List of Canadian plants by genus
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Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada's biodiversity, this page is divided.
Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic. Those plants whose status is unknown are marked with a ?.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z
Contents |
[edit] Ab
- Abies
- N Abies amabilis — Pacific silver fir, amabilis fir
- N Abies balsamea — balsam fir
- N Abies grandis — grand fir
- N Abies lasiocarpa — subalpine fir
- Abutilon
- X Abutilon theophrasti — velvetleaf, butterprint, Indian mallow
[edit] Ac
- Acalypha
- N Acalypha virginica — Virginia copperleaf, Virginia threeseed mercury
- Acanthospermum
- X Acanthospermum hispidum — hispid greenstripe
- Acer
- X Acer campestre — hedge maple, field maple
- X Acer ginnala — Amur maple, ginnala maple
- N Acer negundo — Manitoba maple, box-elder, ashleaf maple
- N Acer nigrum — black maple, black sugar maple, rock maple
- N Acer pensylvanicum — striped maple, moose maple, goosefoot maple
- X Acer platanoides — Norway maple, Schwedler maple, crimson king maple
- X Acer pseudoplatanus — sycamore maple, Scottish maple, great maple
- N Acer rubrum — red maple, swamp maple, scarlet maple
- N Acer saccharinum — silver maple, soft maple, white maple, silverleaf maple, river maple
- N Acer saccharum — sugar maple, hard maple
- N Acer spicatum — mountain maple
- N Acer × freemanii (A. rubrum × A. saccharinum) — Freeman's maple
- Achillea
- X Achillea filipendulina — fernleaf yarrow
- N Achillea millefolium subsp. borealis — northern yarrow
- N Achillea millefolium subsp. lanulosa — woolly yarrow
- X Achillea millefolium subsp. millefolium — common yarrow, milfoil
- X Achillea ptarmica — false sneezewort, white tansy, sneezewort yarrow, pearl yarrow
- N Achillea sibirica — Siberian yarrow, many-flowered yarrow
- Acinos
- X Acinos arvensis — mother-of-thyme, spring savoury, basil thyme
- Aconitum
- X Aconitum napellus — garden monk's-hood, helmet flower, Venus' chariot, aconite
- X Aconitum variegatum — Manchurian monk's-hood
- X Aconitum × bicolor (A. napellus × A. variegatum) — hybrid monk's-hood, two-coloured wolf's-bane
- Acorus
- N Acorus americanus — sweetflag
- X Acorus calamus — European sweetflag
- Acroptilon
- X Acroptilon repens — Russian knapweed
- Actaea
- N Actaea pachypoda — white baneberry, doll's-eyes
- N Actaea rubra — red baneberry
- N Actaea × ludovici (A. pachypoda × A. rubra) — hybrid baneberry
[edit] Ad
- Adenocaulon
- N Adenocaulon bicolor — trail-plant
- Adiantum
- N Adiantum pedatum — northern maidenhair fern, five-finger fern
- Adlumia
- N Adlumia fungosa — Allegheny vine, climbing fumitory
- Adonis
- X Adonis annua — pheasant's-eye
- Adoxa
- N Adoxa moschatellina — moschatel, muskroot, townhall clock
[edit] Ae
- Aegopodium
- X Aegopodium podagraria — goutweed, snow-on-the-mountain, goat's-foot, ground elder, bishop's weed
- Aesculus
- N Aesculus glabra — Ohio buckeye, fœtid buckeye
- X Aesculus hippocastanum — common horsechestnut
- Aethusa
- X Aethusa cynapium — fool's-parsley
[edit] Ag
- Agalinis
- N Agalinis gattingeri — Gattinger's agalinis Endangered
- N Agalinis paupercula — small-flowered purple false-foxglove, small-flowered agalinis
- N Agalinis purpurea — purple false foxglove, large purple agalinis
- N Agalinis skinneriana — Skinner's agalinis Endangered
- N Agalinis tenuifolia — slenderleaf purple false foxglove, slenderleaf agalinis
- Agastache
- N Agastache foeniculum — anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop
