor and not confirmed fact, such speculation doesn't belong in the main article. -- Pennyforth 14:31, 18 August 2006 (UTC)
- Well, considering they recast people in that animated feature (Brainiac, Lex Luthor e.t.c), and also changed Lex's mannerisms/the way he acted in general, is it really a suprise it did so-so when it was released? Tallaussiebloke 08:34, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
- It was Cartoon Network that put a bullet in Titans and JLU, not Warner Animation. As the network which ponied the money up for production, when they said 'no more' WBA's hands were tied.
The JL DTV 'New Frontier' is green lit and going. Brainiac Attacks really didn't affect much (although is regarded as a disaster nonetheless) - a bigger influence (and motivation) was the success of the Avengers Unlimited DTV. None of which is worth noting in the article, this is just an FYI from someone who was there. PS -- I can't understand why people call this show a Dini/Timm show when Paul Dini did little more than write a few eps and didn't even work directly for WBA at the time -- he was on LOST for most of the run. Dwayne McDuffie was the story editor for JLU. Dunno why anyone thinks different - it's in the bloody credits - no Dini, producer credit for McDuffie.raltorn 3:37, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] The founding members list has real name for Martian Manhunter, but not others.
Dream Focus 19:49, 1 October 2006 (UTC) I'm curious about the Founding Members list. It doesn't say Clark Kent, or Bruce Wayne. So why does it say J'onn J'onzz instead of Martian Manhunter? I didn't change it since I thought maybe there was a reason, and I'm not a huge DC comics fan. Is the character in the series currently called by his real name, instead of his super hero name?
- Correct - he's not called the Martian Manhunter in the series. CovenantD 22:09, 1 October 2006 (UTC)
- I've heard his full character name maybe once, but yeah, mostly just J'onn or Manhunter. Tallaussiebloke 08:31, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Trivia section
Once all of the unsourced trivia was removed, all that was left was cast comparisons to other television shows. That is more fancruft than encyclopedic, so it's all gone now. CovenantD 23:39, 19 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Bat embargo link missing
Various redirects to "bat embargo" come here, but there appears to be no section relating to this. Has this been moved to another article? 23skidoo 00:18, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
- Some self righteous asses decided to merge the embargo page with this page and then some other self righteous ass decided to cut down on this page and all info on the embargo was lost in the shuffle of arrogance and egotism. Seriously learn to leave well enough alone any fool could have seen that merging the articles was a bad idea. Stop voting to merge stuff that doesnt need to be merged, all you do is lose info in the shuffle. That's my 2 cents. You can try to look at the history of this page find it and copy and paste--Bushido Brown 23:22, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
- That's one way to win people over to your point of view. Not one I'd recommend, but I guess we'll see how that works for you.--Gillespee 14:35, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
- I love you, Bushido. But my love burns. --Chris Griswold (☎☓) 23:48, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
- Just in case you wanna know, I found a Bat-embargo article on the DCAU Wiki. -- Tom 15:16, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Destroyer
Why is it the episode Destroyer's page has been redirected to the main JLU page? It was marked a vandalism, but the previous page seemed rather complete and detailed.
[edit] Trivia
This section is deleted as it goes against wikipedia rules.See ' X-Men:Evolution ' discussion page for the argument about Trivia that had held.Creating Trivia section is against the rules. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 16:02, 6 February 2007 (UTC).
[edit] contradiction
yet at the top it says only 3 series, i don't know myself which is right, just thought you ought know
Although he is featured prominently in the opening credits, and was one of the original members of the league in the previous Justice League series, the character of The Flash appears only fleetingly in the second and third season, though he has a more substantive role in the fourth and fifth seasons. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 04:30, 1 March 2007 (UTC).