List of psychologists
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This list includes notable psychologists and contributors to psychology, some of whom may not have thought of themselves primarily as psychologists but are included here because of their important contributions to the discipline.
Specialised lists of psychologists can be found at the articles comparative psychology, list of social psychologists, list of Clinical Psychologists, list of evolutionary psychologists and list of cognitive scientists. Psychologists included in those lists are also listed below:
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- Lyn Yvonne Abramson
- Narziss Ach
- Thomas M Achenbach
- Alfred Adler
- William Stewart Agras
- Hagop S Akiskal
- George Albee
- Jüri Allik
- Lauren Alloy
- Gordon Allport
- John R. Anderson
- Nancy C. Andreasen (psychiatrist)
- Ernst Angel
- Heinz Ansbacher
- C James Anthony
- John Archer
- Michael Argyle
- Solomon Asch
- Roberto Assagioli
- John William Atkinson
- Aušra Augustinavičiūtė
[edit] B
- Alan D Baddeley
- Michael R Bagby
- Ross J Baldessarani
- James C Ballenger
- Albert Bandura
- Richard Bandler (Co-Founder of Neuro-linguistic programming - NLP)
- Russell Barkley
- Jerome Barkow
- David H Barlow
- Reuben M Baron
- Lisa Feldman Barrett
- Lawrence W. Barsalou
- Frederic Bartlett
- Daniel Batson
- Roy F Baumeister
- Aaron Beck
- Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
- Jay Belsky
- Peter M Bentler
- Allen E. Bergin
- Karen Faith Berman
- Steve Biddulph
- Joseph Biederman
- Alfred Binet
- Elizabeth Bjork
- Robert Bjork
- David F. Bjorklund [1]
- Edward B Blanchard
- Dan German Blazer
- Howard Bloom
- Gordon H. Bower
- Jeff H Boyd
- David L Braff
- Nathaniel Branden
- Max Brandt
- Alan Breier
- Naomi Breslau
- Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
- George W Brown
- Jerome Bruner
- Monte S Buchbaum
- William E Bunney
- Jeffrey D Burke
- M Audrey Burnham
- Emily Bushnell
- David Buss
- Nelson Butters
- Ruth M. J. Byrne
[edit] C
- John T Cacioppo
- Mary Whiton Calkins
- Alfonso Caramazza
- William T Carpenter
- Bernard J Carroll
- Charles S Carver
- Laura Carstensen
- James Cattell
- Raymond Cattell
- Gina Cerminara
- William V. Chambers
- Jean-Martin Charcot
- Dennis Stuart Charney
- Nancy Chodorow
- Nicholas Christenfeld
- Robert Cialdini
- Lee Anna Clark
- C Robert Cloninger
- Donald J Cohen
- Jacob Cohen
- John Cohen
- Ronald L. Cohen
- Sheldon Cohen
- Jonathan Otis Cole
- Clyde Coombs
- William Coryell
- Leda Cosmides
- Paul T Costa
- James C Coyne
- Michelle G. Craske
- Jack L Croughan
- Lee Cronbach
- Tim J Crow
[edit] D
- Martin Daly
- Micheal Davidson
- Robert J Davidson
- Mark Davies
- John Marcell Davis
- Kenneth L Davis
- John Darley
- Daniel O David
- Richard Dawkins (For his work on Memes and relation to Evolutionary psychology)
- Lisa DeBruine
- Lynne Eleanor DeLisi
- Lloyd deMause
- John Dewey
- Mark Diamond
- Carlo C DiClemente
- Ed Diener
- Raffaella Di Marzio
- Dietrich Doerner
- Kenneth A Dodge
- Arthur A. Dole
- Emanuel E Donchin
- Robert E Drake
- Robin Dunbar
[edit] E
- Lindon J Eaves
- Hermann Ebbinghaus
- Derek Edwards
- Steve Eichel
