Talk:Manitoba Hydro
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[edit] Peer review request
I would appreciate any comments. How is my organization? Clarity? Is the article deep enough? Let's check the criteria:
- Comprehensive - I think so.
- Acurate - I have sources for statements and numbers, so I think I'm OK there.
- Stable - Pretty nearly, I added the gas customers stuff and that's the last big change.
- Well-written - That's my big concern. Is my prose "brilliant" or even readable?
- Uncontroversial - I believe I've been neutral in describing the conflicts that the company faces.
- Standards manual - Checking, but I don't yet see any glaring discrepancies.
- Images - I need at least one more of the company logo, I'd like to get one of Limestone GS (plenty of pictures around but none that I can get into the PD, so far)
- Length - I think it's about the right length. I suppose I could exhaustively list every CEO, but I find that sort of thing dull and I can't imagine it's of general interest - some MH CEOs may have their own articles, I should link them here.
I bet no featured article is ever the product of one I'd like to get some bold assistance here. Thanks,--Wtshymanski 22:08, 16 May 2005 (UTC)
=== Exports === Some factual edits
- A US Presidential Permit regulates the construction and operation of cross-border transmission lines. US Export Permits are needed to send power out of the US. [1]
- It is doubtful that the Canadian dollar is supported by power exports because power sales to the US are done in US dollars.