List of astronomical topics/temp
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This is a list of articles that are related to astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.
This content was based on a March 22, 2007 copy of the List of astronomical topics page.
Contents |
[edit] Astronomers
- Awards
- Amateur Achievement Award of the ASP - Bruce Medal - Copley Medal - Eddington Medal - Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society - Helen B. Warner Prize for Astronomy - Henry Draper Medal - Lomonosov Gold Medal
- Fields
- Archaeoastronomy - Astrobiology - Astrochemistry - Astrophysics - Astrometry
- Far infrared astronomy - Gamma-ray astronomy - Infrared astronomy - Optical astronomy - Radio astronomy - Submillimetre astronomy - UV astronomy - X-ray astronomy
- Organizations and institutions
- American Astronomical Society - Astronomical Society of the Pacific - International Astronomical Union (IAU)
- Niels Bohr Institute - Space Telescope Science Institute
- Titles
- Astronomer - Astronomers - Astronomer Royal - Astrophysicist
[edit] Astronomical features
- Lists of astronomical objects
- List of constellations
- List of constellations by area
- List of meteor showers
- List of molecules in interstellar space
[edit] Named features
- Craters
- Barringer Crater - Darwin (crater) - Obruchev (crater) - Odysseus crater - Peirce (crater) - Picard crater - Thompson crater
- Galaxies
- Canis Major (dwarf galaxy) - Cartwheel Galaxy - Elliptical Galaxy M87 - Galaxy Abell 1835 IR1916 - Milky Way - Milky Way Galaxy - Pinwheel Galaxy - Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy - Sombrero Galaxy -Southern Pinwheel Galaxy - Sunflower Galaxy - Triangulum Galaxy - Virgo A Galaxy - Whirlpool Galaxy
- NGC 1068 - NGC 2244 - NGC 2264 - NGC 3227 - NGC 3516 - NGC 4321 - NGC 4486 - NGC 4593 - NGC 5128 - NGC 6027 - NGC 6171 - NGC 6240 - NGC 6751 - NGC 7742
- Messier objects
- M100 - M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy) - M104 - M107 (Globular Cluster) - M13 (Messier Object 13) - M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) - M31 - M33 (Triangulum Galaxy) - M41 - M42 (Orion Nebula) - M45 (Pleiades (star cluster)) - M49 - M57 - M58 - M59 - M60 - M61 - M81 - M82 - M84 - M86 - M87 - M90
- Nebulae
- Nebula: Horsehead Nebula - Hubble Nebula - Lagoon Nebula - North America Nebula - Owl Nebula - Ring Nebula - Rosette Nebula - Saturn Nebula - Trifid Nebula
- Pulsars
- 3C 58
[edit] Solar System
- Ananke group - Inner satellites of Jupiter - Kirkwood gap - Kuiper Belt - Varuna - Vulcan (planet) (hypothetical)
[edit] Types of objects
- Asteroid types
- Asteroid spectral types: A-type asteroid - B-type asteroid - C-type asteroid - D-type asteroid - E-type asteroid - F-type asteroid - G-type asteroid - K-type asteroid - L-type asteroid - M-type asteroid - O-type asteroid - P-type asteroid - Q-type asteroid - R-type asteroid - S-type asteroid - T-type asteroid - V-type asteroid - X-type asteroid
- Amor asteroid - Aten asteroid - Apollo asteroid - Mars-crosser asteroid - Near-Earth asteroid - Trojan asteroid - Venus-crosser asteroid - Vulcanoid asteroid
- Galaxy
- Galaxy: Active galaxy - Barred spiral galaxy - Dwarf elliptical galaxy - Dwarf galaxy - Dwarf spheroidal galaxy - Elliptical galaxy - Hypergalaxy - Irregular galaxy - Lenticular galaxy - Radio galaxy - Ring galaxy - Seyfert galaxy - Spiral galaxy - Starburst galaxy
- Meteors and meteorites
- Meteoroid: Achondrite
- Non-stellar bodies
- Asteroid - Asteroid moon - Brown dwarf - Dwarf planet - Exoplanet - Extrasolar planet - Hypothetical planet - Jovian planet - Gas giant
- Stars and stellar remnants
- Star: Asymptotic Giant Branch - Be star - Black dwarf - Black hole - Blue giant - Blue straggler - Carbon star - [[Circumpolar star]- Giant (star) - Giant star - Magnetar - Neutron star - Pulsar - Red dwarf - Red dwarf star - Red giant - T Tauri star - T Tauri stars - White dwarf - Wolf-Rayet star
- Stellar systems and groups
- Astrometric binary - Binary star - Double star - Globular cluster - Multiple star - Open cluster - Optical binary - Spectroscopic binary- Triple star - Visual binary
- Variable stars
- variable star: Cataclysmic variable star - Cepheid variable - Eruptive variable - Flare star - Irregular variable - Long period variable - Mira variable - Nova - RR Lyrae variable - Semiregular variable - W Virginis variable
[edit] Cosmology
