Mathias Bröckers
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Mathias Bröckers is a writer, journalist and longtime editor of the Berlin daily taz (die tageszeitung). Starting in the Sept. 13, 2001, edition of the online magazine Telepolis[1], he recorded his research in an investigative journal that attracted many readers. He has subsequently published two books on 9/11: Verschwörungen, Verschwörungstheorien und die Geheimnisse des 11.9, ISBN 3861504561, a bestseller in Germany and internationally. It is the only alternative book on 9/11 to be translated into English from the German, under ISBN 09308352230 as Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11 [2]. The sequel was Fakten, Fälschungen und die unterdrückten Beweise des 11.9, ISBN 3861506041 (Facts, Forgeries and the Suppressed Evidence of 9/11).
From the very beginning Broeckers stated that the unanimous voice of the media made him suspicious: "Although it was the biggest police investigation of all time," he writes, "one year after the attacks the amount of evidence gathered against those who allegedly masterminded them, Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group Al Queda, comes to no more than it did only a few hours afterwards: virtually nothing."[3]
As an admirer and translator of the work of novelist Robert Anton Wilson, co-author of the The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Bröckers was already writing a book on a "new science of conspirology" in Sept. 2001, which led to his work on 9/11. The proposed science would include "a general theory of conspiracy theories" as a guide to assessing their validity, instead of blindly demonizing them. He assigns conspiracy a key role in history and biology as a powerful hybrid of the forces of competition and co-operation.
Broeckers is also a long-time activist and author advocating the legalization of hemp. In 1993 he co-authored wrote the influential Die Wiederentdeckung der Nutzpflanze Hanf (The Rediscovery of the Useful Plant Hemp) with Jack Herer. His Albert Hofmann und die Entdeckung des LSD (the Discovery of LSD) was published in Jan. 2006.
The English spelling of his last name is Broeckers (not Brockers), and is pronounced like Brookers.
[edit] External links
[4] "9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books Dominate Debate at Frankfurt Book Fair," Deutsche Welle (German Radio)
[5] Broeckers' website
[6] Broeckers' blog
[7] English translation of his Biography