List of Step by Step episodes
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This article is list of episodes from the 1991-1998 ABC (and later, CBS) situation comedy Step by Step. The original airdates are listed.
- <--This article is a work in progress.-->
Contents |
[edit] Season 1 (1991-1992)
22 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
1 | September 20, 1991 | Pilot | We meet the Lamberts - divorced contractor Frank and his three children, J.T., Alicia (aka Al) and Brendan - and the Fosters - widowed beautician Carol and her children, Dana, Karen and Mark - each living in their separate homes. After the introductions, Frank and his children pull up to the Foster's home in their Chevrolet Suburban. They're moving in! Frank and Carol passionately kiss, and it's all clear now - they eloped while vacationing separately in Jamaica. The two formerly-separate families try their best to deal with the uncomfortable situation but can't get along. Later, Al decides she doesn't want to go to school, and complaining of pain in her abdomen, holds her side. Frank thinks it to be a ploy to stay home from school, but Carol decides to take her new stepdaughter to the doctor. Good thing - Al's appendix was about to burst. | |
2 | September 27, 1991 | The Dance | Steve Urkel crash lands in the Lamberts' yard as they are picnicking. He turns out to be Mark's science fair partner. After the science fair, he talks to Al, who has has been dumped by her former date for the school's backwards dance. Frank had told Al that everyone gets dumped at some point in their and to move on. Steve re-enforces that point and convinces Al to ask him to the dance, where she tells off her former date and learns to "Do the Urkel."
3 | October 4, 1991 | Rules of the House | Carol's household management style drives the Lamberts crazy - particularly that rule about having to cash in special tokens to watch 30 minutes of TV, and a six-hour-a-week restriction. Frank and his children make their opinions clear, but when Carol won't listen, Al decides her new stepmother might get the message when she threatens to move to Milwaukee to live with her grandmother. | |
4 | October 11, 1991 | First Anniversary | Frank's nephew, Cody, comes to live with the family. Cody's oddball ways infuriate Dana, something that delights J.T. So, J.T. decides to make a bet with Cody - successfully ask Dana out, and you'll get paid. Dana finds out, and agrees to shun her pride and go out with Cody.
5 | October 18, 1991 | Frank & Son | J.T. goes to work for Frank's company, but things don't work out very well. Still in need of extra cash, J.T. turns to Carol, who makes him her "shampoo boy," a job J.T. really enjoys since he gets to be around pretty girls. Meanwhile, Dana and Al each become frustrated at their assignments; Dana needs to build a birdhouse for shop class, while Al needs to write a book report on Tom Sawyer. The two agree to switch assignments, but Brendan prods their consciences. | |
6 | October 25, 1991 | Pulling Together | Frank and Carol decide to enter the new blended family into the Port Washington Games. But J.T., Al and Brendan object, since their new step-siblings aren't very athletic. The more civilized Dana, Karen and Mark, meanwhile, see the games as too barbaric. Eventually, the Fosters decide to participate, with the predictable results, but even so they keep the Lamberts close. Eventually, Cody provides the new family some much needed help in the final tug-of-war event. | |
7 | November 1, 1991 | Yo-Yo's Wedding | So that their marriage is declared legal, Frank and Carol agree to have a ceremony at their house on the day of Brendan's birthday party. But then the clown that Frank hired to entertain cancels, forcing Frank to hastily play the role. He doesn't have time to get out of costume before the wedding. | |
8 | November 8, 1991 | Just For Kicks | Dana and her friend, Bernice, go to a seedy nightclub to hear a folk singer perform. But when some of the bar's regulars get a little too rough with Dana and Bernice, they don't know what to do. Fortunately, Frank (who forbade Dana to go in the first place) and Cody arrive to the rescue. | |
9 | November 15, 1991 | Into the Woods | Much like their early-1970s counterparts the Bradys, the Fosters and Lamberts go camping in the woods. The attempt at family bonding doesn't go so well at first, but eventually, everyone gains an appreciation for each other. | |
