Leiden Conventions
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The Leiden Conventions are an established set of rules, symbols, and brackets used to indicate the condition of an epigraphic or papyrological text in a modern edition. In previous centuries of classical scholarship, scholars who published texts from inscriptions, papyri, or manuscripts used divergent conventions to indicate the condition of the text and editorial corrections or restorations. The Leiden meeting was designed to help redress this confusion.
The earliest form of the Conventions were agreed at a meeting of classical scholars at the University of Leiden in 1931, and published in an article shortly thereafter.[1] There are minor variations in the use of the Conventions between epigraphy and papyrology (and even between Greek and Latin epigraphy). More recently, scholars have published improvements and adjustments to the system.[2]
Contents |
[edit] Most important sigla
siglum | explanation |
[...] | a lacuna or gap in the original text, not restored by the editor |
[abc] | letters missing from the original text due to lacuna, but restored by the editor |
a(bc) | abbreviation in the text, expanded by the editor |
<ab> | characters eroneously omitted by the ancient scribe, restored by the editor |
{ab} | letters in the text considered superfluous by the editor |
ạḅ | characters damaged or otherwise unclear in the text, ambiguous outside of their context |
ABC | clear but incomprehensible letters |
[ [abc] ] | deleted letters |
vac. | space left empty (vacat) on the stone or page |
[edit] Bibliography
- Sterling Dow, Conventions in editing: a suggested reformulation of the Leiden System, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies Scholarly Aids 2 , Durham, 1969.
- B. A. van Groningen, 'De signis criticis in edendo adhibendis', Menemosyne 59 (1932), pp. 362-365.
- B. A. van Groningen, 'Projet d'unification des systèmes de signes critiques', Chronique d'Égypte 7 (1932), pp. 262-269.
- J. J. E. Hondius, 'Praefatio', Suplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 7 (1934), p. i.
- A.S. Hunt, 'A note on the transliteration of papyri', Chronique d'Égypte 7 (1932), pp. 272-274.
- Hans Krummrey, Silvio Panciera, 'Criteri di edizione e segni diacritici', Tituli 2 (1980), pp. 205-215.
- Silvio Panciera, 'Struttura dei supplementi e segni diacritici dieci anni dopo' in SupIt 8 (1991), pp. 9-21.
- Louis Robert, with Jeanne Robert, Fouilles d'Amyzon en Carie, Paris: De Boccard, 1983, pp. 9-11 on 'Signes critiques du corpus et édition'.
- Ulrich Wilcken, 'Das Leydener Klammersystem', Archiv für Papyrusforschung 10 (1932), pp. 211-212.
[edit] References
- ^ See Groningen (1932) and cf. Hunt (1932); these articles are part of the proceedings of the XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes. Leyde, du 7 au 1 septembre 1931, Section Autonome des Papyrologues.
- ^ See e.g. Dow (1969) and Krummrey-Panciera (1980). Cf. Robert (1983), 9-11 who seemingly rejects Leiden.
[edit] See also
- Epigraphy
- Papyrology
- EpiDoc
- Primary source
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
[edit] External links
- Epigraphic conventions and Unicode (PDF)
- Conventions in the Transliteration of Papyri
- Tagging the Inscribed Text
- Critical Signs: Leiden system plus additions