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Lactogal is a Portuguese dairy products and milk producer company. It was founded in 1996 by the fusion between the three biggest Portuguese companies in the sector - Agros (from Porto), Lacticoop (from Aveiro) and Proleite Mimosa (from Oliveira de Azeméis). It is headquartered in Porto and is placed among the twenty largest agro-food European companies.
[edit] Brands
- Mimosa (diverse dairy food)
- Agros (diverse dairy food)
- Gresso (diverse dairy food)
- Vigor (diverse dairy food)
- Pleno (milk)
- Matinal (diverse dairy food)
- Adágio (yogurt)
- Fresky (fruit juices)
- Águas Serra da Penha (mineral water)
- Primor (butter)
- Castelões (cheese)
- Serra Dourada (milk)
- Milhafre (milk and butter)
- Leche Celta (diverse dairy food)