10 | November 22, 1991 | Mixed Messages | Carol buys an answering machine, and instructs the children to write down any messages, since the machine erases them upon playback. Karen gets a call from a potential boyfriend and neglects to hear the remaining message - one stating that Frank need not show up at a remodeling assignment, since they are demolishing the building instead. Frank doesn't get the message and barely escapes the building with his life. Frank finds out that his boss did leave a message, and arrives home very angry. Carol is upset and grounds Karen. In the subplot, Cody takes a job filling coin machines for children, but loses his job in short order. | |
11 | November 29, 1991 | A Day in the Life | A crew from the TV series "America Up Close" does a documentary on the new Foster-Lambert family. However, all the camera crew can capture is the usual friction between the Foster and Lambert children. While Frank and Carol struggle to salvage the documentary, Dana decides her siblings and step-siblings need to put aside their hostilities for once until the crew finishes taping. | |
12 | December 6, 1991 | The New Car | Carol buys a new car, which an unlicensed J.T. promptly borrows for a date. The car is stolen, leaving J.T. worried about more than just getting his date home on time. | |
13 | December 13, 1991 | Getting Organized | Frank enlists Carol's help in organizing his messy office. Carol decides to convert some of Frank's papers into a computer database, which is fine until ... she accidentally erases the information. She failed to make a back-up copy, and what's worse, she threw away the hard copies of Frank's papers. Frank and Carol scramble to retrieve the information before they wind up in the landfill. Meanwhile, J.T. and Cody become obsessed with UFOs, which annoys Dana and Karen. Eventually, the two Foster sisters decide to play a trick on the gullible Lambert duo, but they are the ones in for a surprise. | |
14 | January 3, 1992 | Home Alone | Frank and Carol leave for a lover's retreat. Dana is in charge, with a "no guests allowed" rule in effect. But Dana ignores the rule, and eventually a huge party breaks out. Frank and Carol arrive just in time to find J.T. somehow trapped in the chimney flue. | |
15 | January 17, 1992 | Drive, He Said | Dana and Frank each take driving tests - hers to get her first license, his as a condition for renewal. Frank is humbled when he flunks his and Dana passes hers. | |
16 | February 7, 1992 | Bully for Mark | Mark is told to do homework for a bully named Max, or else. Much to everyone's surprise, the bully is a girl. Al eventually comes to Mark's rescue. Meanwhile, school newspaper editor Dana writes a negative article on J.T., but J.T. finds out and decides to get even. | |
17 | February 14, 1992 | The Boys in the Band | Al forms a rock band with four of her friends. On the night of their debut (at a bowling alley Frank recently renovated), all four bandmates fall ill, forcing Al to scramble to find replacements. Eventually, Dana and Karen decide to fill in. This would not be the last time Dana, Karen or Al would sing together, although J.T. and Cody (who dress in drag) would not remain a part of the act. | |
18 | February 21, 1992 | School Daze | ||
19 | February 28, 1992 | Country Club |
Carol is invited to a country club with the family. At the beginning, Frank is reluctant to go, but he is invited to a golf tournament with an important contractor who promises him a job for his next big project. Meanwhile, Dana likes his son, and is angry at Frank for doing embarassing things at the club. But when she finds out that the contractor was using Frank to win the tournament, she sticks up for him, and dumps the contractors son. |
20 | March 6, 1992 | Daddy's Girl | ||
21 | March 27, 1992 | He Wanted Wings | ||
22 | April 24, 1992 | Beauty Contest |
[edit] Season 2 (1992-1993)
24 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
23 | September 18, 1992 | S.A.T. Blues | ||
24 | September 25, 1992 | To B or Not to Be | ||
25 | October 2, 1992 | Stuck on You | ||
26 | October 9, 1992 | JT's World | ||
27 | October 16, 1992 | It's a Dog's Life | ||
28 | October 23, 1992 | The Boss | ||
29 | October 30, 1992 | Model Daughter | ||
30 | November 6, 1992 | Someone to Watch Over Me | ||
31 | November 13, 1992 | The Making of a President | ||
32 | November 20, 1992 | Virgin Territory | ||
33 | December 4, 1992 | Back to Basics | ||
34 | December 11, 1992 | Boys Will be Boys | ||
