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Please update your user page!—--May-Tzu 05:25, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Among the Laputans it was not considered true that a house built of metaphors is not as strong as a house built of straw. It had been said since time immemorial that a house built of metaphors is stronger than a house built of bricks and mortar. It is not known if the Laputans meant this metaphorically or literally. But it has been noted that the Laputans left no relics or artifacts of their past glory and are said to have had no shadows. This absence of evidence for the existance of the Laputans is, in fact, the most enduring monument to the greatness of their achievements.
Ц—←--May-Tzu 21:45, 23 July 2006 (UST)
The Laputans find composing plays to be far too practical and randomness, itself, excessively ordered; Yet they accomplish the most complex tasks by seemingly random actions, which depend upon a perfect utilization of the butterfly effect. Some dwell invisibly in ancient cities which have long since vanished from the Earth.
The Laputan space program is attempting to determine the location of their ancestral planet, Earth. (All Laputans are rumored to have at least 300 IQs.) There is no consensus among the even most pragmatic on how to determine which direction is "down", in order to reach the Earth. But, as an expression of unity, their plan is to launch exploratory spacecraft at more or less random times off the island of Laputa in all possible directions. At some later time the Laputan astronauts will devise a plan to regroup somewhere and then construct a complete model of the cosmos on a larger scale than the cosmos, itself, in order to gain precision.
Among the Laputans endurance breathing is considered a lifetime sport and one which they are truly motivated to play, usually on highly competitive endurance breathing teams, but sometimes in solitude among the clouds. The games are, of course, televised 24 - 7, but often the uninitiated have difficulty differentiating the sportsmen from the spectators. The games continue until everyone in the range of a particular camera deceases of old age or of the intense excitement of the sports competition, itself.
The Holy Land
According to the One-and-Only-One True Revelation, the entire surface of the Earth, and even below the surface to a considerable depth, was given forever by the Landlord to the Chosen Bacteria. Even today, unnoticed amidst the Arabs and the Jews, bacteria continue to live quietly and worship within their Holy Land, according to their ancient traditions. Only the Chosen Bacteria received a Revelation of pure signal with no noise.
Freedom, peace and prosperity are far better than their absence or negation. But ideologies are one-dimensional left-right maps of multidimensional territories of phenomenal processes and values; the attempted depiction of a cube or tesseract using only a straight line segment. There are no front-wingers or back-wingers, and no up-wingers or down-wingers. Moreover, unlike conventional maps, ideologies usually better serve the manufacturer of the map than the individual attempting to find his way.
The Near Shall Be Far; And The Far Near
In already-withered futures everyone will be incredibly famous throughout uncountable worlds of unimaginably remote galaxies in other parallel universes; considered celebrities by innumerable life forms unrecognizable and incomprehensible to them. However, the closer one approaches to anyone proximate, the more darkly obscure she will become, and then increasingly unfamiliar with the passage of time; No one nearby will be dimly recognizable or ever be known, even by rumors; Languages will have no words for mother or other; Standing before the mirror, one will see no reflection; Yet this will be considered unremarkable.
On Our Increased Longevity
A profoundly depressed person may well not be capable of suicide. This could account for the increased longevity of modern Western man, rather than public health measures and medicine alone. More modern humans than in the past are simply too depressed to commit suicide. But every so often there is a cycle of collective improvement in the mass psyche. Perhaps it is occasioned by a slight reduction in the mass consumerism and endless striving after wealth and status. More individuals become less depressed and this improvement in the mass psyche is generally manifested as a mass suicide-homicide movement, perhaps a local conflict or major war.
After so many years of striving I finally became a blind rodent, incessantly gnawing its way through a limitless garbage heap, contemplating its own sublimity; listening with resentment to the gnawing sounds of its blind fellows nearby.
–—…°≈≠±−×÷←→§May-Tzu 00:40, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
–—…°≈≠±−×÷←→·§May-Tzu 04:16, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
–—…°≈≠±−×÷←→§May-Tzu 04:10, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
——…°≈≠±−×÷←→§May-Tzu 06:58, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
–—…°≈≠−−×÷←→·§May-Tzu 04:19, 29 November 2006 (UTC) May-Tzu
–——…°≈≠±−×÷←→§May-Tzu 07:18, 25 December 2006 (UTC)