- Paul Ekman
- Torbjörn K A Eliazon
- Albert Ellis (founder of "Rational Emotive Behavorial Therapy")
- Bruce J. Ellis
- Havelock Ellis
- Jean Endicott
- Erik H. Erikson
- Milton H. Erickson
- John E. Exner
- Hans Eysenck
[edit] F
- Christopher G Fairbain
- Martha J Farah
- Steve V Farone
- Micheal Feinberg
- David R. Feinberg
- Leon Festinger
- Edna B Foa
- Susan Folkman
- James W. Fowler
- Allen Francis
- Ellen Frank
- Viktor Frankl
- Barbara Fredrickson
- Anna Freud
- Sigmund Freud (founder of Psychoanalysis)
- Christopher Donald Frith
- Erich Fromm
- Adrian Furnham
- Abbey Joy Fyer
[edit] G
- John Gabrieli
- Dianna Gamble
- Francis Galton
- Paul E Garfinkel
- David Marshall Garner
- Elmer R. Gates
- Linda K George
- Elliot S Gershon
- J. J. Gibson
- J Christian Gillin
- Ronald Glaser
- Harold Goldstein
- Daniel Goleman
- Peter Gollwitzer
- Stan Gooch
- Wayne Kim Goodman
- Frederick K Goodwin
- Jack M Gorman
- Ian H Gotlib
- Elizabeth Gould
- Peter Graf
- John F Greden (psychiatrist)
- James Gross
- Robert Grosseteste
- William M Grove
- J. P. Guilford
- John G Gunderson
- Raquel E Gur
- Ruben C Gur
[edit] H
- Jay Haley
- G. Stanley Hall
- Constance Hammen - Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences - published expert on depression
- Erlendur Haraldsson
- Robert Hare
- Harry Harlow
- Roger F Haskett - Professor of Psychiatry University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, highly published author on depression
- Jacques Hassoun
- Andrew Charles Heath - Associate Professor of Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, Washington University in St. Louis
- Donald O. Hebb
- Heinz Heckhausen - Professor of Psychology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. Gestalt psychology research on theories of motivation.
- John Earl Helzer - Highly cited psychiatrist
- Fritz Heider
- Asgeir R. Helgason
- Richard Herrnstein
- George R Heninger - Psychiatrist and neurobiologist - Researching depression, antidepressant therapies, and psychopharmacology
- Steven A Hillyard
- Robert M A Hirschfield
- Leta Hollingworth
- Steven Dennis Hollon
- Edwin Holt
- Karen Horney
- James I Hudson
- Micheal Hughes
- Clark L. Hull
- Glyn W Humphreys
- Edwin Hutchins
[edit] I
- Thomas R Insel
[edit] J
- Neil S Jacobsen
- Larry L Jacoby
- Oliver James
- William James
- Kay Redfield Jamison
- Arthur Janov (invented Primal therapy)
- Leonard Jason
- Julian Jaynes
- Micheal Andrew Jenike
- Dilip V Jeste
- Marcia K. Johnson
- Robert A. Johnson
- Eve C Johnstone
- Philip Johnson-Laird
- Anthony Francis Jorm
- Ernest Jones
- Mary Cover Jones
- Carl Gustav Jung
[edit] K
- Daniel Kahneman (Nobel laureate)
- George Kelly
- John M Kane
- Marvin Karno
- Wayne Katon
- Alan E Kasdin
- Paul E Keck
- Martin B Keller
- Harold Kelley
- Susan J. Kelley
- Philip Charles Kendall
- Kenneth S Kendler
- David A Kenny
- Otto F. Kernberg (psychiatrist)
- Ronald C Kessler
- Kenneth K Kidd
- Janice K Kiecolt-Glaser
- Doreen Kimura
- Alfred Kinsey
- Melanie Klein
- Gerald L Klerman
- Friedhart Klix
- Brian Knutson
- Kurt Koffka (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Wolfgang Köhler (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Lawrence Kohlberg