35 | January 8, 1993 | If I Were a Rich Man | ||
36 | January 15, 1993 | Happy Birthday, Baby | ||
37 | January 22, 1993 | One of the Guys | ||
38 | February 5, 1993 | No Business Like Show Business | ||
39 | February 12, 1993 | Love, Port Washington Style | ||
40 | February 19, 1993 | Aloha (Part 1) |
41 | February 26, 1993 | Aloha (Part 2) |
42 | March 12, 1993 | No Way to Treat a Lady | ||
43 | April 2, 1993 | The Un-natural | ||
44 | April 30, 1993 | The Psychic | ||
45 | May 7, 1993 | This Old House | ||
46 | May 21, 1993 | Double Date |
[edit] Season 3 (1993-1994)
23 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
47 | September 24, 1993 | Way Off Broadway | ||
48 | October 1, 1993 | The Apartment | ||
49 | October 8, 1993 | Never on Sunday | Carol persuades Frank, J.T., Al and Brendan to start coming to church. But Frank stubbornly declines, thanks to his preconceived notions of pastors and because it could potentially interfere with upcoming Green Bay Packers football games. | |
50 | October 15, 1993 | The Paper Chase | ||
51 | October 22, 1993 | Trading Places | It's the old "Who's job is easier game," played Foster and Lambert style. This time, parents Frank and Carol swap roles with J.T. and Dana when the comment is made that parenting is easier than being a teen-ager. | |
52 | October 29, 1993 | Video Mania | ||
53 | November 5, 1993 | Hog Wild | ||
54 | November 12, 1993 | Down and Out in Port Washington | ||
55 | November 19, 1993 | The Marrying Dude | ||
56 | November 26, 1993 | Sister Act | ||
57 | December 10, 1993 | Christmas Story | ||
58 | December 17, 1993 | Close Encounters of the Marrying Kind | ||
59 | January 7, 1994 | Bad Girls | Al, in a funk with making friends, falls into a bad group of girls. They dress in military fatigues, skip school and stay out late at night, among other things. Al's new attitude angers Frank, and the two get into a huge argument. But what hurts Al even more is her losing Cody's trust when she tries to take his air guitar without permission. Al finally realizes she needs to be herself and take her time in choosing friends (and wisely, at that). | |
60 | January 14, 1994 | Read All About It | ||
61 | January 28, 1994 | Thirteen With a Bullet | Mark, who is celebrating his 13th birthday develops a huge crush on a pretty classmate, gets his first kiss and is subsequently rejected ... all within a matter of a few hours. | |
62 | February 4, 1994 | My Bodyguard | Cody annoys the family with his recollections of weird dreams. First, he pictures Al "behind bars" and "wearing a striped shirt," but she's just wearing a striped soccer jersey and showing off her hamster cage. But Dana gets beyond annoyed when Cody tells her about a dream where a man dressed in a suit is attacking her. He tags along and intrudes on her college interview in Chicago, and winds up assaulting the dean of admissions, thinking him to be Dana's assailant (he was bracing her as they were leaning out the window to look at the Chicago skyline). Dana angrily tells Cody she wants nothing more to do with him; however, Cody can't seem to shake his seemingly ridiculous bad vibes. That night at a bus station, a man dressed in a suit corners Dana when the two are alone. Before the man can sexually assault her, Cody shows up and runs him off. Dana breaks down in Cody's arms and thanks him. | |
63 | February 18, 1994 | Pretty Woman | ||
64 | February 25, 1994 | Nightmare Weekend | ||
65 | March 11, 1994 | Birth of a Salesman | ||
66 | March 25, 1994 | Feeling Forty | ||
67 | April 29, 1994 | The Case of the Missing Diary | Cody gets some inspiration for a class writing project when Karen can't find her diary. He uses her plight to spin a 1940s-style detective yarn about who took it, with the Fosters and Lamberts filling the roles of Cody's characters. | |
68 | May 6, 1994 | Great Expectations | Cody's father pressures him into a job as executive vice president of his real estate company. With a little help from Frank, Cody tells his father he's simply not interested and would rather continue working in demolition. Meanwhile, Carol (as a favor for a customer) sets up Dana and Karen on blind dates, against their express wishes. The guys turn out to be living images of Beavis and Butt-head. After Frank gets rid of them, he helps his step-daughters set up a "get even" prank on Carol. | |