- N Agastache nepetoides — yellow giant hyssop
- N Agastache scrophulariifolia — purple giant hyssop
- Agoseris
- N Agoseris glauca — pale false-dandelion, prairie agoseris, pale agoseris, pale goat-chicory, large-flowered false-dandelion
- Agrimonia
- X Agrimonia eupatoria — medicinal agrimony, church steeples, European groovebur
- N Agrimonia gryposepala — tall hairy agrimony, tall hairy groovebur
- N Agrimonia parviflora — smallflower groovebur, harvestlice agrimony
- N Agrimonia pubescens — soft groovebur, soft agrimony
- N Agrimonia striata — woodland agrimony, grooved agrimony
- Agropyron
- X Agropyron cristatum — crested wheatgrass
- Agrostemma
- X Agrostemma githago — common corncockle
- Agrostis
- ? Agrostis canina — brown bentgrass
- X Agrostis capillaris — colonial bentgrass, browntop, Prince Edward Island bentgrass, Rhode Island bentgrass
- X Agrostis gigantea — black bentgrass, redtop
- N Agrostis hyemalis — winter bentgrass, ticklegrass
- N Agrostis mertensii — northern bentgrass
- N Agrostis perennans — upland bentgrass, perennial bentgrass
- N Agrostis scabra — rough bentgrass, tickle grass, rough hairgrass, twin bentgrass
- N Agrostis stolonifera — creeping bentgrass, spreading bentgrass
[edit] Ai
- Ailanthus
- X Ailanthus altissima — tree-of-Heaven, Chinese sumac, stinktree, varnish tree
[edit] Aj
- Ajuga
- X Ajuga genevensis — Geneva bugleweed
- X Ajuga reptans — carpet bugleweed, common bugle, creeping bugleweed
[edit] Al
- Alcea
- X Alcea pallida — pale hollyhock
- X Alcea rosea — hollyhock
- Alchemilla
- X Alchemilla filicaulis — thin-stemmed lady's-mantle
- X Alchemilla monticola — hairy lady's-mantle
- Aletris
- N Aletris farinosa — colicroot Threatened
- Alisma
- N Alisma gramineum — grass-leaved water-plantain
- N Alisma subcordatum — southern water-plantain
- N Alisma triviale — northern water-plantain
- Alliaria
- X Alliaria petiolata — garlic mustard, hedge garlic
- Allium
- N Allium burdickii — narrow-leaved wild leek
- N Allium canadense — Canada wild onion, meadow garlic, meadow onion
- N Allium cernuum — nodding onion
- X Allium oleraceum — wild garlic
- X Allium sativum — garlic
- X Allium schoenoprasum var. schoenoprasum — chives
- N Allium schoenoprasum var. sibiricum — Siberian chives
- N Allium stellatum — prairie onion, wild onion
- N Allium tricoccum — wild leek, small wild leek, ramps
- X Allium vineale — field garlic
- Alnus
- X Alnus glutinosa — black alder, European alder
- N Alnus incana — grey alder, white alder, hoary alder, speckled alder
- N Alnus viridis — green alder, mountain alder, American green alder, Siberian alder, Sitka alder
- Alopecurus
- N Alopecurus aequalis — shortawn foxtail
- N Alopecurus alpinus — alpine foxtail
- X Alopecurus geniculatus — water foxtail
- X Alopecurus pratensis — meadow foxtail
- Althaea
- X Althaea hirsuta — hairy marsh-mallow
- X Althaea officinalis — common marsh-mallow
- Alyssum
- X Alyssum alyssoides — pale alyssum, small alyssum, yellow alyssum, pale madwort
- X Alyssum murale — yellow-tuft
[edit] Am
- Amaranthus
- X Amaranthus albus — white tumbleweed, tumble pigweed, tumbleweed amaranth
- X Amaranthus blitoides — prostrate amaranth, prostrate pigweed, matweed
- X Amaranthus blitum — purple amaranth
- X Amaranthus cruentus — blood amaranth, purple amaranth, red amaranth, caterpillar amaranth, African spinach
- X Amaranthus hybridus — smooth amaranth, hybrid amaranth, green pigweed, smooth pigweed, green amaranth
- X Amaranthus palmeri — Palmer's amaranth
- X Amaranthus powellii — green amaranth, Powell's smooth amaranth
