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- BioLotusmon / Data / Fairy(Pixie) / Jungle Trooper
- ShineGreymon Ruin Mode / Vaccine / Light Dragon / Dragon's Roar
- Gizmon AT / Machine
Gizmon AT has no arms and legs, and simply floats through the air, and it has two appendages on the sides of its body that resemble wings, in addition to several cables at the base of its body.
Gizmon AT likely derives its name from the IBM Personal Computer/AT.
- Digimon Savers
Kurata developed the Gizmon AT variety, which were stronger and more durable than the original Gizmon. Its first on-screen activity was to wound SaberLeomon so that he could more easily be stopped by DATS. Kurata then used it against Mercurimon, and managed to Digivolve it into Gizmon XT, allowing it to easily overwhelm Masaru Daimon and his comrades.
- ATレーザー: 眼球から赤いレーザー光線を放つ技。相手の構成データを粉々に分解する。
- ATハッキング
- All Gizmon can fire destructive beams of energy from their eyes, the effects of which can cause a Digimon to permanently delete rather than simply regress into a Digi-Egg.
- Gizmon AT can manipulte the appendages on the sides of their bodies and extend them to strike their enemies.
- Gizmon AT can manipulate the tentacles on the base of its body and shock its opponents.
- Gizmon XT / Machine
Gizmon XT has the main body of the AT variety, but with long arms and legs, balls for a torso, and a secondary structure on the top of its head.
Gizmon XT likely derives its name from the IBM PC XT.
- Digimon Savers
When encountering Mercurimon, Kurata managed to digivolve Gizmon ATt into Gizmon XT, allowing it to easily overwhelm Masaru Daimon and his comrades. However, Mercurimon sacrificed himself to damage it, allowing Yatagaramon to destroy it.
Kurata then used numerous Gizmon XT to ravage the Digital World a second time, this time to collect "Digimon life energy" for the as-yet unknown purpose (later revealed to feed that energy to Belphemon). This campaign culminated in Kurata using hundreds of Gizmon to merge with a giant lance - the "Gizmon Javelin", which he used to destroy the gigantic, city-carrying Digimon ElDoradimon.
The Gizmon weren't seen again after Kurata's disappearance.
- All Gizmon can fire destructive beams of energy from their eyes, the effects of which can cause a Digimon to permanently delete rather than simply regress into a Digi-Egg.
- Gizmon XT can manipulte the appendages on the sides of their bodies and extend them to strike their enemies.
- Gizmon XT has a secondary attack where it unleashes a destructive energy wave from the upper 'eye' on its body.
- Gizmon XT are also known to carry a sort of beam weapon that functions the same as their eye beams, which can also harvest the 'life energy' of their Digimon victims.