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- The ancient name of a royal Canaanite city, connected with Bethel (Gen. 28:19; 35:6). It is debated among scholars whether Luz and Bethel represent one and the same town - the former the Canannite name, the latter the Hebrew name - or whether they were distinct places, though in proximity to each other.
- A town in the north, founded (Judg. 1:26) by "a man who came forth out of the city of Luz". It is identified by some with Luweiziyeh, 4 miles northwest of Banias.
- There is a small bone in the body at the base of the spinal column called the Luz bone (some identify this bone as the coccyx) from which the body will be rebuilt at the time of resurrection . Muslims and Jews share the belief that this bone does not decay . Muslim books refer to this bone as "^Ajbu al-Thanab" --(عَجْبُ الذَّنَب). In Judaism, Rabbi Joshua Ben Hananiah replied to Hadrian, as to how man revived in the world to come, "From Luz, in the back-bone."