- Origin
- Age of the Universe - Beyond the standard Big Bang model - Big Bang - Big Bang nucleosynthesis - Big bang - Brane - Brane cosmology - Cosmic inflation - Non-standard cosmology
- Future fate
- Big Crunch - Big Rip - Heat-death of the Universe
- Structure and evolution
- Large-scale structure of the cosmos
[edit] History
- Histories
- History of astronomical interferometry - History of astronomy - History of supernova observation - History of telescopes
- Timelines
- Timeline of artificial satellites and space probes
- Timeline of astronomical maps, catalogs, and surveys
- Timeline of the Big Bang
- Timeline of black hole physics
- Timeline of cosmic microwave background astronomy
- Timeline of cosmology
- Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure
- Timeline of knowledge about the interstellar and intergalactic medium
- Timeline of other background radiation fields
- Timeline of solar astronomy
- Timeline of solar system astronomy
- Timeline of stellar astronomy
- Timeline of telescopes, observatories, and observing technology
- Timeline of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and supernovae
[edit] Nomenclature
[edit] Observation
- Spectrum
- Electromagnetic spectrum - Forbidden line - H-alpha - Lyman alpha forest - Redshift - Spectral line - Zeeman effect
[edit] Observatories
- List of observatories
- List of astronomical observatories
- List of optical telescopes
- List of largest optical reflecting telescopes
- List of largest optical refracting telescopes
- List of radio telescopes
- List of astronomical interferometers at visible and infrared wavelengths
- Instruments
- Anglo-Australian Telescope - Aristarchos 2.3 m Telescope Project - Atacama Large Millimeter Array - Australia Telescope Compact Array - Automated Patrol Telescope - Broad Band X-ray Telescope - Cerro Tololo telescope - California Extremely Large Telescope - Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope - Carlsberg Meridian Telescope - CHARA array - Cherenkov Array at Themis - Clover telescope array -Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope - Dutch Open Telescope - ESA Space Debris Telescope - European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) - Faulkes Telescope North - Faulkes Telescope South - Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope - Giant Magellan Telescope - Gran Telescopio Canarias - Hale telescope - Half-Mile Telescope - Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope - Hobby-Eberly Telescope - Hooker Telescope - Infrared Optical Telescope Array - Isaac Newton Telescope - Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope - James Clerk Maxwell Telescope - Keck telescopes - Large Binocular Telescope - Liverpool Telescope - LOPES Project - Magellan (Telescopes) - MAGIC (telescope) - Mercator Telescope - Microvariability and Oscillations of STars telescope - Mills Cross Telescope - Molonglo Cross Telescope - Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope - New Technology Telescope - Nordic Optical Telescope - Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array - OGS Telescope - Overwhelmingly Large Telescope - Ryle Telescope - Samuel Oschin telescope - Siding Spring 2.3 m Telescope - SOAR telescope - Southern African Large Telescope - South Pole Telescope - Subaru (telescope) - Swedish Solar Telescope - Telescopio Carlos Sánchez - Telescopio Nazionale Galileo - UK Schmidt Telescope - Very Large Telescope (VLT) - VISTA (telescope) - VLT Survey Telescope - VLTI - Yerkes telescope
- Instruments, interferometry
- Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics - Cambridge Interferometer - Cosmic Background Explorer satellite - Grand Interferometre a 2 Telescopes - Keck Interferometer - Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer - Narrabri Stellar Intensity Interferometer - Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer - Palomar Testbed Interferometer
- Instruments, radio and microwave
- Arecibo radio telescope - Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope - CfA 1.2 m Millimeter-Wave Telescope - Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy - Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) - Goldstone Radio Telescope - Green Bank Telescope - Lovell Radio Telescope - Mauritius Radio Telescope - Nançay Radio Telescope - One-Mile Telescope - Ooty Radio Telescope - Very Large Array (VLA) - Very Long Baseline Array - Very Small Array - Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope
- Instruments, space-based
- Space observatory: Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors - Chandra X-ray Telescope - Compton Gamma Ray Observatory - Einstein Observatory - Great Observatories program - Herschel Space Observatory - Hubble Space Telescope - Infrared Space Observatory - James Webb Space Telescope - Next Generation Space Telescope - Orbiting Astronomical Observatory - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - Spitzer Space Telescope - Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission - WMAP - XMM-Newton
- Observatories
- Observatory: 1st High Energy Astrophysics Observatory- Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory - Allegheny Observatory - Arecibo Observatory - Big Bear Solar Observatory - Berlin Observatory - Brera Observatory - Brussels Observatory - Chandra X-ray Observatory - Caltech Submillimeter Observatory - Côte d'Azur Observatory - European Southern Observatory - Extreme Universe Space Observatory - Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory - Gemini Observatory - Harvard College Observatory - Jodrell Bank Observatory - Johannesburg Observatory - Keck Observatory - Kitt Peak National Observatory - Kleť Observatory - Kuiper Airborne Observatory - La Silla Observatory - Leiden Observatory - Leuschner Observatory - Lick Observatory - Llano de Chajnantor Observatory - Lowell Observatory - Mauna Kea Observatory - Mauna Loa Solar Observatory - McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope - McCormick Observatory - MMT Observatory - Mount Palomar observatory - Mount Stromlo Observatory - Mount Wilson Observatory - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory - National Optical Astronomy Observatory - National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Nice Observatory - Northeastern Space Radio Observatory - Oak Ridge Observatory - Observatorio del Teide - Observatory of Strasbourg - Onsala Space Observatory - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri - Osservatorio Astrometrico Santa Lucia Stroncone - Owens Valley Radio Observatory - Palomar Observatory - Panzano Observatory - Paranal Observatory - Paris Observatory - Parkes Observatory - Paul Wild Observatory - Pierre Auger Observatory - Piwnice radio observatory - Potsdam Observatory - Roque de los Muchachos Observatory - Royal Greenwich Observatory - Royal Observatory, Edinburgh - Siding Spring Observatory - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Sonneberg Observatory - Steward Observatory - Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory - United States Naval Observatory - UBC Liquid-Mirror Observatory - Uppsala Astronomical Observatory - Vienna Observatory - Yerkes Observatory
[edit] Physics
- Nucleosynthesis
- Nucleosynthesis: Alpha process - Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory - CNO cycle - R-process - S-process
[edit] Position & time
[edit] Celestial mechanics
- Orbit
- Apastron - Aphelion - Apoapsis - Apogee - Apsides - Apsis - Binary system (astronomy) - Eccentricity - Eccentricity (orbit) - Elliptic orbit - Elliptical orbit - Lagrangian point - Longitude of the ascending node - Orbit - Orbital elements - Orbital period - Orbital plane (astronomy) - Orbital resonance - Orbital revolution - Orbital speed - Periapsis - Periastron - Perigee - Perihelion - Retrogade orbit - Retrogradation - Retrograde motion - Semi-major axis - Semimajor axis
[edit] Spherical astronomy
- Calendars and time
- Equinox - Greenwich - Greenwich Mean Time - Julian Calendar - Julian date - Julian day - Julian epoch - Julian year (astronomy) - Mean solar day - Mean solar time - Prime Meridian - Sidereal day - Sidereal time - Sidereal year - Solar year - Solstice - Solar day - (Winter) - solstice - Synodic day - Synodic month - Synodic period - Sundial - Sunlight - Sunrise - Sunset - Vernal equinox
[edit] Publications & studies
- Books and treatises
- Almagest - De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
- Catalogs
- Star catalogue
- First Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (1C) - Second Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (2C) - Third Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (3C) - Fourth Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (4C) - Fifth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources (5C) - Sixth Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (6C) - Seventh Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources (7C) - Ninth Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources (9C)