69 | May 20, 1994 | Prom Night | On prom night, J.T. is set up with a 13-year-old girl as a joke. Meanwhile, Dana's date with the school hunk also doesn't go very well (he got back together with his ex-girlfriend). The two step-siblings – who are constantly at odds – are left to share a dance ... and gain gruding respect and appreciation for one another. |
[edit] Season 4 (1994-1995)
24 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
70 | September 23, 1994 | Karate Kid | Mark - trying to improve his self-esteem - enrolls in a karate class, but is constantly belittled by the jock-like instructor for his "wimpy" attitude. He wants to drop out, but Cody helps him stand up to the "class pet" Tommy, who is the best in the class. During a challenge match, Tommy quickly gets the upper hand early, but Cody - who happens to be a black belt in karate - helps Mark exploit Tommy's weakness and rally to force sudden death. Even though Tommy eventually wins, Mark wins Tommy's respect ... which is more than can be said for the coach, who keeps taunting Mark and then Cody. Cody tries to leave, but the instructor presses his luck too far and Cody is easily able to subdue the loud-mouthed coach. | |
71 | September 30, 1994 | College Bound | Dana learns a tough lesson in humility when a tough English professor gives her a D on her first term paper for using too many "big words" and not focusing enough on the paper's content. Already enduring humiliation from her Lambert step-siblings, Dana complains to her teacher but gets no sympathy. She vows to improve her "intellectual" attitude ... then learns that Cody has enrolled in her college. Also, J.T. learns a hard lesson about how credit cards work when he his somehow able to obtain one and quickly goes on a shopping spree. | |
72 | October 7, 1994 | Animal House | Wanting to be cool, Cody decides to join a college fraterinty. He re-examines his desire to fit in when his frat brothers decide to go a little too far with Karen. Also, Brendan joins the school band, but his musicianship skills are lacking. | |
73 | October 14, 1994 | Spoiled Sport | Frank auditions to become a part-time sports broadcaster for the local radio station, but Carol wins the job. Frank is disappointed, but soon realizes that he is a star in Carol's eyes. Carol realizes the job is not for her ... and her successor is Cody! | |
74 | October 21, 1994 | Revenge of the Nerd | Karen covets being nominated for being crowned homecoming queen. | |
75 | October 28, 1994 | Something Wild | On Halloween, a girl Mark has a crush on encourages him to dress as a punk rocker — then commit vandalism by throwing eggs at a house. | |
76 | November 4, 1994 | Growing Up is Hard to Do | Al sets up a date with class hunk Kevin Phillips, and seeks dating advice from her step-sisters. Dana and Karen wind up giving her conflicting advice, forcing Al to decide whose advice to heed. Al - instead of just simply being herself - accepts Karen's advice of agreeing with everything Kevin says, and the date goes as one would expect. | |
77 | November 11, 1994 | Beyond Therapy | ||
78 | November 18, 1994 | The Ice Cream Man Cometh | ||
79 | November 25, 1994 | Letting Go | ||
80 | December 9, 1994 | Make Room for Daddy | ||
81 | December 16, 1994 | I'll Be Home for Christmas | J.T. decides he has grown out of celebrating Christmas with the family and decides to go on a skiing trip with his friends. Although clearly wanting J.T. home, Frank tells his son he has no objection and lets him go. But once he arrives at the ski lodge, J.T. becomes homesick and wants to go home. Not wanting to swallow his pride and admit to his father that he made a mistake, J.T. asks Cody to come get him. However, Frank arrives and, after a heartfelt discussion about his place in the family and that everyone - even the Foster step-siblings - want him home for the holidays, J.T. does the right thing. | |
82 | January 6, 1995 | Can't Buy Me Love | While borrowing his boss' luxury car, J.T. meets a pretty girl named Shelly, and decides to impress her by claiming the car is his. He later claims that he is rich by flashing large dollar bills at Shelly, but she realizes the money belongs to her father. | |
83 | January 20, 1995 | Thirtysomething | ||
84 | February 3, 1995 | The Honeymoon is Over | ||
85 | February 10, 1995 | One Truck, Al Dente | Al pressures J.T. to teach her how to drive. The two borrow Frank's new truck for the driving lesson, but in the process, Al is involved in a minor accident. They try to plaster the truck side to cover up their activities, but Frank soon learns that the truck was damaged. | |
