List of schools of philosophy
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List of philosophical schools and movements:
- Abderites
- Aberdeen Philosophical Society
- Academics
- Achintya Bheda Abheda
- Agriculture School
- Alexandrian School
- New England Transcendentalism
- Arianism
- Arminianism
- Athenian School
- Australian materialism
- Baden School
- Bavarian Illuminati
- Buchmanism
- Cambridge Platonists
- Carolingian Renaissance
- Chinese Legalism
- Collegium Conimbricense
- Confucianism
- Copernican revolution
- Critical Realism
- Cynics
- Cyrenaics
- Dialectical School
- Dvaita
- Dvaitadvaita
- Eleatic School
- Elian School
- Epicureans
- Eurasian Movement
- Frankfurt School
- Gaudiya Vaishnavism
- Hellenistic philosophy
- Hilbert's Program
- Kyoto School
- Lwow-Warsaw School of Logic
- Marburg School
- Megarian School
- Moscow-Tartu School
- Nyaya School
- Oxford Calculators
- Peripatetics
- Pluralist School
- Port-Royal Schools
- Praxis School
- School of Chartres
- School of Names
- School of Salamanca
- Scottish School of Common Sense
- Shuddhadvaita
- Signposts Movement
- Skeptics
- Sophists
- Stoics
- Tel Quel group
- Vienna Circle
- Vishishtadvaita
- Young Hegelians