- Bedford Catalogue - Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies - Collinder catalogue - General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes - Gliese-Jahreiss catalogue - Harvard Revised catalogue - Henry Draper Catalogue - Hipparcos catalogue - Luyten Half-Second catalogue - New General Catalogue - Uppsala General Catalogue - Yale Bright Star Catalog
- Journals
- Astronomical Journal - Astronomy and Astrophysics - Astrophysical Journal - Science (journal)
- Surveys
- 2MASS - 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey - Eighth Cambridge Survey - Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
[edit] Space exploration
- Agencies
- Canadian Space Agency - European Space Agency (ESA) -Italian Space Agency - NASA
- Manned missions
- Apollo program: Apollo 11 - Apollo 17
- Space Shuttle: Space Shuttle Atlantis - Space Shuttle Columbia - Space Shuttle Discovery - Space Shuttle Endeavour
- Rockets
- Ariane 5
- Technology
- Low Earth orbiting satellite - Spacecraft
- Unmanned missions
- Space probe: Athena (Mars missions in disambiguation) - Cassini probe - Cassini-Huygens - Cassini-Huygens Mission - Pioneer 10 - Pioneer 11 - Sputnik 1 - Voyager program - Voyager 1 - Voyager 2 - Zond 3 - Luna 9
[edit] Telescope
- Components and construction
- Altazimuth mount - Amateur telescope making - Fork mount - Parabolic mirror - Parabolic reflector - Telescope making - Telescope mount
- Optics
- Aberration in optical systems - Achromatic doublet - Achromatic lens - Active optics - Adaptive optics - Aperture - Astigmatism - Chromatic aberration - Focal length - Focal plane - Focus (optics) - Lens (optics) - Lens sag - Primary mirror - Pupil
- Types
- Binoculars - Cassegrain Reflector - Cassegrain telescope - Dobsonian telescope - Extremely large telescope - Finderscope - Gregorian telescope - Horn (telescope) - Interferometer - Interferometer telescope - Large liquid mirror telescope - Maksutov telescope - Maksutov-Cassegrain - Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope - Monocular - Newtonian telescope - Optical telescope - Radio telescope - Reflecting telescope - Refracting telescope - Ritchey-Chrétien telescope - Robotic telescope - Space telescope - Schmidt-Cassegrain - Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope - Spotting scope
[edit] Other
- Planetariums
- Adler Planetarium
- Weakly related, if at all
- Alniyat - Arjuna - Barsoom - Ceiba - Elve - Herakles - Hesiod - Horrendous Space Kablooie - Horoscope - Indigo - Kabbalistic - Sidereal astrology - Sirona - Xiuhmolpilli
[edit] Glossary (temp)
- A New Theory of Magnetic Storms
- Aberration of light
- Absolute Visual Magnitude
- Absolute date
- Absolute magnitude
- Accelerating universe
- Accretion disc
- Accretion disk
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Aether
- Aether theory
- Afterglow
- Age of the Earth
- Airglow
- Airy disc
- Albedo
- Alfonsine tables
- Alfven universe
- ALH84001
- Alphonsine tables
- Altitude
- Alura
- Amateur astronomy
- American Nebula
- Analemma
- Angular diameter
- Angular diameter distance
- Angular size redshift relation
- Angular frequency
- Angular measurement
- Angular resolution
- Anomalistic month
- Anomalous cosmic ray
- Anomalous phenomenon
- Anomaly (astronomy)
- Antenna (electronics)
- Anthropic principle
- Aperture Masking Interferometry
- Aperture synthesis
- Apollo
- Apparent Visual Magnitude
- Apparent magnitude
- Apparent motion
- Apparent solar day
- Aratus
- Arcminute
- Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
- Arcsecond
- ArDM
- Argument of Perihelion
- Argument of the perihelion
- Armillary sphere
- Asterism (astronomy)
- Asteroid deflection strategies
- Asteroid spectral types
- Asteroseismology
- Astrodynamics
- Astrolabe
- Astronautics
- Astronomical
- Astronomical Julian calendar
- Astronomical Unit
- Astronomical aberration
- Astronomical body
- Astronomical catalogue
- Astronomical conjunction
- Astronomical distance
- Astronomical interferometer
- Astronomical naming conventions
- Astronomical object
- Astronomical opposition
- Astronomical seeing
- Astronomical society
- Astronomical spectroscopy