86 | February 17, 1995 | Head of the Class | Cody and Dana have conflicting teaching styles when they are recruited to teach a remedial history class. Their unlikely efforts result in their students upsetting a team of academic intellectuals on a TV quiz bowl. | |
87 | March 3, 1995 | Back to School | J.T. realizes he needs a college education if he is ever to land a decent paying job. After struggling on an early test, his academics soon overwhelm him, but it is a tipoff that he may have dyslexia. | |
88 | March 17, 1995 | She Came Through the Bedroom Window | When Cody's professor becomes fed up with his constant use of the word "dude," he agrees to be shocked every time he says the word. Dana agrees to deliver the shock therapy ... and takes full advantage of her situation. Meanwhile, a very pregnant Carol worries about her appearance, especially after Frank begins working with his very attractive ex-girlfriend. | |
89 | March 31, 1995 | Indecent Proposal | J.T. gets a higher grade than Dana on an assignment in ethics class. But J.T. is shocked to learn the reason why ... that his teacher has feelings for him. J.T. becomes very angry when Dana tries to tell him about the teacher's motives, but decides to ask her anyway. When she begins to make her move, J.T. realizes Dana was right. Also, Cody annoys the family with his sleepwalking. | |
90 | April 28, 1995 | Where Have You Gone, Joe Dimaggio? | Cody takes Brendan to a baseball game, featuring his favorite player, Kenny Barton. After the game, Brendan meets his hero and asks him to autograph his baseball; however, Barton is nothing short of rude to Brendan and demands a $50 fee for an autograph. Cody - after consoling Brendan - then confronts the egotistical Barton during a TV interview and exposes his demeanor. The interviewer - Hall of Fame player and broadcaster Harmon Killebrew - is equally outraged and offers to sign Brendan's baseball at no charge. Brendan gladly accepts Killebrew's offer. Also: Carol and Dana make a bet with Frank and JT that they can't handle how it feels to be pregnant. So they had their bodies stuffed with melons and canteloupes to make them look like pregnant women!
91 | May 5, 1995 | Adventures in Babysitting | To help Al earn money to go on a trip with her friends, J.T. helps his sister run a baby-sitting service. But the two quickly learn there is no such thing as easy money when they are overwhelmed by the number of kids they must babysit. | |
92 | May 12, 1995 | Big Girl on Campus | Karen and Al convince Dana to take them to a college party. Karen has her eye on a cute guy named Jeremy, but Jeremy decides to dance with Al instead. Karen is fuming, even though she had caught the eye of others at the party ... until Dana learns that Jeremy - at least six years older and much larger than 15-year-old Al - is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Just before Jeremy can back the petite Lambert girl into a corner she can't get out of, Dana and Karen get a bunch of guys to run Jeremy off. | |
93 | May 19, 1995 | A Foster/Lambert Production | Carol goes into labor and gives birth to a baby girl, whom she names Lily. At the hospital, the Lambert and Foster children continue their petty squabbling, especially after J.T. forgot to bring the Fosters to the hospital. Through the use of flashbacks, Cody reminds them they have been happier in the times when they got along. And now, they have something they all can share - a little sister. Welcome to the world, little Lily Foster-Lambert! |
[edit] Season 5 (1995-1996)
24 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
94 | September 22, 1995 | Little Sister Don'tcha | ||
95 | September 29, 1995 | Three Girls and a Baby | ||
96 | October 13, 1995 | Party Animal | ||
97 | October 20, 1995 | Midnight Caller | ||
98 | October 27, 1995 | Maid to Order | ||
99 | November 3, 1995 | Don't Ask | Frank and Carol become frustrated with their children constantly asking them to run their errands. Eventually, they lose their patience and implement a rule where the children must do everything for themselves and not to bother them. The rule is put to the test when Brendan — wanting to go on a trip with his soccer team to watch a Green Bay Packers game — decides not to "bother" his parents to have them sign a permission slip allowing him to go. The slip never does get signed, and when Frank asks an upset Brendan what's the matter (he didn't get to go), he and Carol decide to ease up on the rule.