- X Amaranthus retroflexus — redroot amaranth, redroot pigweed, wild-beet amaranth, rough pigweed
- X Amaranthus spinosus — spiny amaranth
- N Amaranthus tuberculatus — roughfruit amaranth, roughfruit waterhemp, tall waterhemp, tall pigweed
- Ambrosia
- N Ambrosia artemisiifolia — common ragweed, annual ragweed, annual bur-sage
- N Ambrosia psilostachya — perennial ragweed, western ragweed, naked-spike ambrosia, Cuman ragweed
- N Ambrosia trifida — giant ragweed, great ragweed, buffalo-weed, skeleton-leaf bur-sage
- Amelanchier
- N Amelanchier alnifolia — Saskatoonberry, northwestern serviceberry
- N Amelanchier arborea — downy serviceberry, downy juneberry, common serviceberry
- N Amelanchier bartramiana — mountain juneberry, Bartram's shadbush, Bartram's chuckleypear
- N Amelanchier canadensis — Canada serviceberry, swamp shadbush, thicket serviceberry
- N Amelanchier humilis — low serviceberry, running serviceberry
- N Amelanchier laevis — smooth juneberry, Allegheny serviceberry, smooth chuckleypear
- N Amelanchier sanguinea var. gaspensis — Gaspé roundleaf juneberry
- N Amelanchier sanguinea var. sanguinea — roundleaf juneberry, roundleaf serviceberry, Fernald's chuckleypear
- N Amelanchier stolonifera — running serviceberry, running juneberry, running chuckleypear
- N Amelanchier × intermedia (A. arborea × A. canadensis) — swamp sugarpear
- N Amelanchier × neglecta (A. bartramiana × A. laevis) — hybrid juneberry
- N Amelanchier × quinti-martii (A. arborea × A. bartramiana) — Quint-mart's serviceberry
- N Amelanchier × wiegandii (A. arborea × A. sanguinea) — Wiegand's serviceberry
- Amerorchis
- N Amerorchis rotundifolia — small roundleaf orchis, oneleaf orchid
- Ammannia
- N Ammannia robusta — scarlet ammannia Endangered
- Ammophila
- N Ammophila brevigulata — American beachgrass
- Amorpha
- N Amorpha canescens — leadplant, downy indigobush
- N Amorpha fruticosa — false indigo
- Amphicarpaea
- N Amphicarpaea bracteata — American hog-peanut
[edit] An
- Anagallis
- X Anagallis arvensis — scarlet pimpernel
- Anaphalis
- N Anaphalis margaritacea — pearly everlasting
- Anchusa
- X Anchusa arvensis — small bugloss, annual bugloss, alkanet
- X Anchusa officinalis — common bugloss
- Andromeda
- N Andromeda glaucophylla — bog rosemary, rosemary-leaf marsh andromeda
- N Andromeda polifolia var. jamesiana — James Bay bog rosemary
- N Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia — northern bog rosemary, marsh holyrose
- Andropogon
- N Andropogon gerardii — big bluestem, turkeyfoot
- N Andropogon virginicus — broom-sedge
- Androsace
- ? Androsace occidentalis — western rock-jasmine
- N Androsace septentrionalis — pygmy-flower rock-jasmine, northern androsace
- Anemone
- N Anemone acutiloba — sharp-lobed hepatica, sharp-lobed liverleaf
- N Anemone americana — round-lobed hepatica, American liverleaf
- X Anemone blanda
- N Anemone canadensis — Canada anemone, roundleaf thimbleweed
- N Anemone cylindrica — long-fruited anemone, thimbleweed, candle anemone, long-headed anemone
- N Anemone multifida — cutleaf anemone, cliff anemone, early anemone
- N Anemone parviflora — northern anemone, small-flowered anemone
- N Anemone patens — pasqueflower, prairie smoke, prairie crocus
- N Anemone quinquefolia — wood anemone, snow-drops
- N Anemone richardsonii — Richardson's anemone, yellow anemone
- N Anemone virginiana — tall thimbleweed, riverbank anemone
- Anethum
- X Anethum graveolens — dill, Indian dill
- Angelica
- N Angelica atropurpurea — purplestem angelica, dark-purple alexanders, wild masterwort, great angelica