- Astronomical transit
- Astronomical unit
- Astronomical year numbering
- Astronomy
- Astrophotography
- Astrophysics Data System
- Atmosphere
- Aura
- Auroral light
- Autumnal equinox
- Avg. Orbital Speed
- Axial tilt
- Axis of rotation
- Azimuth
- Background (astronomy)
- Background radiation
- Bahá'í calendar
- Balthasar Behem Codex
- Barycenter
- Baryogenesis
- Baryonic matter
- Bayer designation
- Be X-ray binaries
- Behenian fixed stars
- BeppoSAX
- Big Dipper
- Binary asteroid
- BL Lac object
- Black body
- Black hole thermodynamics
- Blazar
- Bohr model
- Bolometer
- Bolometric magnitude
- Bonner Durchmusterung
- Boomerang nebula
- Boulder Sunspot Number
- Bright nebula
- Brightness
- Brocchi's Cluster
- BTA-6
- Bulge (astronomy)
- Bureau des Longitudes
- Butterfly Cluster
- Calendar Round
- Canadian Arrow
- Cardinal directions
- Carme group
- Cartesian coordinate system
- Cartography
- Catadioptric sensor
- Cavendish Astrophysics Group
- Celestial body
- Celestial body atmosphere
- Celestial body's atmosphere
- Celestial coordinate system
- Celestial dynamics
- Celestial equator
- Celestial mechanics
- Celestial navigation
- Celestial pole
- Celestial sphere
- Centaur
- Centaur rocket
- Chandler wobble
- Chandrasekhar limit
- Chinese constellation
- Chiron
- Chondrite
- Chondrule
- Chromosphere
- Circinus
- Circle of confusion
- Circle of latitude
- Circumstellar disk
- Civil Year
- Classical mechanics
- Classical physics
- Closure phase
- Cnidus
- Coalsack Nebula
- Cold dark matter
- Color index
- Color temperature
- Coma (cometary)
- Coma (optics)
- Coma (cometary)
- Coma aberration
- Coma galaxy cluster
- Comet
- Comet Encke
- Comet Halley
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
- Comet Tempel-Tuttle
- Comoving distance
- Compact object
- Compact star
- Compass
- Compton effect
- Compton scattering
- Concave lens
- Cone Nebula
- Constellation
- Constellation-X
- Contact binary
- Convex lens
- Copernican
- Copernican heliocentric system
- Copernican principle
- Copernican revolution
- Corona
- Coronagraph
- Coronal gas
- Corot (astronomy)
- Cosmic Background Imager
- Cosmic Background Radiation
- Cosmic background radiation
- Cosmic censorship hypothesis
- Cosmic radiation
- Cosmic ray
- Cosmic ray spallation
- Cosmic rays
- Cosmogony
- Cosmological Principle
- Cosmological constant
- Cosmological principle
- Cosmological time
- Cosmology
- Cosmonaut
- Coudé design
- Crab Nebula
- Crater (impact)
- Creation of the Universe
- CRESU experiment
- Crisium basin
- Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
- Cubewano
- Cygnus A
- Cygnus X-1
- Damocloid
- Danjon Scale
- Dark energy
- Dark matter
- Dark moon
- Dark nebula
- Darwin (ESA)
- Dawn Dawn
- Debye length
- Declination
- Deep sky object
- Deferent and epicycle
- Degenerate matter
- Degree (angle)
- Detached binary
- Diffraction
- Diffraction-limited
- Diffuse sky radiation
- Direct Motion see Retrograde and direct motion
- Disc (galaxy)
- Dispersion (optics)
- Diurnal motion
- Dmitri Maksutov
- Dome C
- Doppler effect
- Doppler shift
- Double pendulum
- Drake equation
- Drift velocity
- Dumbbell Nebula
- Dusk
- Dust
- Dynamical system
- Dynamical systems and chaos theory
- Early Imbrian
- Earth atmosphere
- Earth impacts
- Earth's atmosphere
- Earth's magnetic field
- Earthshine
- Eccentric anomaly
- Eclipse
- Eclipsing binary
- Ecliptic
- Ecliptic coordinate system
- Ecliptic longitude
- Eddington limit
- Eddington luminosity
- Effelsberg
- Einstein shift
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Elongation
- Emission line
- Emission nebula
- Encke division
- Energy density
- English equatorial mount
- Ephemeris
- Ephemeris Time
- Epoch (astronomy)
- Eponym
- EPR paradox
- Equation of time
- Equatorial bulge
- Equatorial coordinate system
- Equatorial mount
- Eratosthenian
- Escape velocity
- Ethane
- Euclidean geometry
- Euclidean space
- Euler angles
- European VLBI Network
- Event horizon
- Everett many-worlds interpretation
- Exeligmos
- Exit pupil
- Exterrestrial intelligence
- Extragalactic astronomy
- Extraterrestrial life
- F-number
- Facula
- Far side (Moon)
- Farthest Galaxy
- Fermi paradox
- Field (physics)
- Field curvature aberration
- Field of view
- First Point of Aries
- First Point of Libra
- First light
- FitzGerald-Lorentz Contraction
- Flamsteed designation
- Flat earth
- Flatness problem
- Flux
- Focus (geometry)