Also, Cody orders a ham radio from Russia, but winds up getting a mail-order bride instead; he has his hands full getting rid of this domineering woman from the East. And, aspiring country singer Karen is approached by a man claiming to be a record producer, who promises to take her demo tape to a major studio in exchange for a $500 fee. However, the naïve Karen later realizes she was ripped off and that she will probably never recover her money ... much less, become a big star. Dana gives her sister some solace by getting her song played on a local radio station.
100 | November 10, 1995 | Hello, Mr. Chips | Al learns about being a team player at her new job, working for a cookie outlet called "Mr. Chips" (which is named for the store's chimpanzee mascot). Al has to take Mr. Chips home one night, leading to some interesting situations. | |
101 | November 17, 1995 | Roadie | Cody is offered the opportunity of a lifetime: to become a roadie for rock signer Christi Rose. But it may mean having to leave the Lamberts and Fosters forever. Meanwhile, Frank buys a car for the kids. The car he buys is his dream car - a 1965 Ford Mustang, which he selfishly keeps to himself. | |
102 | November 24, 1995 | The Wall | Bookish Mark learns that he may wind up on "the wall," a hall of shame for perceived losers at his school. Despite this, he attracts the eye of pretty classmate Tawny Spencer, who asks him to an upcoming dance. However, Tawny's abusive ex-boyfriend - who wants to get back with her - threatens Mark, but the bully is the one in for a surprise when Mark (along with J.T. and the boyfriends of Karen and Al) stand up to the thug. Meanwhile, Dana tries to start a feminism group, but is derailed when its members go ga-ga for Cody. | |
103 | December 1, 1995 | Baby Come Back | While baby-sitting little sister Lily for Frank and Carol (who are at a beauty products convention), Al and J.T. decide to take her to an audition for a baby food commercial. However, they return home with the wrong baby, leading to a frantic search before Frank and Carol come home. | |
104 | December 15, 1995 | The Fight Before Christmas | Frank hosts his old friend Mitch Crawford and his family for Christmas, and sets up Al with Mitch's son, Matt. Eventually, Al and Matt are found kissing outside the house, leading an angry Frank to kick Mitch's family out of the house. Al becomes very upset and decides to stay with Matt's family at a hotel. Eventually, Frank realizes he needs to apologize. | |
105 | January 5, 1996 | What's Wrong With This Picture | Dana agrees to pose in the nude for an abstract artist, thinking the resulting image will not be recognizable. But at a charity auction where the work is on display, everyone finds out to their horror that the painting is photo realism. | |
106 | January 12, 1996 | Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling | J.T. and Frank enter a wrestling contest to win tickets to Super Bowl XXX. The father and son dress up like women and wrestle the brutish Assault and Battery for 10 rounds to win their prize. | |
107 | January 26, 1996 | Torn Between Two Mothers | Frank's mother, Helen, visits the family, particularly to see Lily. However, Carol becomes frustrated by Helen's well-meant advice, interpreting it as being meddling. | |
108 | February 2, 1996 | Snow Bunnies | Al plans to go on a skiing trip with her boyfriend, Matt, and some of their friends, but Frank won't let her go unchaperoned. When one of Al's friends, who has an easy reputation, goes in her place, she and J.T. travel to the ski resort to check up on Matt. Of course, Matt proves he is faithful to Al. | |
109 | February 9, 1996 | Secret Admirer | ||
110 | February 16, 1996 | Forever Young | ||