- ? Angelica lucida — seabeach angelica, shiny angelica
- X Angelica sylvestris
- ? Angelica venenosa — hairy angelica
- Anoda
- X Anoda cristata — crested anoda
- Antennaria
- N Antennaria howellii subsp. canadensis — Canada pussytoes
- N Antennaria howellii subsp. howellii — Howell's pussytoes
- N Antennaria howellii subsp. neodioica — northern pussytoes, common pussytoes
- N Antennaria howellii subsp. petaloidea — small pussytoes
- N Antennaria microphylla — littleleaf pussytoes
- N Antennaria neglecta — field pussytoes
- N Antennaria oxyphylla
- N Antennaria parlinii subsp. fallax — largeleaf pussytoes, deceitful pussytoes
- N Antennaria parlinii subsp. parlinii — Parlin's pussytoes, smooth pussytoes, plainleaf pussytoes
- N Antennaria parvifolia — small-leaf pussytoes, Rocky Mountain cudweed, Nuttall's pussytoes
- N Antennaria pulcherrima — showy pussytoes, handsome pussytoes
- N Antennaria rosea — rosy pussytoes, pink everlasting
- N Antennaria subviscosa
- Anthemis
- X Anthemis arvensis — corn chamomile, field chamomile
- X Anthemis cotula — mayweed, stinking chamomile, fœtid chamomile, dog fennel, stinking mayweed
- X Anthemis tinctoria — golden chamomile
- Anthoxanthum
- X Anthoxanthum odoratum — sweet vernalgrass, sweetgrass
- Anthriscus
- X Anthriscus cerefolium — common chervil
- X Anthriscus sylvestris — wild chervil, woodland chervil, cow parsley, beak-chervil
- Anthyllis
- X Anthyllis vulneraria — kidney vetch, lady's fingers
- Antirrhinum
- X Antirrhinum majus — common snapdragon
- X Antirrhinum orontium — lesser snapdragon
[edit] Ap
- Apera
- X Apera interrupta — dense silky bentgrass, interrupted bentgrass, interrupted windgrass
- X Apera spica-venti — silky bentgrass
- Apios
- N Apios americana — American groundnut, Indian potato, wild bean, potato-bean
- Aplectrum
- N Aplectrum hyemale — puttyroot
- Apocynum
- N Apocynum androsaemifolium — spreading dogbane
- N Apocynum cannabinum — Indian hemp, clasping-leaf dogbane, prairie dogbane, velvet dogbane, amyroot
- N Apocynum sibiricum — clasping-leaved dogbane
- N Apocynum × floribundum (A. androsaemifolium × A. cannabinum) — intermediate dogbane, bitter dogbane
[edit] Aq
- Aquilegia
- N Aquilegia brevistyla — small-flowered columbine
- N Aquilegia canadensis — Canadian columbine, red columbine
- X Aquilegia vulgaris — European columbine, garden columbine, culverwort, capon's feather
[edit] Ar
- Arabidopsis
- X Arabidopsis thaliana — mouse-ear cress, wall-cress
- Arabis
- N Arabis alpina subsp. alpina — alpine rockcress
- X Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica — wall rockcress, grey rockcress
- N Arabis arenicola var. arenicola — arctic rockcress
- N Arabis arenicola var. pubescens — sand rockcress
- N Arabis canadensis — sicklepod
- N Arabis divaricarpa — limestone rockcress
- N Arabis drummondii — Drummond rockcress
- N Arabis glabra — tower-mustard
- N Arabis hirsuta var. adpressipilis — hairy rockcress, creamflower rockcress
- N Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa — creamflower rockcress
- N Arabis holboelli var. retrofracta — Holboell's rockcress
- N' Arabis holboelli var. secunda — bristly-leaved rockcress
- ? Arabis kamchatica — lyreleaf rockcress (species status disputed)
- N Arabis laevigata — smooth rockcress
- N Arabis lyrata — lyreleaf rockcress
- N Arabis shortii — Short's rockcress
- Aralia
- X Aralia elata — Japanese Angelica-tree, Chinese Angelica-tree
- N Aralia hispida — bristly spikenard, bristly sarsaparilla, dwarf elder
