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[edit] Circular Link
Really nice, you created a circular link than I was trying to avoid: Fisher goes to Marten and Marten goes to Fisher.
Eh? RickK | Talk 05:01, 22 Mar 2004 (UTC)
I only started messing with this category because the name Marten came up in something I was doing. I noticed that it was messy, so I decided to fix it up temporarily so that my link was ok. FISHER goes to a disambiguation page, ane the animal link goes back to FISHER. Not so good. Tmesipt.
- What we need to sort it out is a proper species page on the Fisher (biology). If I get time I'll do it, though it will have to be largely a crib from web sources, it's not an animal I know myself. It looks as if we don't have an expert on Mustelidae - like Tmespit I got drawn into these pages because I was linking into them from elsewhere and I found a mess (I'm still trying to knock some sense into genus Mustela, and it will be a while before I have time to deal with the whole of Martes). seglea 07:55, 22 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- OK, I have created Fisher (biology) and fixed all the links I can find, so there should be no circle any longer. seglea 18:55, 22 Mar 2004 (UTC)
- I moved Fisher (biology) to Fisher (animal). This follows the pattern established on other pages such as Badger (animal) Dsmdgold 03:42, 24 Mar 2004 (UTC)
Hi. I'm not exactly sure how to make this change to the page regarding Martens.. but it says they are carnivores. But they are actually Omnivores. They eat blueberries, raspberries, and many other sweet, small fruits. I saw a video called Meet the Martens, which was distrubitedbuted by [1]. You can read more here:
Hope this helps.
Somebody posted out of place the phrase "they look cute,but dont be fooled." I got rid of it. Whoever did that, please don't do it again.
Where do they live? The entry isn't very in-depth.