111 | February 23, 1996 | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? | ||
112 | March 8, 1996 | Do the Right Thing | ||
113 | March 15, 1996 | The Bodyguard Formerly Known as Prince | ||
114 | April 26, 1996 | Major Pain | ||
115 | May 3, 1996 | We're Going to Disney World (Part 1) |
116 | May 10, 1996 | We're Going to Disney World (Part 2) |
117 | May 17, 1996 | Men at Work |
[edit] Season 6 (Spring 1997)
24 episodes
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
118 | March 7, 1997 | Crazy Love |
119 | March 14, 1997 | Road Trip | ||
120 | March 21, 1997 | Sex, Lies and Videotape | ||
121 | March 28, 1997 | Just Say Maybe | Al and a group of her friends go to "Rockfest 97," much to Carol's fears of something bad happening. Something such as, someone offering Al some marijuana. Al's morals are put to the test. | |
122 | April 4, 1997 | The "L" Word | ||
123 | April 11, 1997 | She's the One | ||
124 | April 18, 1997 | Independence Day | ||
125 | April 25, 1997 | Reality Bites | ||
126 | May 2, 1997 | Locket Man | ||
127 | May 9, 1997 | How the West Was Won | ||
128 | May 16, 1997 | Absolutely Fabio | ||
129 | May 23, 1997 | Loose Lips | ||
130 | May 30, 1997 | The Big Date | ||
131 | June 6, 1997 | Future Shock | ||
132 | June 13, 1997 | Show Me the Money | ||
133 | June 20, 1997 | It Didn't Happen One Night | Al gets a date with school hunk Kyle, and the date goes well. They seal it with a kiss ... but Kyle wants to take things one step further and tries to sexually assault Al. The petite Lambert girl fights him off and tells him it's over. The next morning, Karen is complaining when Al keeps getting date offers, but Al finds out she has a new reputation she doesn't want. Seems Kyle had been spreading rumors that he and Al had sex. Karen refuses to believe her step-sister (since she also has her eye on Kyle), but only when Al breaks down in tears does Karen finally realize she needs to settle the matter. She helps expose Kyle as a liar. | |
134 | June 27, 1997 | Macho Man | ||
135 | July 4, 1997 | Ain't Misbehavin' | ||
136 | July 11, 1997 | The Facts of Life | ||
137 | July 18, 1997 | Talkin' Trash | ||
138 | July 25, 1997 | Walk Like a Man | ||
139 | August 1, 1997 | Shear Madness | ||
140 | August 8, 1997 | The Kissing Game | ||
141 | August 15, 1997 | Bonjour, Jean-Luc |
[edit] Season 7 (1997-1998)
19 episodes. The series is now airing on CBS.
# | Airdate | Prod. Code | Title | Overview |
142 | September 19, 1997 | Making the Grade | ||
143 | September 26, 1997 | A Star is Born | ||
144 | October 3, 1997 | Your Cheatin' Heart | ||
145 | October 10, 1997 | Take This Job and ... | ||
146 | October 17, 1997 | Poetic Justice | ||
147 | October 24, 1997 | Can't Buy Me Love | ||
148 | October 31, 1997 | Dream Lover | On Halloween, JT and his sisters host a costume party at a decrepit old mansion. During the party, it becomes obvious that JT and Sam aren't getting along, and after a mixup involving their costumes (they are forced to go tandem as a horse), she decides to dance with someone else. JT fumes about his predicament when he meets Abby, the ghostly 19-year-old inhabitant of the mansion who committed suicide after a bad breakup. Abby convinces JT that his relationship with Sam may have reached its end and that it is nobody's fault. In the end, he and Sam decide that it is best if they went their separate ways. Meanwhile, Lily hosts a Halloween party of her own for her friends. But when one of her buddies (dressed as the devil) scares her at the door, the daisy-outfitted tyke runs upstairs in fright, leaving Carol to comfort the 6-year-old child and convince her – successfully – that sometimes, it's fun to be scared.