- N Aralia nudicaulis — wild sarsaparilla, small spikenard
- N Aralia racemosa — American spikenard, Indian-root, life-of-man, petty morel
- X Aralia spinosa — Hercules' club, Devil's walkingstick, prickly ash, Angelica tree, toothache tree
- Arceuthobium
- N Arceuthobium americanum — pine mistletoe, American mistletoe, lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe
- N Arceuthobium pusillum — dwarf mistletoe, eastern dwarf mistletoe
- Arctagrostis
- N Arctagrostis latifolia — polargrass
- Arctium
- X Arctium lappa — great burdock
- X Arctium minus subsp. minus — common burdock
- X Arctium minus subsp. nemorosum — lesser burdock
- X Arctium pubens — wood burdock
- X Arctium tomentosum — woolly burdock, tomentose burdock
- X Arctium × nothum (A. lappa × A. minus) — hybrid burdock
- Arctophila
- N Arctophila fulva — pendant grass
- Arctostaphylos
- N Arctostaphylos alpina — alpine bearberry
- N Arctostaphylos rubra — red manzanita
- N Arctostaphylos uva-ursi — bearberry, kinnikinnick, mealberry
- Arenaria
- N Arenaria humifusa — creeping sandwort, low sandwort, spreading sandwort
- X Arenaria serpyllifolia — thymeleaf sandwort
- Arethusa
- N Arethusa bulbosa — dragon's mouth, swamp pink
- Argemone
- X Argemone mexicana — Mexican prickly-poppy
- Arisaema
- N Arisaema dracontium — green dragon Special Concern
- N Arisaema triphyllum — Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Aristida
- N Aristida basiramea — forktip threeawn Endangered
- N Aristida dichotoma — Shinner's threeawn
- N Aristida longespica var. geniculata — red threeawn
- N Aristida longespica var. longespica — slimspike threeawn
- X Aristida oligantha — prairie three-awn grass
- N Aristida purpurascens — arrow feather threeawn
- Aristolochia
- X Aristolochia clematitis — birthwort
- X Aristolochia macrophylla — pipevine
- Armeria
- N Armeria maritima — sea thrift, Labrador sea thrift, foxflower
- Armoracia
- X Armoracia rusticana — horseradish, red cole
- Arnica
- N Arnica angustifolia — narrowleaf arnica, arctic arnica, arctic leopardbane
- N Arnica chamissonis — meadow arnica, Chamisso's arnica, leafy arnica, leafy leopardbane
- N Arnica cordifolia — heartleaf arnica, heartleaf leopardbane
- N Arnica lonchophylla — northern arnica, longleaf arnica, white-plumed arnica, spearleaf arnica
- Arnoglossum
- N Arnoglossum platagineum — tuberous Indian-plantain Special Concern
- Aronia
- N Aronia melanocarpa — black chokeberry
- Arrhenatherum
- X Arrhenatherum elatius — tall oatgrass, French rye, tuber oatgrass, bulbous oatgrass, false oat grass
- Artemisia
- X Artemisia abrotanum — southern wormwood, southernwood, lad's love, oldman
- X Artemisia absinthium — common wormwood, absinthe, absinthe wormwood, European wormwood
- X Artemisia annua — sweet sagewort, annual wormwood, sweet Annie, sweet wormwood, annual mugwort
- X Artemisia biennis — biennial wormwood
- N Artemisia campestris subsp. borealis — boreal wormwood, Canada wormwood
- N Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata — tall wormwood, beach wormwood, wild wormwood, threadleaf sagewort, sagewort wormwood
- N Artemisia dracunculus — wild tarragon, dragon wormwood, dragon sagewort, false tarragon, French tarragon, Russian tarragon
- N Artemisia frigida — fringed sagebrush, prairie sagebrush, fringed sagewort, prairie sagewort, wormwood sage, pasture sage, arctic sagebrush
- N Artemisia ludoviciana — white sage, silver wormwood, prairie sage, western mugwort, darkleaf mugwort, cudweed sagewort, pasture sage, Louisiana wormwood, Louisiana sage, silver king artemisia, white wormwood, white sagebrush