- Heinz Kohut
- Maria Kovacs
- Emil Kraepelin
- Ziad Kronfol
- John H Krystal
- Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
- Julius Kuhl
- David J Kupfer
[edit] L
- Douglas LaBier
- Jacques Lacan
- Benjamin B Lahey
- Ellen Langer
- Michael Langone
- Jan van der Lans
- Karl Lashley
- Bibb Latane
- Phillip W Lavori
- Richard Lazarus
- Philip J Leaf
- Joaquin Leal
- Timothy Leary
- Gerry Leisman
- Raymond Levy
- Kurt Lewin
- Peter M Lewinsohn
- David Lewis
- Michael Leyton
- Benjamin Libet
- Jeffrey Alan Lieberman (psychiatrist)
- Micheal R Liebwitz
- Marsha M. Linehan
- Markku Linnoila
- Ben Z Locke
- Rolf Loeber
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Gordon D Logan
- Konrad Lorenz
- Lester Luborsky
- Alexander Romanovich Luria/Lurija
[edit] M
- Michael H J Maes
- Margaret Mahler
- Sam Maniar (sport psychologist)
- Manas K. Mandal
- J John Mann
- Stephen R Marder
- Herbert W Marsh
- Paul R. Martin
- Abraham Maslow
- William Masters and Virginia Johnson (Physicians, not psychologists)
- Andrew Matthews
- Karen A Mathews
- Rollo May
- David McClelland
- James McClelland
- Robert R McCrea
- William McDougall
- Susan l McElroy
- Rob McGee
- Thomas H McGlashen
- Katherine A McGonagle
- Patrick J McGrath
- Peter McGuffin
- A Thomas McClellan
- Richard J McNally
- Sarnoff A Mednick
- Jacques Mehler
- Ronald Melzack
- Katherine R Merikangas
- Wolfgang Metzger
- Stanley Milgram
- Alice Miller
- George A. Miller
- Jesse S. Miller
- Neal E. Miller
- Brenda Milner
- Arnold Mindell (founder of Process Oriented Psychology)
- Jim Mintz
- James E Mitchell
- Stephen A. Mitchell
- Terrie E Moffitt
- Richard C Mohs
- Raymond Moody
- Rudolph H Moos
- Jacob L. Moreno (founder of Psychodrama)
- C. Lloyd Morgan (noted for his canon)
- Orval Hobart Mowrer
- Kim T Mueser
- Hugo Munsterberg
- Dennis L Murphy
- John F. Murray (sport psychologist)
- Robin M Murray
- J K Myers
[edit] N
- Risto Naatanen
- Micheal C Neale
- Ulric Neisser
- Alexander Sutherland Neill
- Christopher B Nelson
- Charles B Nemeroff
- Erich Neumann
- Richard Nisbett
- Donald Norman
- Kent Norman
- Russell Noyes
- Keith H Nuechterlein
[edit] O
- Charles P O'Brien
- David R Offord
- Thomas Ogden
- James "Jim" Olds
- Helen Orvaschel
- Hussein Olad
- Charles E. Osgood
[edit] P
- Allan Paivio
- Linda Papadopoulos
- Gordon Parker
- David L Pauls
- Ivan Pavlov
- Godfrey D Pearlson
- James W Pennebaker
- James M Perel
- Fritz Perls
- Christopher Peterson
- Paul Phelps
- Jean Piaget
- David Pickar
- Steven Pinker
- Robert Plomin
- Janet Polivy
- Harrison Graham Pope
- Robert M Post
- Jonathan Potter
- William Z Potter
- James W. Prescott
- Lawrence H Price
- James O Prochaska
- Brigitte Aubach Prusoff
- Joaquim Puig-Antich
- Zenon Pylyshyn
[edit] Q
- Frederic M Quitkin
[edit] R
- Donald S Rae
- Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
- Otto Rank
- Judith L Rappaport
- Steven S Rasmussen
- Roger Ratcliff
- Keith Rayner
- Darrel A Regier
- Wilhelm Reich (psychiatrist not psychologist)
- Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- Samuel Renshaw
- Charles F Reynolds
- Karl Rickels
- Sylvia Rimm