- Four-vector
- Frame of reference
- Friedmann equations
- Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker
- Full moon
- Full moon cycle
- Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer
- Fundamental plane
- Gaia probe
- Galactic astronomy
- Galactic bulge
- Galactic cluster
- Galactic coordinate system
- Galactic corona
- Galactic cosmic ray
- Galactic disk
- Galactic halo
- Galactic plane
- Galaxies
- Galaxy cluster
- Galaxy disk
- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Galaxy morphological classification
- Galaxy morphology
- Galaxy nucleus
- Galaxy rotation problem
- Galilean moons
- Galilean transformation
- Galileo Galilei
- Galileo probe
- Galileo spacecraft
- Gamma ray burst
- Gamma ray burster
- Gaussian gravitational constant
- Gegenschein
- General Relativity
- General theory of relativity
- Geocentric
- Geocentric model
- Geocentric universe
- Geodesic
- Geoid
- Geomagnetic storm
- Geostationary orbit
- German equatorial mount
- Giant impact theory
- Giant molecular cloud
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex
- Goodman-Martínez-Thompson correlation
- Grand unification epoch
- Grand unification theory
- Gravitation
- Gravitational binding energy
- Gravitational collapse
- Gravitational constant
- Gravitational field
- Gravitational force
- Gravitational instability
- Gravitational lens
- Gravitational lensing
- Gravitational microlensing
- Gravitational redshift
- Gravitational singularity
- Gravitational slingshot
- Gravitational wave
- Gravitational waves
- Graviton
- Gravity
- Gravity wave
- Great Attractor
- Great Red Spot
- Great Wall (astronomy)
- Great circle
- Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit
- Group 70
- Groups and clusters of galaxies
- GRS80
- Guldin
- H II region
- H-R diagram
- Halo (optical phenomenon)
- Haverah Park experiment
- Hawking radiation
- HD 209458b
- HE0107-5240
- Heat death
- Heliacal rising
- Heliocentric
- Heliocentric model
- Heliocentrism
- Heliopause
- Helios
- Helioseismology
- Heliosphere
- Helium flash
- Helix Nebula
- Hemisphere
- Henry Norris Russell Lectureship
- Herbig-Haro object
- Hercules Globular Cluster
- Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
- High Energy Transient Explorer
- High Resolution Fly's Eye Cosmic Ray Detector
- High-energy astronomy
- High-mass X-ray binaries
- Hilbert space
- Himalia group
- Hipparcos
- Hoag's object
- Horizon
- Horizon problem
- Horizontal branch
- Horizontal coordinate system
- Hot dark matter
- Hour angle
- Hourglass Nebula
- Hubble Deep Field
- Hubble's law
- Hubble Origins Probe
- Hubble constant
- Hubble flow
- Hubble sequence
- Hubble's law
- Huygens Region
- Huygens probe
- Hyades (star cluster)
- Hypernova
- Hyperon
- I Sin
- Icy moon
- Imbrian
- Impact basin
- Impact event
- Inclination
- Inductance
- Inex
- Inferior and superior planets
- Inferior planet
- Inflationary epoch
- Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect
- Intensity
- Intensity interferometer
- Interacting binary stars
- Intercalary day
- Intercalary month
- Intercalation
- Interferometry
- Intergalactic medium
- International Atomic Time
- International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
- International Space Station
- International Star Registry
- International Sunspot Number
- Interplanetary Scintillation Array
- Interstellar cloud
- Interstellar dust
- Interstellar medium
- Ionosphere
- IRC +10216
- Isolated singularity
- Ithaca Chasma
- Kaluza-Klein theory
- Kamacite
- Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism
- Kepler's laws of planetary motion
- Keplerian harmonic law
- KStars
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Lambda-CDM model
- Lansberg's tables
- Large Magellanic Cloud
- Late Nectarian
- Latitude
- Law of universal gravitation
- Leonids
- Libration
- Light curve
- Light pollution
- Light-year
- Light-time correction
- LISA (astronomy)
- Local Group
- Local Supercluster
- Long Count
- Longitude
- Longitude prize
- Loop quantum gravity
- Lorentz transformation
- Lorentz transformation equations
- Lorentzian function
- Lorenz attractor
- Low-mass X-ray binaries
- Lower Imbrian
- Lucky imaging
- Luminance
- Luminiferous aether
- Luminosity
- Luminosity distance
- Lunar calendar
- Lunar distance
- Lunar eclipse
- Lunar geologic timescale
- Lunar mare
- Lunar meteorite
- Lunar node
- Lunar phase
- Lunar precession
