List of Military Detachments WW2 (Japan)
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Japanese military Detachments were particular military formations of the Japanese Imperial Army. These detachments were a force of infantry, artillery, armored, and other support units which were temporarily assigned for independent action and had a special mission. Generally such units were named after a leaders name, for example Ichiki Detachment named after, Kiyonao Ichiki or Yasuoka Detachment named after Masaomi Yasuoka. Some were named after a location, like the Aoba Detachment. These designations also often referred to the core or main force under personal command of its operative chief within a division or another Army unit.
The Japanese Imperial Navy also used such formations in special assignments.
[edit] Infantry Detachments
These units grouped not only infantry units, but usually included artillery, cavalry or armor, engineer and other support units as well.
- Matsumoto Force (Guided for LtCol. Matsumoto)
- Yamamoto Unit (124th Infantry Regiment) (led by Colonel Yamamoto)
- Kaneuji Unit (Commanded by Major Kaneuji)
- Bodjonegoro Raiding Unit (also designated as Kitamura Force)(Led for LtCol.Kuro Kitamura)
- Tjepoe Raiding Unit (also designated as Tanaka Unit)(Guided by Colonel Tohru Tanaka)
- Abe Unit (Led for MjrGen. Koichi Abe)
- Imai Unit (Commanded by Colonel Hifumi Imai)
- Shoji Detachment (Led by Colonel Toshishige Shoji)
- Nasu Detachment (Guided by MajGen Yumio Nasu)
- Fukushima Detachment (Command for Colonel Kyusaku Fukushima)
- Kanemura Detachment (Led by Major Matabei Kanemura)
- Yamamoto Detachment (also Yamamoto Force) (led by MajGen Tsunoru Yamamoto)
- Ichiki Detachment (Commanded by MajGen Kiyonao Ichiki)
- Kawaguchi Detachment (also Kawaguchi Force) (led by MajGen Kiyotake Kawaguchi)
- Nakai Detachment (Commanded by MajGen Masutaro Nakai)
- Sakaguchi Detachment (led by MajGen Shizuo Sakaguchi)
- Hyakutate Detachment (Commanded by MajGen Haruyoshi Hyakutate)
- Horii Detachment (Led by MajGen Tomitaro Horii)
- Aoba Detachment (built around 4th Infantry Regiment, named after Mt. Mt. Aoba)
- Nanyo Detachment (sometimes Itoh Detachment) (Commanded by MajGen Takeo Itoh)
- Harada Detachment (also 2nd Nanyo Detachment Unit) (led by MajGen Yoshikazu Harada)
- Yamagata detachment (Commanded by MajGen Rikao Yamagata)
- Hokkai Detachment (Hokkai Garrison Unit) (led by Mjr.Matsutoshi Hozumi and MajGen Juichiro Mineki)
- Attu Garrison Unit (Commanded by Col. Yasuyo Yamazaki)
- Nanto Detachment (led by MajGen Minoru Sasaki)
- Sano Detachment (commanded by LtGen. Tadayoshi Sano)
- Kume Detachment (led by LtCol. Kume)
- Sendai Detachment (conformed by elements of 2nd Division,unde led Commander Sendai)
- Kobayashi Detachment
- Kokushi Detachment
- Yoshida Detachment
[edit] Armored Detachments
These could be Armored sections of Infantry Detachments or completely independent Armor units.
- Yasuoka Detachment
- Saeki Detachment
- Sakaguchi Detachment
- Itoh Detachment (Army Gr.)
- 1st Special Tank Company
- Anai Tankette Unit
- Iwashita Independent Tank Company
- Special Tank Company of China Detachment Tank Unit
- Kamiyoshi Detachment
- Shoji Detachment
- 48th Recon Regiment
- 56th Infantry Group Tankette Unit
- Itoh SNLF Detachment (Navy Gr.)
- Makin Detachment of 3rd Naval Special Base Force
- Kwajalein Armor Detachment of Sasebo 7th SNLF
[edit] Airborne Detachments
Refer to Army Airborne/Paratroop Detachments and Units.
- Ohmura Detachment (Led by Captain Fumio Ohmura)
- Kaoru Detachment (Commanded by Commander Officer Kaoru)
- See each detachment entry for sources