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i now reside in banbury and have for 20 years but was born and bred in kirkby i am now 42 .i still miss the people and the place and have family still living there .it will always be special to me cos u can take the man out of kirkby but u cant take kirkby out of the man
I have had to live in kirkby for the last 6 years, and it is a truly dreadful hole, a typical "sink town". The place is characterised by high crime, anti-social behaviour, litter (no-one uses a bin in kirkby), industrial strength scouse accents with a self pitying whine, and an attitude by the residents that all their problems are someone elses fault. Like many people on low incomes the inhabitants of Kirkby are more likely to smoke, drink heavily, use sun tanning parlours and frequent betting shops. The diet of kirkby residents depends largley on takeaway foods, particularly the "chippy". When entering residents houses it is very unusual to find a dining table as "families" (which in reality means co-habitation with illegitimate children, single parent families and often many children from previous relationships) do not eat together or share family time. It is equally unusual to find any books as a high proportion of people are illiterate and the main focus of the home is the television.