- Lunation
- Lunisolar calendar
- Lunisolar precession
- Lyot filter
- M-theory
- M-theory simplified
- MacTutor archive
- Mach's principle
- Maffei Group
- Magellanic Clouds
- Magnetic flux tubes
- Magnetopause
- Magnetosphere
- Magnitude
- Magnitude comparison
- Main belt
- Main sequence
- Manifold
- Many-worlds interpretation
- Mars Express
- Mars Global Surveyor
- Mars Pathfinder
- Marshall Space Flight Center
- Martian meteorite
- Maser
- Mass extinction
- Mass transfer
- Mass-energy equivalence
- Massive compact halo object
- Maunder Minimum
- Max Born
- Mean anomaly
- Mean sun
- Megaparsec
- Megrez
- Meridian (astronomy)
- Meridian (geography)
- Messier marathon
- Messier object
- Metal-poor
- Metal-rich
- Metallicity
- Meteor
- Meteor shower
- Meteorite
- Meteorites classification
- Meteoroid
- Methods of detecting extrasolar planets
- Metonic cycle
- Metric space
- Michelson-Morley experiment
- Microquasar
- Milankovitch cycles
- Minkowski space
- Minor Planet Center
- Minor planet
- Minute of arc
- Mir
- Modern geocentrism
- Modified Newtonian dynamics
- Molecular cloud
- Molecular hydrogen
- Moon phase
- Muliphem
- Multiverse
- N-body problem
- Nadir
- Naive set theory
- Naked eye
- Naked singularity
- Natural satellite
- Nature (journal)
- Navigation
- NEAR Shoemaker
- Near-Earth object
- Nebular hypothesis
- Nectarian
- Nectarian System
- Nemesis (star)
- Nemontemi
- Neutrino mass
- Neutrino oscillation
- Neutronium
- New Horizons
- New moon
- Newcomb's Tables of the Sun
- Newton's laws of motion
- Newtonian mechanics
- Newtonian physics
- Night sky
- Node (astronomy)
- Non-Euclidean geometry
- North
- North Star
- Northern Hemisphere
- Nucleocosmochronology
- Nutation
- Oblateness
- Obliquity of the ecliptic
- Observable universe
- Observation
- Occultation
- Octans
- OH maser
- Olbers' paradox
- Olympus Mons
- Omniverse
- Oort cloud
- Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit
- Opposition (astronomy)
- Optical axis
- Optical depth
- Optical double
- Optical interferometry
- Optical window
- Origin of life
- Orion Nebula
- Orrery
- Oscillatory universe
- Outer Rook Mountains
- Outer space
- P-process
- Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
- Palimpsest
- Pallasite
- Panspermia
- Parallax
- Parallel universe
- Parsec
- Particle horizon
- Pasiphaë group
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Penrose, Roger
- Penumbra
- Perseus Cluster
- Photographic plate
- Photometry
- Photosphere
- Pittendreigh's Law of Planetary Motion
- Planck Surveyor
- Planck units
- Planck's law of black body radiation
- Planet
- Planet X
- Planetarium
- Planetary Hypothesis
- Planetary motion
- Planetary nebula
- Planetary nomenclature
- Planetary orbit
- Planetary phase
- Planetary ring
- Planetary science
- Planetary system
- Planetesimal
- Planetoid
- Planetology
- Planisphaerium
- Plateau de Bure Interferometer
- Pleiades
- Plekhnaton
- Plutino
- Poincaré group
- Point source
- Point mass
- Polar Aurora
- Polar coordinate system
- Polar coordinates
- Polar distance
- Polarimetry
- Polarization
- Polarized light
- Pole
- Population II
- Positional astronomy
- Pre-Nectarian
- Precession
- Primordial black hole
- Primordial material
- Principle of relativity
- Prism (optics)
- Procyon A
- Procyon B
- Prograde Motion (or Prograde Orbit) see Retrograde and direct motion
- Pronunciation of asteroid names
- Proper motion
- Proper motion distance
- Proper time
- Proplyd
- Proto-star
- Proton-antiproton imbalance
- Proton-proton chain
- Protoplanetary disc
- Protoplanetary disk
- Protostar
- Protostellar disk
- Provisional designation
- Prussian tables
- Prutenicae Tabulae
- PSR 1257 plus 12
- PSR B1620-26
- PSR B1620-26c
- PSR J1748-2446ad
- Ptolemaic system
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy Cluster
- Quadrant
- Quadrivium
- Quantum gravity
- Quaoar
- Quark-antiquark epoch
- Quark-gluon plasma
- Quasar
- Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies
- Quintessence
- Quintessence (physics)
- Radial velocity
- Radian
- Radiant
- Radiation pressure
- Radio halo
- Radio star
- Radio window
- Rare Earth hypothesis
- RATAN-600
- Rayleigh scattering
- Red clump
- Reference frame
- Reflection nebula
- Regolith
- Relativistic jet
- Research Consortium on Nearby Stars
- Resolution (optics)
- Resolving power
- Revised Julian calendar
- Rhyolite
- Riemannian geometry
- Right ascension
