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Moved these here because the working list is getting long. I am so terribly absent-minded, so I keep the links to remind me of what I am doing.
[edit] Just Getting Started
- List of medicinal herbs (I've been looking into it, so will share what I have found)
- Anderson's_rule (needs content revision, citations)
- Band offset (needs lots of work - initially correction of citation)
- Literary adaptation (looks interesting - has nothing at the moment)
[edit] Evolving Articles
- The Peace Fund (just added, needs more citations)
- National Black Chamber of Commerce (peer review suggestions here. Lots of info! Adding it a bit at a time.)
- Point of difference (needs content, citations)
- Aquilaria (more content about the different species and endangerment)
- Eaglewood (minor mods - a little cleanup, more content about medicinal qualities)