- X Artemisia pontica — Roman wormwood, petite wormwood, green ginger
- X Artemisia stelleriana — hoary sagebrush, dusty miller, beach wormwood, old woman
- N Artemisia tilesii — Tilesius' wormood, mountain sagewort, oldwoman
- X Artemisia vulgaris — common mugwort, common wormwood
- Aruncus
- X Aruncus dioicus — common goat's-beard
[edit] As
- Asarum
- N Asarum canadense — Canada wild ginger
- Asclepias
- N Asclepias exaltata — poke milkweed, tall milkweed, four-leaved milkweed
- N Asclepias hirtella — tall green milkweed
- N Asclepias incarnata — swamp milkweed
- N Asclepias ovalifolia — oval-leaf milkweed, dwarf milkweed
- N Asclepias purpurascens — purple milkweed
- N Asclepias quadrifolia — four-leaved milkweed
- N Asclepias sullivantii — Sullivant's milkweed
- N Asclepias syriaca — common milkweed, silkweed, silky swallow-wort
- N Asclepias tuberosa — butterfly weed, orange milkweed, pleurisy root, chigger flower
- ? Asclepias variegata — white milkweed
- N Asclepias verticillata — whorled milkweed
- N Asclepias viridiflora — green milkweed, green comet milkweed, short green milkweed
- Asimina
- N Asimina triloba — common pawpaw
- Asparagus
- X Asparagus officinalis — garden asparagus, asparagus-fern
- Asperugo
- X Asperugo procumbens — German madwort, catchweed
- Asperula
- X Asperula arvensis — blue woodruff
- Asplenium
- N Asplenium platyneuron — ebony spleenwort
- N Asplenium rhizophyllum — walking fern
- N Asplenium ruta-muraria — wall-rue
- N Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum — American Hart's-tongue fern Special Concern
- N Asplenium trichomanes — maidenhair spleenwort
- N Asplenium viride — green spleenwort
- Aster
- N Aster alpinus — alpine aster
- Astragalus
- N Astragalus adsurgens — ascending milkvetch, rattle milkvetch, standing milkvetch
- N Astragalus agrestis — field milkvetch, mile-vetch, cock's-head
- N Astragalus alpinus — alpine milkvetch
- N Astragalus americanus — American milkvetch
- N Astragalus australis — Indian milkvetch
- N Astragalus canadensis — Canada milkvetch, Carolina milkvetch
- X Astragalus cicer — chickpea milkvetch
- N Astragalus eucosmus — elegant milkvetch, pretty milkvetch
- X Astragalus glycophyllos — wild liquorice
- N Astragalus neglectus — Cooper's milkvetch
- N Astragalus tenellus — pulse milkvetch, loose-flower milkvetch
[edit] At
- Athyrium
- N Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum — northern lady fern
- N Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum — northwestern lady fern
- Atriplex
- N Atriplex dioica — thickleaf orache, saline saltbush
- N Atriplex glabriuscula — smooth orache, Scotland orache, glabrous orache, northeastern saltbush
- X Atriplex heterosperma — two-scale orache
- X Atriplex hortensis — garden orache
- X Atriplex oblongifolia — oblong-leaf orache
- N Atriplex patula — spear orache, spreading orache, spearscale, halberdleaf orache, common orache
- N Atriplex prostrata — thinleaf orache, triangle orache, fat-hen
- X Atriplex rosea — tumbling orache
[edit] Au
- Aureolaria
- N Aureolaria flava — yellow false-foxglove
- N Aureolaria pedicularia — fernleaf yellow false-foxglove
- N Aureolaria virginica — downy false-foxglove
- Aurinia
- X Aurinia saxatilis — basket-of-gold, gold dust, gold alyssum
[edit] Av
- Avena
- X Avena fatua — wild oats
- X Avena sativa — oats, cultivated oats
- X Avena sterilis — animated oats
[edit] Ax
- Axyris
- X Axyris amaranthoides — Russian pigweed, upright axyris
[edit] Az
- Azolla
- N Azolla caroliniana — mosquito fern