User talk:Karl
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Karl, it appears from the Wikipedia logs that you may be the person who quoted my out of context, pretending to be me, with the effect of portraying me as a Holocaust denier. If so, your ISP will soon have the confirmation; they will know who had use of the offending IP address at the time the libel was posted. I recommend you contact me using the "E-mail this user" feature of Wikipedia--at least, if it was you. If it was you, and we do not come to any resolution, there will be serious repercussions. Canada has fairly strict laws about this sort of behavior. --Len
I don't know if the fact that this page is blank means that you've left, but I never got a chance to answer your comment on my talk page regarding Apartheid.
The reason I was upset with what was going on with that page was not because of the content you were adding. It's for two reasons:
- because it was an edit war, for the most part, over one word.
- To my mind, the article on apartheid should document actual accusations of apartheid, not document accusations of each component of apartheid and analytically decide that that's apartheid (though that would be a good thing to do in another forum). The facts about torture in 2002 clearly had nothing to do with the accusations at the 2001 (or 1983 or 1975) World Conference on Racism, so I think they'd be more appropriate in an article on torture than in an article on apartheid in Israel. I, as a reader, want to know the reasons why the people who are famous for declaring Israel an apartheid state think it's an apartheid state; not the reasons why Karl thinks it's an apartheid state. (Really, I do! I learned some interesting stuff reading up on the Durban Conference and would love to find some more documentation on the previous Conferences and UN resolutions, etc.)
Also, I feel like I've ended up being very terse with you on more than one occasion, and I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the contributions you've made to wikipedia and I'm glad you're here. I realize this may be too late, but I hope you stick around.
[edit] Translating
Hi Karl Just wanted to know if it'll be okay to translate your "Great Game" Page to Hebrew. if you can email the answer to, I'll be grateful! idanbarir