- Lee Nelken Robins
- Robert G Robinson
- Judith Rodin
- Henry L Roediger
- Carl Rogers
- Stephen Rollnick (Together with Miller W.R. founder of Motivational Interviewing)
- Hermann Rorschach
- Eleanor Rosch
- Jerrold F Rosenbaum
- Norman E Rosenthal
- Robert Rosenthal
- Mark R. Rosenzweig
- Barbara Rothbaum (Pioneer in the field of Virtual reality therapy )
- Julian Rotter
- Bruce James Rounsaville
- John Rowan
- Alec Roy
- David Rumelhart
- John A Rush
- Micheal L Rutter
[edit] S
- David A Sack
- Timothy A Salthouse
- Virginia Satir (A social worker, not a psychologist)
- Daniel Schacter
- Stanley Schachter
- Roy Schafer
- Micheal F Scheier
- Edgar Schein
- Marc A Schckit
- Walter Dill Scott
- Margaret Singer
- Mark S Seidenberg
- Martin Seligman
- David Schaffer
- Tamara Sher
- Steven J Sherman
- Morita Shoma
- Larry J Siever
- Phil A Silva
- Mark Sirkin
- Burrhus F. Skinner
- Herbert Simon (Nobel laureate)
- Paul Slovic
- Steven M. Smith
- Timothy W Smith
- Stanley Smith Stevens
- Charles Spearman
- Robert L Spitzer
- Larry R Squire
- Brett N. Steenbarger
- Robert A Steer
- Robert Sternberg
- Jonathan W Stewart
- Harry Stack Sullivan
- Hal Stone (co-creator of Voice Dialogue and Psychology of Selves)
- Sidra Stone (co-creator of Voice Dialogue and Psychology of Selves)
- Wafa Sultan
- William Swann
- José Szapocznik
[edit] T
- C Barr Taylor
- Shelley E Taylor
- Auke Tellegen
- Maurice K. Temerlin
- Lewis Terman
- Edward L. Thorndike
- Micheal E Thrase
- L. L. Thurstone
- Gary L Tischler
- Edward Titchener
- Endel Tulving
- Edward C. Tolman
- John Tooby
- Anne Treisman
- Harry C Triandis
- Jeanne Tsai
- Ming T Tsuang
- Endel Tulving
- Amos Tversky
[edit] U
- Thomas W Uhde
- Dimitri Uznadze
[edit] V
- Alfons Vansteenwegen
- Wayne F Velicer
- Micheal von Korff
- Lev Vygotsky
- Dr. J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner
[edit] W
- Henri Wallon (French psychologist)
- Hans-Juergen Walter (founder of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy)
- Brian Wansink
- Margaret Floy Washburn (First female PhD in psychology)
- David Watson
- John B. Watson
- Paul Watzlawick
- Sandra R Waxman
- David Wechsler
- Thomas A Wehr
- Daniel R Weinberger
- Bernard Wiener
- Herbert J Weingartner
- Myrna M Weissman
- John R Weisz
- Max Wertheimer (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Michael White (founder of Narrative Therapy)
- Ken Wilber (Transpersonal psychology, then Integral psychology)
- Janet B W Williams
- Redford B Williams
- Thomas A Wills
- George Winokur
- Hans-Ulric Wittchen
- Donald Woods Winnicott
- Robert S. Woodworth
- Wilhelm Wundt (father of Experimental psychology)
- Richard J Wyatt
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- Irvin Yalom (A psychiatrist, not a psychologist)
- Robert Yerkes
- Andrew W Young
- Polly Young-Eisendrath
[edit] Z
- Robert J. Zajonc
- Oliver Zangwill
- René Zazzo
- Bluma Zeigarnik
- Kenny Zhao
- Shanang Zhao
- Philip Zimbardo
- Mark Zimmerman
[edit] Prescientific theorists
[edit] See also
- List of cognitive scientists
- List of Clinical Psychologists
- List of people by occupation
- List of social psychologists
- List of psychiatrists