149 | November 7, 1997 | Girls Just Wanna Have Fun | ||
150 | December 5, 1997 | Goodbye, Mr. Chip | ||
151 | December 19, 1997 | Too Many Santas | To earn extra money, Rich and J.T. take jobs as Santa Claus at the local department store. Lily instantly recognizes her brother as Santa, and concludes that Santa doesn't exist. To reassure his 5-year-old daughter, Frank - and just about everyone else, without consulting each other - dress as jolly ol' St. Nick and visit Lily. | |
152 | January 9, 1998 | Phoney Business | Al takes a job as a model in a commercial she thinks is for suntan lotion. She is outraged when she sees the commercial airing on TV ... and its for a phone sex hotline. Al and J.T. pay a visit to the corrupt producer to make him admit the truth. | |
153 | January 16, 1998 | Goin' to the Chapel | Dana wants to take her relationship with Rich one step further, and gets into a big argument with Carol when she fears that Dana is planning to have sex. So, she asks Rich if they can elope. Meanwhile, J.T. hopes to catch the eye of an aerobics instructor, but learns that being himself is a much better idea. | |
154 | January 23, 1998 | Feet of Clay | Rich and Dana enroll in a pottery class, but Dana has no talent and Rich does. Meanwhile, the kids jump to erroneous conclusions when Frank and Carol try some new techniques to spice up their sex life. | |
155 | January 30, 1998 | Pain in the Class | Frank worries about his upcoming 25th class reunion, where he could run into his old nemesis. Meanwhile, J.T. is paying too much attention to watching TV and not enough to Lily, who wants to play. When he grows tired of her whining, J.T. tells his sister to go outside and play, which she does ... and doesn't come home. | |
156 | February 27, 1998 | The Half Monty | J.T. and Rich want to go on a skiing trip, but are broke. So, they decide to take jobs as male strippers at a nightclub. Meanwhile, Frank and Carol counsel young couples by sharing their secrets, but may need counseling themselves when they reveal too much. | |
157 | June 5, 1998 | And Justice for Some | At a Milwaukee Bucks game, Frank and J.T. enter a raffle for a new truck. After switching seats, J.T.'s seat is drawn as the winning seat. Frank believes he is entitled to the truck, and gets into a fight with his son. After Carol reminds them of their relationship, they decide to sell the truck. Meanwhile, the girls enroll in a self-defense class, where Karen and Al fall for - and fight over - the instructor. | |
158 | June 12, 1998 | The Understudy | Al is cast as an understudy in a community theater production. Believing she deserved a larger role (and not realizing you have to pay your dues in the acting business), Al stubbornly refuses to learn the role. It results in big-time problems when the star falls ill. Al totally embarrasses herself and is left to tearfully beg the audience for sympathy. | |
159 | June 19, 1998 | We're in the Money | After two years away, Cody makes a surprise visit. He gives J.T. a necklace that makes him irresistible to women, but he declines and gets back with old girlfriend Sam. Meanwhile, Frank and Carol receive a huge check in the mail and quarrel over how to spend it ... before realizing money isn't everything. | |
160 | June 26, 1998 | Movin' On Up | When a yuppie couple tours the house, they make an offer that Frank and Carol can't pass up. Everyone is excited, particularly since they'll finally be able to move from their undersized home. But Lily likes her house and makes it clear to her folks that she is not moving. Frank and Carol's attempts to reason with Lily fail. Later, the yuppies return, they show their true colors, disgusting the Lamberts so much they decide to cancel the sale, much to the relief of Lily (and everyone else). |