Limiting recursive
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In computability theory, the term limiting recursive (also limit recursive or limit computable) describes sets that are not computable but are the limit of a sequence of computable sets.
[edit] Definition
A set S is limiting recursive if there is a total computable function g(n,s) such that if
A partial function f(n) is limiting recursive if there is a partial computable function g(n,s) such that is defined if and only if f(n) is defined, and in this case
[edit] Properties
There are limit recursive sets that are not recursive; a particular example is the Halting problem which is the set of indices of Turing machines that halt on input 0. To see this, let g(e,s) be 1 if the Turing machine with index e halts on input 0 after s or fewer steps, and let g(e,s) be 0 otherwise. Then for each e the limit exists and equals 1 if and only if the Turing machine with index e halts.
The limit lemma states that a set of natural numbers if limiting recursive if and only if the set is at level of the arithmetical hierarchy.
[edit] References
Soare, R. Recursively enumerable sets and degrees. Perspectives in Mathematical Logic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987. ISBN 3-540-15299-7