Help:Keyboard shortcuts
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Edits will be lost in the next update from the master page. See below for more information.
Template:Phh:Keyboard shortcuts For changing the shortcuts, see User Styles.
The MediaWiki software employs a series of keyboard shortcuts in order to enable users to perform most of the common editing operations without using alternate input devices (i.e. by only using the keyboard).
This article documents the default (English) shortcuts, and also tries to suggest a workflow for the localized Wikipedias in the pursuit for more appropriate, intuitive shortcuts for their users. Hold [alt] then select the shortcut.
Default Shortcuts
This is the list of default shortcuts. The first column should be self-explanatory in most situations. If you find that it isn't, please feel free to edit this section for future users.
accesskey-addsection + accesskey-anontalk n accesskey-anonuserpage . accesskey-article a accesskey-compareselectedversions v accesskey-contributions ? accesskey-currentevents ? accesskey-delete d accesskey-edit e accesskey-emailuser ? accesskey-help ? accesskey-history h accesskey-login o accesskey-logout o accesskey-mainpage z accesskey-minoredit i accesskey-move m accesskey-mycontris y accesskey-mytalk n accesskey-portal ? accesskey-preferences ? accesskey-preview p accesskey-protect = accesskey-randompage x accesskey-recentchanges r accesskey-recentchangeslinked c accesskey-save s accesskey-search f accesskey-sitesupport ? accesskey-specialpage ? accesskey-specialpages q accesskey-talk t accesskey-undelete d accesskey-unwatch w accesskey-upload u accesskey-userpage . accesskey-viewsource e accesskey-watch w accesskey-watchlist l accesskey-whatlinkshere b
The list above is targeted at International/English users, therefore it's ordered by the name of the function, not by the key.
The site's global access keys are in corresponding JavaScript for the skins. For example, the keys for Monobook are in the (protected) page MediaWiki:Monobook.js.
Translator's View
Various Wikipedias will most probably want to use localized versions for the shortcuts. The challenge in this case is finding appropriate shortcuts without duplicating the respective keys. Here is what we suggest as a possible process: use the list below, copying the Wiki source of the list in a local text file, and fill in the shortcuts you feel appropriate in your own language in the second column. Always keep the list ordered by the second column. That way it will always be easy to spot duplicate shortcuts, because all keys you propose for various operations will be easily verifiable by checking the alphabetically ordered list. Also, you will be able to easily find the free keys, so you will be able to assign meaninful functions for them.
The first column in the "table" below is shown for reference, because some key duplicates make sense, and they have already been assigned in duplicate by the developers (e.g. delete/undelete, log in/log out or watch/unwatch).
The first four entries have default values filled in for "your" language (in the second column) for exemplifying reasons; you are encouraged to override those values if that makes sense in your language.
= = accesskey-protect . . accesskey-userpage . . accesskey-anonuserpage + + accesskey-addsection a accesskey-article b accesskey-whatlinkshere c accesskey-recentchangeslinked d accesskey-delete d accesskey-undelete e accesskey-edit e accesskey-viewsource f accesskey-search h accesskey-history i accesskey-minoredit l accesskey-watchlist m accesskey-move n accesskey-anontalk n accesskey-mytalk o accesskey-login o accesskey-logout p accesskey-preview q accesskey-specialpages r accesskey-recentchanges s accesskey-save t accesskey-talk u accesskey-upload v accesskey-compareselectedversions w accesskey-watch w accesskey-unwatch x accesskey-randompage y accesskey-mycontris z accesskey-mainpage ? accesskey-portal ? accesskey-preferences ? accesskey-sitesupport ? accesskey-specialpage ? accesskey-contributions ? accesskey-currentevents ? accesskey-emailuser ? accesskey-help
The list above is targeted at the translator, and it's meant to be functional rather than informational. Therefore it may look inaesthetic in this view; that's because it's meant to be useful in source view, where translators can edit it by continually re-ordering the rows in the list while defining their localized list of shortcuts.
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Wikipedia-specific help
Template:Ph:Keyboard shortcuts
This page is a copy of the master help page at Meta (for general help information all Wikimedia projects can use), with two Wikipedia-specific templates inserted. To update the main text, edit the master help page for all projects at m:Help:Keyboard shortcuts. For Wikipedia-specific issues, use Template:Ph:Keyboard shortcuts (the extra text at the bottom of this page) or Template:Phh:Keyboard shortcuts for a Wikipedia-specific lead (text appears at the top of this page). You are welcome to copy the exact wikitext from the master page at Meta and paste it into this page at any time. To view this page in other languages see the master page at Meta.