- Ring current
- Rings of Saturn
- Roche limit
- Roche lobe
- Rocket
- Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
- Rotation period
- Royal Astronomical Society
- S/1986 U 10
- S/2001 U 2
- S/2001 U 3
- S/2003 J 12
- S/2003 J 2
- S/2003 U 1
- S/2003 U 2
- S/2003 U 3
- S/2004 S 10
- S/2004 S 11
- S/2004 S 12
- S/2004 S 13
- S/2004 S 14
- S/2004 S 15
- S/2004 S 16
- S/2004 S 17
- S/2004 S 18
- S/2004 S 3
- S/2004 S 4
- S/2004 S 6
- S/2004 S 7
- S/2004 S 8
- S/2004 S 9
- Sagittarius A
- Saros cycle
- Satellite
- Savilian chair of astronomy
- Scattered disc
- Schmidt camera
- Schmidt corrector plate
- Schmidt survey
- Schwarzschild metric
- Schwarzschild radius
- Schwassmann-Wachmann-3
- Scintillation (astronomy)
- Sculptor Group
- Second Superstring Revolution
- Second of arc
- Secondary mirror
- Selenography
- Seeing
- Semidetached binary
- Serrurier truss
- Setting circles
- Sextant
- Seyfert's Sextet
- Shape of the universe
- Shepherd satellite
- Shift-and-add
- Skies of other planets
- Sky
- Skylab
- Small Magellanic Cloud
- Small-angle formula
- SN 1604
- Snell's law
- Soft X-ray transient
- Soft gamma repeater
- Solar System
- Solar activity
- Solar calendar
- Solar cosmic ray
- Solar cycle
- Solar eclipse
- Solar flare
- Solar luminosity
- Solar mass
- Solar maximum
- Solar nebula
- Solar neutrino problem
- Solar prominence
- Solar radiation
- Solar sail
- Solar system
- Solar time
- Solar variation
- Solar wind
- Sothic cycle
- South
- South Pole-Aitken basin
- South pole
- Southern Hemisphere
- Southern hemisphere
- Space
- Space Interferometry Mission
- Space Race
- Space science
- Space station
- Space weather
- Spacetime
- Spacewatch
- Specific orbital energy
- Speckle imaging
- Spectral class
- Spectral classification
- Spectral density
- Spectral type
- Spectrograph
- Spectroheliograph
- Spectrometer
- Spectrometry
- Spectroscope
- Spectroscopy
- Spectrum-X-Gamma
- Speed of gravity
- Speed of light
- Spherical aberration
- Spiral arm
- Spoerer law
- Stable isotope
- Standard Model
- Standard candle
- Standard gravitational parameter
- Standard model
- Star cluster
- Star designation
- Star formation
- Star party
- Star system
- Starlink Project
- Stars
- Steady state theory
- Stellar association
- Stellar astronomy
- Stellar classification
- Stellar dynamics
- Stellar evolution
- Stellar nucleosynthesis
- Stellar nursery
- Stellar population
- Stellar wind
- Stratosphere
- String theory
- Strong interaction
- Strong nuclear force
- Subcluster
- Subdwarf
- Submillimeter Array
- Substellar
- Summer solstice
- Sun dog
- Sunspot
- Sunspot Index
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- Super jupiter
- Super-Kamiokande
- SuperWASP
- Supercluster
- Supergiant
- Supergravity
- Superior planet
- Superluminal motion
- Supermassive black hole
- Supernova
- Supernova 1604
- Supernova 1987a
- Supernova nucleosynthesis
- Supernova remnant
- Superstring theory
- Supersymmetry
- Surface brightness
- Symbols, astronomical
- Synchronous rotation
- Synchrotron radiation
- Syzygy
- Taikonaut
- Tarantula Nebula
- Teegarden's star
- Tektite
- Terminator
- Terrae
- Terraforming
- Terrestrial Planet Finder
- Terrestrial Time
- Terrestrial planet
- Thales
- The Big Ear
- Thorne-Zytkow object
- Thuban
- Tidal acceleration
- Tidal force
- Tidal locking
- Tidal resonance
- Tide
- Time dilation
- Tip-tilt mirror
- Titius-Bode law
- Toledan tables
- Tonalamatl
- Topology of the universe
- Torino Scale
- Tpoint
- Trans-Neptunian object
- Transit (astronomy)
- Transit of Deimos from Mars
- Transit of Earth from Mars
- Transit of Mercury
- Transit of Phobos from Mars
- Transit of Venus
- Triple-alpha process
- Tropical zodiac
- Tully-Fisher relation
- Tunguska event
- Turbulence
- Twilight
- Twin paradox
- Two-body problem
- Twotino
- Tychonic system
- Tzolk'in
- Uhuru (satellite)
- Ultimate fate of the Universe
- Umbra
- Unidentified flying object
- Unified Theory of Active Galaxies
- Unmanned space mission
- Upper Imbrian
- Urania
- Uraniborg
- Uranometria
- Ursa Major Moving Group
- Van Allen radiation belt
- Variable star designation
- Very Long Baseline Interferometry
- Virgo Supercluster
- Virgo cluster
- VIRGO (physics)
- Virial theorem
- Visual magnitude
Alpha reactions Alpha reactions Carbon burning process Carbon burning process Oxygen burning process Oxygen burning process Silicon burning process Silicon burning process